The Refreshing Benefits of a Kitchen Redesign

The Refreshing Benefits of a Kitchen Redesign

Opting for a new kitchen is something people choose to do for a variety of reasons. It may be that they are approaching selling their home and feel a new kitchen would create the best impression to prospective buyers, or they might just feel it would be beneficial to improve the look and layout of this centrally important room for a more convenient space. Whatever the reasons, several benefits are created as a direct result of redesigning your kitchen, and for the most part, this makes it money well spent. So what dividends can you expect from overhauling your kitchen design?

Free White Kitchen Cabinet Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of PhotoMIX Company/]

Freshen Up A High-Traffic Room

The kitchen is often one of the busiest rooms in the home and a focal point for family traffic throughout your home. As a result, the kitchen is very much a showpiece room in many family homes and an important bell weather for interior style. With bespoke luxury kitchens designed by Mike Taylor, and similar companies, you can freshen up this high-traffic room in your home, while also improving the overall interior look of your household. It doesn’t have to be major – even small redecorations and touch-ups can drag your room into a more stylish place, so you can get more enjoyment from your home.

Make The Most Of Your Space

Floor space is at a premium in all but the most expensive homes, and making the most of every square foot is important in terms of providing you with a comfortable home that is both stylish and practical. By redesigning the layout and positioning of your kitchen space, you can make the most of the space you have available, while also improving overall design elements in your room. With minimalist design themes in your kitchen, you can open up the room, creating a brighter space with more practical surfaces and spaces for you and your family to enjoy.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Add Value to Your Home

Of course, everyone knows kitchens sell houses. And when it comes to renovating your current kitchen, you can expect to be adding value to your home, helping you seal the deal at a higher price if you’re thinking of moving on. The investment in a redeveloped kitchen can be more than paid for in the increased selling price of your home, so if you are interested in adding value, a kitchen redesign is probably one of the most effective ways to secure this benefit.

There are plenty of reasons you might consider a redesign of your current kitchen space, not least to get more utility from this most important of rooms. Whether you want to add value, spruce up an old room or just get a little more use out of your space, a kitchen redesign can be the ticket to achieving these aims.

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10 Steps to Successful DIY Kitchen Fitting

The kitchen is the soul of a house, so it makes sense to start in that room when renovating a home. Many kitchen manufacturers offer prefabricated kitchen designs that are flat-packed and easy to install with some basic preparation and the right tools.

Thanks to our years of experience, we have put together this list of 10 tips that you may not have considered when fitting your first DIY kitchen.

Keep it Simple
At the very least, try to keep the basic layout the same for your new kitchen. This will save a lot of money because you won’t need to hire a plumber or electrician to re-route pipes or electricity to new points in the room.

If you are stuck for ideas, there are many websites that feature kitchen remodeling ideas.

Be Prepared
At the bare minimum, you will need the following tools on hand: Drill with drill bits, Hammer, Carpenter’s level, Tape measure, Step ladder, Screw driver set, Allen key set.

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[Photo courtesy of Mark McCammon/]

Set Up a Mini Kitchen
Choose another room of the house to set up the bare necessities in a mini kitchen. A hot water jug, microwave and fridge will be enough to get you through until the new kitchen is ready.

Drop Cloths
If you don’t have any dedicated drop cloths in your DIY supplies, consider using shower curtains or bedding that may be a little old and need replacing.

Removing the Old Cabinets
Take care when removing the old kitchen fittings. If you damage the walls or floor when tearing out old cabinets, this will add extra work to the project when you need to repair any holes or scrapes.

If it’s a larger kitchen and you have flooring to remove as well, consider hiring a man and van to help with the removals. There are many dedicated businesses that specialise in this service.

Choosing Paint
There’s nothing better to finish off a new room than a new coat of paint. For kitchens, pick a latex semigloss paint. This is perfect for the kitchen because you will be able to wipe off splashes and food easily.

Prepping the Room
You may be surprised how much grime has built up on the kitchen walls, so make sure to wash the walls and ceiling with a trisodium phosphate based washing solution.

Another tip is to lay down your base coat before fitting any new cabinets, and then painting the top coat carefully after everything is installed.

Locate Wall Studs
Use a wall stud locator to mark out any studs before you start installing the cabinets. Don’t rely on the previous layout when hanging cabinets, because the previous installer may have placed them without stud support.

Assembling the Cabinets
Leave any doors or other extra components out of the cabinets until after they have been hung on the wall. This will greatly reduce the weight of the unit and make the fitting much easier.

Many DIY supply stores have online guides with advice and tips for cabinet installation.

Recycle the Old Cabinets
Don’t throw out the old cabinets because they can be used in other areas of your home. They make a great storage solution for the garage or tool shed, or you could repaint them and create a play kitchen for a children’s cubby house.

If the cabinets are beyond repair, use a man and van rubbish clearance service to take away the mess.

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Adding Café Curtains for Beautiful Kitchens

A big picture window in your kitchen can give you and your family wonderful lighting and a refreshing view of your garden. You also need less heating or cooling while you are cooking or preparing meals because kitchen windows can let natural light and warm sunshine in. You also get fresh and cool air. With all these benefits that your kitchen windows offer, it is only ideal to find the perfect curtain style and color for it. Many homeowners buy cheap kitchen curtains but most are not sure which styles to go for.

For kitchen windows, one of the most preferred types of curtain are the café curtain styles. A curtain made from light net material is a wonderful option for the kitchen especially during those warm and toasty summer days. These styles of window sets are quite popular in French cafes and home interior decorators brought it into residences.

Cafe, Restaurant, Interior, Furniture, Retro, Vintage

[Photo courtesy of Republica/]

Designers suggest hanging curtain in the middle part of the window to achieve chic café ambiance on your kitchen. It should leave the upper part of the window exposed, but it will still depend on what you want. You can hang the curtain from different heights to create different effects and for you to control natural lighting. You may also tie your curtains to the window’s side to let more air and natural light in.

Kitchens are the perfect place to recreate that French café air because it can be a casual and informal place for dining. When hung in the right places, these curtains can create a lovely mood and effect. However, you must still consider the colors and styles of the fabric you are going to use. It should complement the overall design of the kitchen not stand out like a sore thumb simply because of its contrasting color or design. Go for light materials, net and Jardinière material can make small kitchens look more spacious and airy. You may also work on layering net materials over colorful patterns during the colder season.

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The Reason You’re Losing Time When Cooking

You find a recipe you want to make. The picture is tantalizing, the ingredients are already in your cupboard, and you’re going to cook it better than the chef in the picture ever could. Ah, hubris.

It’s not uncommon to find a recipe that claims to take 30-40 minutes and emerge from the kitchen, sweaty and irritable, more than hour later. You begin to wonder if the problem is the author – do they exist in a different universe where time runs differently? Or could the problem be… you?

One of the major contributors to the slowing-down process is clutter. We have all come to value our kitchen appliances; not just the cooker (although its importance is obvious) – but we love all those little gadgets we have that make cooking fun and seemingly easy. When thought about it… how many of those gadgets do you actually need? How many do you really use?

Therefore it’s necessary to wonder if you’re getting the most out of your kitchen or if perhaps a few tweaks to your behavior could improve on perfection.

Do You Really Need Those Gadgets All At Once?

Blender, Drummer, Kitchen, Utensil, 3D, Mixer, Made

[Photo courtesy of Amigos3D/]

It’s important to be harsh with your kitchen appliances – and no, that doesn’t mean using lifespan-reducing steel wool to clean them. What it does mean is following a simple rule of necessity. Ask yourself if you really need everything that you have in the room.

Many cooks follow a rule of “one in, one out” when it comes to their gadgets. So, if for example, a meal calls for the use of a blender, then you make space for it in the room by moving out the steamer. If you have to use a bowl mixer, then it’s bye-bye blender. They don’t have to go into deep storage – just remove them from the work surfaces into cupboards. With more available space to work in, it’s easier to see what you have done and – importantly – what you need to do.

Your Kitchen Is For Kitchen Things

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[Photo courtesy of stevepb/]

It’s not uncommon to come home from work and, before heading to the kitchen, pick up the mail. Once in the kitchen, you put the mail down on the counter, adding to the pile your keys, bag, and your phone.

Just like that, in one mindless moment, your belongings are spreading through the room without your knowledge. If you don’t clear these items away quickly, they begin to mount up – and will get in the way when you cook.

Create a space outside the kitchen – a cubby, or a shelf – to deposit items in before entering the kitchen. If you need to use your phone for a recipe, then put it back in a pocket when done rather than abandoning it on the counter.

Use Dead Time For Clean Up

Most meals offer you a certain amount of “dead time” while food is simply cooking and there is nothing for you to do to it. Sure, stir the sauce every few minutes or turn the steaks when one side is done – but mostly, it’s hands off for a short while. Use this time to cast an eye over the counters and clear away any mess, spills, or equipment you no longer need. It might sound small and simplistic, but it genuinely is an effective way of preventing things getting on top of you and disrupting the meal!

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Creating a Killer Kitchen: 5 Simple Changes That’ll Make a Difference

Your kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the home. This is where you and your family come together at the start of the day to eat breakfast. And it’s also where you can all catch up while you eat your evening meal at the end of the day too. So, if you want to create a better kitchen in your home, here are five changes that will make a difference.

  1. Change the Faucet

The main faucet in your kitchen is used every day. If it hasn’t been updated for a decade or more, it’s probably starting to look a little out of date. You can get advanced faucets that offer boiling water now too. So, you should think about replacing the faucet if you want to give your kitchen a modern twist. It could be one of the best things you do in your kitchen.

  1. Light Up Your Worktops

Your worktops need to have strong and precise lights pointing down on them if you are going to prepare food properly and safely. If you only have one ceiling light in the kitchen, this is something you should aim to change. It won’t be enough to shine light on what you’re doing on your worktops, especially if you have a large kitchen area. You can fix the problem by adding some lights to the underside of your kitchen cabinets above the worktops.

  1. Break Down Barriers

If you ask me, there should be no barriers between your kitchen and the dining room. Why not do what you can to cook the food in the same space as where you eat it? This could be a simple case of switching around the layout of the kitchen dining space. Or you might need to knock down a wall in order to make the most of both rooms and join them together. That might sound like a big job, but it will make the home feel more spacious, and your dining experience will be improved.

  1. Make More of Your Storage Options

The storage options in your kitchen are also important. You should make the most of them if you want to make the most of the kitchen as a whole. By doing this, you will be able to make sure that you can find everything easily. For example, you could hang up the saucepans above the oven. Displaying your items is often a good way of storing them in the kitchen. You should also add stainless steel drawer slides to the drawers to make them easier to use.

  1. Open it Up Into the Garden

The garden is usually right next to the kitchen. So, why not make the most of this fact? You could install new patio doors. This can make it easier to open up the kitchen into the garden. During the summer months, you can simply throw open the doors and bring the outdoors indoors. You can then spend time in the kitchen and the garden and make the most of both spaces. It can really improve your summer evenings too.

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