Designing Your Home For A New Artistic Project

From time to time we can fell ourselves positively glow with creative interest. This might have been spurred on by someone we know, something we saw or read, or simply waking up one day feeling like this is the best way forward. Designing your home for a new artistic project can be exhilarating, as we not only get to submerge ourselves in a new craft, but to find our very own style within it. Artistic projects could denote anything, but for this article we’re going to focus on the accepted and standard definition of something creative and expressive, such as painting, sculpting, or even something physically expressive like dance.

Heading to a dedicated club can be a great method of meeting new people and becoming introduced to this in perhaps one of the best ways possible. But often, it can also be extremely important to practice at home in order to train yourself in the best manner possible. It can pay to separate a singular room for this activity. The design of which could be helped by the following efforts:

Shallow Focus Photography of Paintbrush

[Photo courtesy of  Daian Gan /]

Storage Options

Most hobbies will include some form of expense, and that expense often means equipment or some other form of apparatus to help you conduct your activity. If completing your activity at home, you’ll likely need storage space for these options. A place where you can store your paintbrushes, fold out your floor mat, hide and dry your canvas or simply store your other equipment to help the room serve a dual purpose when you’re not partaking in the activity can all be worthwhile. Consider adding shelving, store cupboards, or storage hanging baskets here. If you look around, you will often consider how purpose-built options can often relate the most comfort in the long term, and this can give you a worthwhile effect.

Considering Your Flooring

Consider your flooring. It can be extremely worthwhile to ensure that it’s are correct. If painting, it might not be the best to have thick shag carpet from wall to wall. Laminate floorboards are great for a variety of reasons, such as being the easiest to clean, the easiest to install, and worthwhile for a variety of uses. If you wish to conduct a physical activity such as yoga in the space, you can always purchase and place supportive mats down on the floor, which might be a little inconvenient to do on carpet. Not only that, but laminate flooring can often be the most cost-effective when redesigning your flooring, and so we needn’t elaborate further

Considering Noise

Noise can sometimes be an annoyance when partaking in your activity. It might be that you can only conduct your hobby to loud music, you want the room to be your peaceful escape from the world, or perhaps hobbies like yoga can be distracted by its presence. If you’re a musical person, it’s not hard to see how this can annoy the neighbours, and get you into a all sorts of personal disputes. Thankfully, soundproof shielding is easy to install on a wall, and can prevent the inpour and outpouring of noise completely. Be sure to install this and experiment with its application.

With these tips, you’re sure to design your home in the best manner possible for whatever project you wish to indulge in.

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Tips for Designing your Guest Bathroom

Creating a calm and inviting guest bathroom space is a great way to show your company that you care about their visit and want them to feel as comfortable as possible. There are some easy ways you can transform the bathroom into a work of art without going over budget, and your guests will appreciate your efforts so much they will want to keep coming back to visit.

Bathroom, Sinks, Mirrors, Medicine Cabinet

[Image courtesy of JamesDeMers/]

Color Coordinate

A great way to add a fresh, clean look to your bathroom is to touch up the walls with fresh paint. Choose a neutral color for the walls, but add pops of color with the bath towels, wash cloths and accessories. Some of the best accessory colors that will mimic the look and feel of a spa are pale grays, soft greens, beige and pale blues. You can add pieces of sea glass in a clear vase to accentuate the color palate you choose to go with. This is a simple project that can be completed in an afternoon, but the result will last for months to come.

Pay Attention to the Details

One of the things that sets apart a good hotel from a great one is how closely they have paid attention to all the details. The bathroom is no different; you can create a lasting impression by making a basket that is stocked with luxury bath items, including a bar of lavender soap for the perfect relaxing experience, plenty of bath salts, extra shampoo and conditioner and wash cloths.

Organize and Simplify

In this particular room of the home, simpler is better. Go through your cabinets and throw out any expired items, or items you simply do not use on a regular basis anymore. Make plenty of room for your guests to store their items without having to clutter the vanity.

With a little bit of planning, you can make your guest bathroom as warm and inviting as you have always envisioned. Perhaps the easiest way to tap into your creative streak is to simply look through magazine pictures and select the colors and accessories that impress you the most.

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Tips for Buying Dorm Bedding

When you are in college moving away from home is necessary when school and universities are not around.  This is the time you need to be independent and live alone far from your family and friends, and to maximize comfort and provide the feeling of your own room from home you should shop for best r
Shopping for dorm room bedding bargains requires time for searching, patience, and vision. Think outside the box. Be unique. Make your environment comfortable without breaking the bank. Durable, quality bedding is a must. You will spend a lot of time hanging out and studying here.

While it may seem like an insignificant purchase in the realm of preparing for life away from home, the selection of dorm bedding can make or break the first year of college. After an all-night cram session, during a short afternoon break or when friends stop by for a visit, the perfect set of bedding can maximize comfort and provide the feeling of “home away from home.” From organic cotton bedding to luxury bedding, the choices are endless.

Free Paint above Bed in Bedroom Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of Max Vakhtbovych/]

There are many things to consider when choosing dorm bedding. The right size, manufacturer, brand, color or pattern, texture, thickness and price all must be considered when making this selection. Every university has different rooms with different beds, or students may bring their own beds. A student’s gender also plays a large role, which may lead to the purchase of more feminine or masculine sets of bedding in order to satisfy the student’s tastes. A major factor for many students is the price of bedding. Price is often dictated by brand name, and thread count can make the difference between a $30 and $300 set. Organic cotton bedding is made out of natural materials that many feel are better for the buyer and the environment. However, organic fiber is typically more expensive.

When purchasing twin-sized dorm bedding, students should do their homework long before they set foot in a dorm. Cost, material, comfort, color and style are just a few of the factors to consider when furnishing a student’s bed. While it might be tempting to spend money on new outfits or gadgets when going back to school, students should keep in mind that a bed is something that they can’t hide and will use every day, so they should outfit it accordingly.

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Solar Screen Solutions for Windows

It was almost a month since I left my day job to stay at home and look after my niece and I have not been accustomed yet of waking up later than normal. My body clock and the light coming from the window in my room is always waking me up early in the morning, I would love to stay a little bit longer in bed, but I can’t do so I look for solar and screen solutions. I have found some alternative methods like using thick curtains or adding window blinds into my window, but window blinds didn’t help much it was still bright in my room and that’s where a neighbour working in the glass shop in town suggested that I should use solar screens like the Fiberglass Window Screen, as this method effectively shades the glass and stop the heat before it hits the glass and can help to darken the inside of my room.

I have also found out that using solar screen can also minimize and reduce heat transfer through the glass which is good for me and my niece, having this installed we can possibly stay in my room all day watching kiddie movies without thinking about the heat coming through my room. The window in my room had been my biggest problem at home, it was not only huge, but it was also facing a vacant rice field so imagine how bright and warm it is  in my room during the day and at night when the moon is full, I guess I must Buy Fiberglass Screen soonest.

Kitchens and Bath Still Tops in Home Design Trends Survey

Many homeowners, when they decide to undertake home improvement projects, tend to focus on the bathrooms and kitchens, and this is information which can be supported by statistics. According to a survey released by the American Institute of Architects, AIA, kitchens and bathrooms remain a priority as far as design and redesign of homes is concerned. And it is easy to see why. In many households, if not most, the kitchen and bathrooms are the two rooms in the house where much activity takes place, and on a daily basis. Kitchens especially are the centers of operations in most homes and homeowners will go to great lengths to ensure these spaces are fitted with features that make the operations easier.

As far as purchase of kitchen and bath features goes, sustainability concerns are forefront. Homeowners are looking to buy features that will improve energy efficiency, water conservation and generally make the home healthier. Accessibility concerns are also a priority when remodeling kitchens and bathrooms. Occupants of a home spend a substantial amount of their time accessing these spaces, and as such where there are residents with accessibility concerns (for instance, are mobility-challenged), focus tends to be given to these areas. Bar foot rails and service rails are an affordable way to add comfort and style and accessibility to a kitchen or bar area.

With the US economy improving, there is an upsurge in housing activity, with residential architects reporting solid business conditions. Many homeowners are currently able to afford home improvement projects, and when this happens, the kitchen is preferred and the bathroom comes second.

Many of the respondents polled by the AIA reported that their food storage/food preparation/kitchen areas were growing in size, thanks to remodeling projects. More homeowners are looking to increase the size of their kitchens, together with adding features that make working in the kitchen more convenient. Such features include double islands and even storage facilities.

Interestingly, many homeowners’ kitchen remodeling projects have nothing to do with cooking but rather the need to make the kitchen more adaptable to their evolving needs. For instance, many respondents said they had added a recharging area for their portable electronic devices, together with adding a computer work area.

When it comes to bathrooms, homeowners are looking to increase the sizes with the most distinguished feature preferred where baths are concerned being accessibility. For example, many people are installing large walk-in showers in their bathrooms, a trend that is expected to continue. Energy efficient LED lighting is by far the top product that is highly increasing in popularity as homeowners look to make their bathrooms more energy-efficient and healthy.

Sensor faucets have also made it to the popular list, and these are being chosen for bathrooms and kitchen as well. It is expected that the popularity of kitchens and bathrooms as far as home improvement goes will only increase in the future.  When people visit our Philadelphia apartments, the first thing they ask about are the kitchens and bathrooms, I don’t see that trend changing anytime soon,” explains Svetlana Mosyurova, Marketing Director for Post Brothers Apartments in Philadelphia.

How to be Green at Home

High costs of electricity have already forced many people to rethink their approach to energy consumption. Refrigerators and dishwashers are among the biggest users of electricity in any house. A wide range of green household appliances are able to help you save money on energy consumption and boost your eco-friendliness.

Energy Star rated household appliances will save you about $500 annually. Such household equipment use less energy and water. Even though Energy Star appliances are a bit more expensive, you will appreciate their value on the long run. After all, being earth-friendly doesn’t require a lot of effort. You need to adjust your habits a little to make a significant difference. There is no need to grow all your food or get a giant solar pane. There are other ways to be eco-friendly at home.

[Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto/]

Green it up!

If your fridge is more than ten years old, it is time to replace it with a greener alternative. Energy Star refrigerators use 15% less electricity due to better insulation and energy efficiency.

You can get a dishwasher and use it only when it is fully loaded. Otherwise, you won’t save any water or electricity. If you think that washing the dishes by hand will save some water, you may be mistaken. The new generation of dishwashers uses significantly less water now. Before you decide to make a hasty new purchase, you need to do your research and choose the most energy efficient appliance.

When the time comes to buy a new fridge or a washing machine, don’t forget to recycle your old appliances. Most of the household appliances contain chemical materials hazardous for the nature. That is why you need to find a company that utilizes old equipment.

[Photo courtesy of Milly Eaton/]

Eco-friendly kitchens

Modern technology uses sustainable materials to create better kitchen appliances. There was no Energy Efficiency ranking fifty years ago because people didn’t care much about the environment. Now you can purchase a solar oven for your kitchen and enjoy eco-friendly food every day. A transparent lid of a solar oven allows sun rays to warm it up from the inside. Some solar ovens even collect and store solar energy to increase the cooking temperature. Sun-powered cooking is not as fast as gas cooking, yet the food from a solar stove has more flavor.

Energy efficiency will become a key element of the most appliances sooner than you think. Technological upgrades have already affected the modern cooking industry. Your new eco-friendly appliances should be sturdy and reliable. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t forget about your green habits. Green appliances mean green lifestyle and cooking preferences. If you start buying local veggies and fruit from the nearest farmer’s market, you will support the local entrepreneurs and spend less money on transportation costs, thus reducing the energy emissions in the atmosphere. Energy Star appliances help you save the planet and reduce the cost of your next electricity bill. If you don’t know how to revolutionize your kitchen and turn it into something green and ultra-efficient, check out what specialists from Environmental Data Resources have to offer.

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The Beneficial Effects of Pinch Pleat Sheer Curtains

The expensive looking designs of sheer curtains make you wonder what their actual price really is. There are hundreds of styles and color combinations for sheer curtains available in retail shops and online stores today. Their price is not as expensive as you think as there are affordable pinch pleat sheer curtains retailed everywhere.

Sheers are one of the most sought after window adornment because they cover the window without actually causing darkness to your room. The translucent fabric allows the fresh air and light to enter the room without inviting the dust inside. They are ideal window embellishments for patients with contagious diseases so they can inhale much fresh air at night where most people in the neighborhood are asleep.

[Photo courtesy of Victoria Borodinova/]

The pinch pleat sheer curtain is an inexpensive way to ventilate the room in hospital wards and minimizes the risk of contamination for other patients, their families, caregivers and hospital employees. During daytime, patients are exposed to sunlight because sheers have the ability to diffuse the eastern sun through its fine textures. Patients can also see the view outside without actually opening the entire window.

Pinch pleat sheer curtain panels are ideal for all types of room occupants because they block the sunlight without closing the window. The curtains provide the occupants with the needed privacy and with its translucence; they will be able to see if somebody is watching them through the window. The pinch pleat sheer curtains are dainty, elegant and immaculate.

[Photo courtesy of Milly Eaton/]

Since they are machine washable, they are suited for busy people as they don’t have to tire their muscles during rinsing. The sheers come in a variety of soft cloth with various colors and designs. Manufacturers are selling the sheer curtains at low prices where you can save 50% to 77% which is really a big deal for low budget home improvement.

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Simple Ways to Create a Stunning Southwestern Decor

Do you desire a warm, rustic Southwestern-style home but don’t want the hassle of a major interior design overhaul? Whether you’re short on time or funds, you can achieve the look you want by making just a few decorative changes. Best of all, these design tips make it easy to transform any space on your own.

Accent with Area Rugs

While area rugs may seem like a modest change, they can alter the vibe of a room instantly. Incorporating southwestern area rugs with hardwood flooring or terracotta tile is a great way to add depth to a room and highlight existing furniture. Most stores offer a variety of traditional and contemporary designs, so you can find the ideal rug for your unique space.

Painter, Painting, Lackierer, Business Card, Paint

Select Earthy Paint Hues

Both homeowners and interior decorators know that paint is a cost-effective way to transform a room. You can choose bold shades for your color scheme as long as they provide a warm, inviting feel. Natural tones of red, blue, green and gold are all popular options. The size of the room should also be considered. Darker shades will make a large space seem cozier while bright colors add volume to smaller living areas.

Add Terracotta Pottery Pieces

No Southwestern home is complete without the addition of beautiful terracotta pottery. You can display the pottery in its natural orange shade or paint it with bold, bright colors to add contrast. These traditional pots and vases can be used throughout the home to add a personal touch to any room.

Still, Items, Things, Vintage, Post, Modern, Furniture

Choose Rustic or Vintage-Style Furniture

Whether you prefer wood, leather or wrought iron furniture, items that have a distressed or vintage feel work best. You can even distress furniture on your own with a few basic items including sandpaper, paint and polyurethane. The furniture you select shouldn’t compete with your flooring colors. For vibrant furniture choices, an area rug in neutral tones from Roth Rugs is one safe option.

Patio, Southwestern Art, Colorful, Design, Decor

Finish with Accent Accessories

Once you’ve made some basic changes, you can slowly add Southwestern accent pieces to your home. From rugged animal skins to delicate Hopi Kachina dolls, you can create a separate theme for every room.

With all the warmth and personality Southwestern decor has to offer, it’s easy to see why this style never loses its appeal. With a few fresh coats of paint, some new area rugs and traditional pottery art, you can transform your home into an inviting desert oasis.

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Viewing a Home for a Potential Renovation – What To Check For

For most new or experienced developers buying a cheap home and then renovating it to a high standard brings in substantial profits. However, in order to make a successful initial purchase, you should consider a number of factors when viewing potential projects.

Be Proactive

The estate agent’s job is to sell; don’t expect them to give you a comprehensive guide to the house. However, you can ask them how long the property has been on the market. Good deals shift in no time, with professional developers keen to turn each new project as quickly as possible. If it has been on sale for a number of months, there may be a costly problem that is putting off other buyers.


Location Location Location

The most important aspect of any home is often said to be its location, buying a cheaper rundown property in a desirable area could be a money spinner. From a renovation perspective, the structural integrity of a house is far more important than the interior. However, average buyers can be put off by homes that are badly presented, most sellers would declutter before viewings, but with renovation projects, this is rarely the case. Turn this to your advantage by snapping up a less than immaculate property, and then simply employ the services of Anyjunk to clear the refuse before you start work.

Warning Signs

No home is perfect, especially those being sold as renovation projects. However, there are some tell-tale signs that may suggest more serious work is needed. Damp can indicate a plumbing leak, so check for mould or discoloured areas under baths and sinks, as well as on the inside walls. Also check ceilings and the loft space, if rain is getting in a new roof maybe required.

Any problem with masonry could add significant expense; sizeable cracks, missing plaster or uneven floors will require repairs or replacing. However, unseen work like asbestos insulation or chimney flues can also present a risk. Never attempt to remove asbestos yourself; there is a government webpage that explains who to contact for help, there are specialists who can remove and dispose of this hazardous material safely.

Call the Experts

Some properties may not have been lived in or maintained for a number of years, so before you commit to buying, get a professional opinion. You may need builders, plumbers and electricians, and they will be key to the completion of your project. Only choose legitimate, recommended tradesmen, and take them to view the property. They will warn you of any major spends that you may have overlooked, like faulty wiring or outdated plumbing, and give you a rough estimate of costs. Similarly, when you need to declutter the property, Anyjunk are happy to give free estimates for the removal of waste.

Get your Paperwork in Order

Find out from the local council what the planning requirements are, if the property is a listed building you could be looking at extensive time and budget increases. When you have established what will be required, check your finances. Make sure you have a quote to cover every aspect of the job, and also the materials required for the tasks you will be attempting yourself. Go back for a second and third viewing to make sure you haven’t missed anything, be sure to take a notepad and consider each room in turn.

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How Workbenches Add To Your Garage Storage

As you go about your annual spring cleaning, it’s time to tackle the garage. The cluttered mess often means a weekend chore, but you can keep the garage looking stellar with a little organization. Get back to parking your car in the garage where it belongs with the use of storage cabinets and workbenches.

Dedicated Workspace

The mechanic in your life probably enjoys working on the car much more than you do. Inevitably they cannot find a tool they need. Giving them garage workbenches and storage makes working on the cars or other projects that much easier. Their tools are within easy reach. Plus, if they can find the tool they need, they are less likely to insist on a replacement. Fewer trips to the auto parts store mean more time working. The project finishes faster and you have more time for other things. The dedicated workspace makes working in the garage more enjoyable.

Green and White Press Drill on Table

[Photo courtesy of Lisa Fotios/]

Declutter Seamlessly

Decluttering the garage makes moving around the space easier. Workbenches with storage built-in let you store the tools for a specific project right at hand. Additional storage provides cabinets, drawers, shelves and pegboards for other items from gardening tools to a ratchet set. Everything has a place in an organized garage leaving fewer things to trip over on the floor.

Safer Storage

Add a garage cabinet with a lock on it for items you don’t want the kids to have access to such as paint or pesticides. Locking the cabinet regularly ensures little hands can safely play in the garage. Install a lock on the drawer on the workbench itself to keep specific items from being moved out of the workbench itself.

Black Classic Car Inside the Garage

[Photo courtesy of Mikes Photos/]

Increased Functionality

A garage workbench makes working in the garage more functional. If you enjoy gardening, you can use the flat surface to paint a new pot and store potting soil, pruners and shovels. A workbench on caster wheels moves around, so your tools are right where you need them. An attached pegboard is a great place to store loose tools that are hard to store in cabinets such as gardening tools. Attach a surge protector for electricity right at your fingertips for power tools.

Whether you choose a simple workbench for a nice flat work surface or one with all the bells and whistles, your garage benefits from the increased organization, functionality and safety. A workbench can be an aid whether you’re a regular mechanic, gardener or woodworker. Include a workbench in your next garage organization system.

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