Add Class and Luxury to Your Garden Today!

Not enough people appreciate a good garden. Even those that do often don’t have the time to actually work on their garden themselves. But if you even have a garden then you should consider yourself lucky! Not only are gardens adding more and more to real estate value, but they’re somewhat of a rarity for many people these days. To some, a home with a nice garden is the ultimate life goal.

[Photo courtesy of ricoeurian/]

So let’s say you’re someone who does appreciate a good garden. Let’s also say that you don’t really spend that much time on your own. What are some simple ways to spice up your garden to add some life and luxury to it? Here are some quick tips.


There’s nothing quite like walking out into a garden and hearing the faint trickle of water in the summer. It’s relaxing, luxurious, and classy. This can be attained via pretty much any water feature. But perhaps the most famous, and the most elegant, is the garden fountain.

[Photo courtesy of Elliot Brown/]

Fountains make for an amazing focal point in any garden. Putting one in the middle of your lawn could be enough to add some class to your property. You can read about professional installation at, as well as seeing just how many different designs you can get for your garden. Remember that all eyes will be drawn to it immediately;  add some beautiful flora around it for extra effect.

Stone pathway

A beautiful stone pathway encourages guests to explore your garden. It defines a walking area, so you don’t end up trodding over all your grass. While you may not care too much about flattened grass, having a given path for roaming makes the roaming all the more pleasurable.


[Photo courtesy of caryn516/]

It’s easier than you think to get one of these in. You can read more about the required landscaping at Take a walk around your garden, trying to envision a path. What route or walking style do you like best? You should also consider the other features of your garden. You could have your pathway lead to a fountain or your favourite flower beds. And once a stone pathway is set, you can decorate it further. Nothing compliments a stone pathway more than a trellis with cascading vegetation!


People love a good patio. But timber decking is even better! With elevated, high-quality wood beneath your feet, a strong deck is the best way to enjoy your garden on those sunny summer days.

[Photo courtesy of JDoorjam/]

You’ve probably seen an elegant garden deck before, so you know what kind of benefits they can bring to you. If it’s well-designed, it makes your house look amazing (and adding to its value in the process!) You can help ensure your decking meets that particular criteria by visiting and working with experts in the field. With a safe cooking area installed, you can get a classy BBQ with friends and family going. You can consider it your home’s “hub” of outdoor entertainment during the warm weather.

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Outdoor Parties: 3 Ways To Get Your Garden Ready

Do you love hosting garden parties for your friends and family during the summer months? Would you like to ensure they go off without a hitch this year? Then you need to consider some of the tips and advice on this page. You can have a fantastic time without breaking the bank if you just take some simple steps. Nothing in this article will take a long time to complete, and so you could have everything ready in less than a week. Once that’s done, you just have to set a date and send your invites. With a bit of luck, this year’s garden parties will go better than any you’ve held before.

Build a brick BBQ so you can cook outside

Before you do anything else, it’s sensible to make a BBQ so you can cook lots of food outside. The last thing you want to do is stay in the kitchen when your friends have come around to a social gathering. Thankfully, the process should only take a couple of hours, and you only need some basic materials. Thirty or forty house bricks should be enough for you to complete the structure. Of course, you can add grills and other things like that to ensure it functions in the best way possible. You’ll find guides online and videos on YouTube if you get stuck.

[Photo courtesy of Dick Knight/]

Create an outdoor shelter

You never know when the heavens will open and all your guests will get wet. For that reason, it’s sensible to build some shelter outside. If you don’t have much money to spend, you could purchase a portable gazebo or something similar. Those products are available for reasonable prices from your local home stores. Of course, those who want to go a step further have other options on the table. Patio roof awnings are an excellent choice because they’re semi-permanent. However, you don’t need to seek planning permission or anything like that. So, take a look online at some of the most relevant suppliers.

Install an outdoor audio system

You’re going to want to entertain all your guests with some music. While you could traipse wires from your stereo outside, there are better solutions available. Waterproof outdoor speakers have come down in price considerably during the last few years. So, maybe you should get some and screw them to your exterior walls. You can then link your stereo and play music outside without having to work too hard. In some instances, you can get systems that use a remote control. That’s perfect because you can swap and change the music while you’re outside cooking the food.

Now you know how to get your garden ready for its next party, we hope you will make improvements this year. The best thing about building a BBQ is that you won’t have to keep buying those disposable products. The outdoor shelter will keep everyone dry, and the speakers will entertain. Sure, there are more things you could do. However, I just wanted to show you the fundamentals and point you in the right direction.

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Why Homemakers are Crazy over Sheer Drapes

Most homemakers today are adorning their homes with a sheer window treatment because of its functionality and aesthetic appeal. The design of sheer coverings is associated with wealth and class. Even log and country homes in a rural setting look more beautiful when embellished with a sheer drapery panel.

The fabric itself is one reason why drapes of this style are elegant, light yet strong to block the glaring UV rays. Some sheer drapes are accentuated with generous amount of trims, laces and accessories that make them look expensive and luxurious.

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[Photo courtesy of]

Drapes do not only enhance the appearance of your home, they are an excellent barrier towards stalkers who use your windows to see what you are doing inside. Not only that, they offer natural insulation because the fabric which is usually made of voile, silk or faux satin has lined finish that sets off the light from harming your interior.

If you live in the countryside, the sheer drape can provide you a breathtaking view of the greenery woods and the blue skies. While you are protected from strangers and elemental, you can enjoy fresh air because the softness of the fabric allows the sea breeze and the morning dew to get inside the house.

Its simplicity makes it a perfect window embellishment for a provincial abode that makes it an ideal setting for a romantic interlude. This is perhaps the reason why sheer drapes are so popular in modern homes. They look more beautiful if you adorn on top of them some layers of curtains or a scarf. Make sure their colors are not contradicting.

Aside from giving a fashion statement to your window, the sheer drape is a reflection of your fine taste. They can turn your living room into a perfect venue for informal gathering and the dining area for sharing your culinary expertise. When you are faced with economic difficulties, the drape is a perfect decorating alternative if your budget is limited. If you are planning to change your curtain, this one is worth considering.

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The Grass Isn’t Always Greener: How To Make The Most Of The Home That You Have!

There’s a feeling that a lot of homeowners can relate to. It’s the sense that, after you’ve lived somewhere for a while, you can’t help but want to move on to somewhere new. The idea that after a few years, you’ve gotten everything you can out of your home and it’s time to start over. Granted, there are some genuine reasons why you might want to move to a new home. You might be starting a family and need more space, or your income might have increased, and you want to move to a nicer neighborhood. However, one of the main things that you need to be aware of is the fact that, if you’re not careful then you’re just going to end up doing the same thing every few years. As the old saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. If you spend your life going from place to place trying to find that one perfect home, you’re never going to be satisfied. Instead, you should make an effort to make the most of the home that you have. You will often find that doing that will make a huge difference to the way your home feels while saving you a lot of time, money and stress. With that in mind, here are some ways to make the most of your home if you find yourself feeling dissatisfied with it.

Maximize space

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[Photo courtesy of Maria Orlova/]

Space is probably the biggest issue that a lot of people have with their homes. People often feel that their homes are cramped with no room to move around. They feel that going somewhere new with more space is the answer to their problems. However, the reality is that, unless your finances have changed dramatically, most homes that you can afford will be the same size with only slight differences. It’s a much better idea to take the time to maximize the space that you have in your home. There are a lot of different ways to do this, but the first thing that you do should be to reevaluate the layout of the rooms in your house. If a room feels too small, then that’s probably because there are too many things encroaching on the floor space. Perhaps your couch is in the center of the living room, and you could free up space by having it pushed up against a wall. Or maybe your dining room table is larger than it needs to be and just ends up completely dominating the room. By thinking about the way in which a room is laid out more carefully, you can often add a surprising amount of space throughout your home.

Use light carefully

Light is one of those things that a lot of homeowners tend to ignore because it’s a lot harder to put your finger on than things like layout or furniture. It’s a more vague and nebulous idea that has more of an impact on how a room feels than anything else. But the reality is that light can be the secret weapon that turns a depressing home into a vibrant place that you want to spend your time. We’ve all had those moments where you walk into a room, and it just feels dank and claustrophobic, even though you have plenty of space to move around. If that has happened to you, then there’s a pretty good chance that it was because the room simply wasn’t well lit. Natural light is, of course, the best way to make a room feel more spacious but you can also use lamps to help a room feel cozy without feeling cramped.

Clear out the clutter

Chaos, Clutter, A Mess, Things, Stuff, Table

[Photo courtesy of Hans/]

Even the nicest, most spacious home in the world can end up feeling untidy and unpleasant if it’s full of junk. It’s all too easy to end up letting your home become a mess because you spend so much time there that things blend into the background more easily than they would anywhere else. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have an impact on how your home feels. You might consciously take in the pile of papers on the kitchen countertop, but it’s still going to make the room feel untidy. Keeping the place clean and free of junk and clutter is going to make it feel like a much brighter, more enjoyable place to be for you and your family.

Don’t forget your yard

Even if people stay on top of keeping their homes well organized and tidy, it’s incredibly easy to end up neglecting your backyard. This is because a yard often takes a fair bit more work to get up to a high standard than your home might. Sure, there might be more steps to a perfect lawn than to a clean carpet, but putting in that effort is always worth it. Even if your home is totally clean and perfect, looking out the window to see an overgrown and untidy garden can sour the whole thing for you. Plus, you want your yard to be the kind of space that you can actually use and enjoy. Because of that, you don’t want to spend your time wading through knee high grass and tripping over weeds poking up through the patio.

Use every room

[Photo courtesy of Holland and Green Architectural Design/]

If you really feel like your home doesn’t have enough to offer you, ask yourself this question: are you using every room properly? There’s a decent chance that the answer to that question will be no. Take the office for example. A lot of people tend to use their offices as a place to dump things that they haven’t found a place for but still want to be able to access at a moment’s notice. This turns an office into a glorified closet very quickly. The same goes for your attic. Instead of just having it be the place where you store boxes of old junk, why not turn it into a fully functioning room. It doesn’t take that much work, and it will be a perfect playroom for the kids or a spare room for guests to sleep in.

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How to Create an Outdoor Living Room

If you live for the summer months, don’t spend this special time trapped inside four walls, make a break for the outdoors and carve out a living space in your backyard. You’ll save on your air conditioning bills, and all that outdoor grilling will keep the cooking smells out of your carpeting and upholstery. No one expects perfection in alfresco dining either, so you can forget about the napkin rings and embroidered tablecloths — thank heavens. What could be better than fresh air, comfortable surroundings, family, friends and the glories of nature?

Gazebo Against Trees

[Photo courtesy of Rene Asmussen /]

Before you relocate your favorite chair to the deck, patio or porch, let’s take a look at a few ways you can make outdoor living more convenient and fun.

Keep the layout cozy

We know they call it the great outdoors, but designing a super-sized space for your outdoor room may not be the best way to go. A large area and the absence of walls can be refreshing, but it can also make you feel exposed. The space can seem impersonal. Outdoor room plans that have at least one solid (or semi-solid) wall help anchor the space and make it feel more substantial. A room size that roughly mirrors the size of your indoor living room will be big enough for your family but small enough to feel intimate and inviting.

Make it comfortable

Outdoor living may seem carefree and casual, but to add comfort to the mix takes plush textiles and comfortable furnishings. Sure, built-in concrete seating has a modern appearance and is maintenance-free, but it also looks like it belongs out in an amphitheater somewhere, not cuddling your backside on a warm evening.

Your outdoor room will feel as good as it looks when you choose loungers, chairs, sofas, and swing sets that include overstuffed cushions in UV resistant fabrics – if you are not sure where to start with garden furniture, take a look here: Whether you prefer wicker to metal or PVC pipe, the idea here is to balance rough and hard surfaces like concrete, siding, brick and wood with soft, textured and tactile furnishings that people will actually want to spend time on.

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[Photo courtesy of Marianne/]

Let there be light!

One of the great things about an outdoor room is that the cool evening breeze wafting across your lounger will be so much more refreshing and natural (and inexpensive) than a blast from your air conditioning system. Make sure your family is tempted to stay outdoors after sunset by providing adequate lighting so that everyone can see each other. Installing outdoor lighting has never been easier, just go solar. Solar lights have come down a lot in price, and are available in most stores. You can find them in post height, deck mounted, string lights, and even tabletop models. You may still want to add some citronella candles to keep the bugs at bay, and maybe an outdoor electrical fixture as a safety precaution when going up and down stairs or around the pool.

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Don’t Let Your Lack Of Space Drive Your Crazy!

When you run out of room at home, it can feel like the end of the world. And if you’ve ever suffering from a lack of space, you’ll know that’s no exaggeration. Living in clutter can be one of the most frustrating things ever. Not only can it make you feel stressed and claustrophobic, but you may also find that your entire family is always stepping on each other’s toes. But, you don’t have to let it drive you crazy. Instead, you need to take action. When you finally think that enough is enough and you need more room, here’s what to do.

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[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

Have A Huge Clear Out

The first step is probably the most obvious one, but it’s also the one that we all tend to avoid. Having a clear out can be one of the most stressful things you go through. Not only does it make your space problem worse to start with, it means you have to live in mess for a while. But, remember, it’s for the greater good. So get to work. Start small, take it room by room and be sure to get rid of anything you don’t need.

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[Photo courtesy of ATBO/]

Organize Your Spaces

Then, as you start to free up a bit more space, you’re going to want to make sure that you work to organize everything a bit better. It’s often a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the long run. You’re going to want to make sure that you’re using all of your rooms for the best purpose. If you have to switch around bedrooms, living spaces and storage spaces, do it. If it means that your home is more harmonious, it’s always worth the work.

Do Some DIY

Next, you might want to think about doing some DIY. When you lack in space, you’re going to want to do what you can to change that. So, put up some shelves, add in storage and even start to build some more cupboards if you need to. You’ll find that you’re able to live a little more clutter free when you do.

White and Brown Wooden Book Shelf Beside White Calendar

[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

Add Additional Options

If that’s not enough, you may need to think outside of the box – and even outside of the home. Sometimes, you need to add storage to your yard or elsewhere on your property to make things work. Look into the cost of metal building options or even for a wooden construction that you can add outside. Not only could it be for storage, but it may give you a space to work from if you need home space for storage.

Extend Your Home

And finally, you may also want to think about extending your home. If you have the budget, getting an extension can be a great idea to add more space. You may want to go for a single story to increase your living space or add a garage, or even double to add more bedrooms. If can also be a great option if your family is growing and you need to house more children.

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Colorful Pinch Pleat Curtains for Healthy Mind and Body

Curtains are part of any home decorating ideas. Their presence can be magical when they create a beautiful artistry in homes, offices and hotels. It is no wonder why interior designers would include the curtains in their top ten lists. A window without curtains looks motionless and boring. Curtains are comparable to your dress and they create a convivial atmosphere with their unique designs and style.

Among interior designers highly recommended curtain style are the pinch pleat curtains. They are the typical curtains that look formal and cool. The pleats are intricately sewn to give the curtains fullness while hanging on a decorative drapery rod. Jacquard, floral and prints are ideal fabric designs for a pinch pleat curtain.

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[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

The simplicity of the pinch pleat curtain makes them ideal for any type of architecture. They do not go out of style if they are adorned in baroque and Gothic inspired homes. What’s more if you adorn them in a contemporary or log house. Their appeal is overwhelming and creates an illusion of wealth and fame.

When your room is adorned with pinch pleat curtains, you can feel the luxurious ambiance of a hotel room. As you wake up each morning, you don’t feel like going out from your room. For bedrooms, choose bold colors to keep the emotions burning with passion while having your romantic interlude with your spouse. The most ideal color is burgundy, crimson or any shades of red.

The kids’ room should be adorned with playful colors such as red, yellow, pink, orange, aqua blue and floral prints to keep the mind active. Students are encouraged to adorn their bedroom with red curtains to stimulate their brain and increase the body processes and blood circulation. Rooms with patients who are suffering with psychosomatic illness are advised to hang yellow curtains to purify their minds from any negative thoughts.

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Home Improvement Ideas and DIY Tips for Ladies

DIY doesn’t have to be left to the men. In fact, many women who have given it a go have enjoyed it and felt a huge sense of accomplishment. Yes, we may not be as strong as men, but with the know how we can certainly put a few shelves together. So, if you’re determined to show your man how it’s done, here’s what you’ll need to get started.

[Photo courtesy of foto fledgling /]

Your Own Tools

Using your husbands drill to get started and practice is fine. However, most drills used by men are heavy and large so you may want to go shopping for your own. Finding the right tools will mean you’re one step closer to becoming a DIY Diva. Having the right size tools for you will make all of the jobs you do much easier to complete. You can find a list of perfect DIY tools for women here.

Safety Equipment

Again, there’s no point in wearing safety gloves that are three times the size of your hand. Firstly, it will your jobs much harder for you and secondly, it’s downright dangerous. Wearing safety equipment that doesn’t fit properly doesn’t make you any safer. In fact, it makes you more susceptible to injury. When you’re attempting a welding job, you’ll find the perfect Miller welding helmets from anything else, try searching for women’s DIY safety equipment online. There’s a great variety.

[Photo courtesy of Ed Oliver/]

Designate a Space

DIY can get messy and if you don’t designate yourself an area to work, that mess will spread quickly. It’s not just a pain to clean up after you’re done; it’s a hazard for anyone that has access to where you’re working. Find somewhere where you can set up your own table so anything that needs to be sawed, drilled or nailed can be carried to and from the working station. Don’t make the mistake of using your kitchen counter top as somewhere to do DIY. You’ll risk ruining your kitchen!

Know What You’re Doing

There are some jobs you can wing and have a go at, but there are others where it’s best to seek advice. Whether you ask your partner to give you a helping hand or you watch some tutorial videos online, it’s always best to know how to do the job properly before you start. You may fail the first time but DIY is often full of trial and error. Be as confident as you can be with what you’re doing. If you’re still squealing every time you use a power tool, you may need more practice.

Quality Over Bargains

You may be tempted to invest in a new tool because it’s on sale, but buying power tools isn’t the same as clothes shopping. You need to know the tools you’re using are safe and reliable. Before adding to your collection, do your research and look at reviews. You may find that the charge doesn’t last on battery powered drill or the plastic handles snap off of screwdrivers. Don’t waste your money on things that won’t last.

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Will These Luxuries Add Value To Your Property?

In every neighborhood, there is one property that stands out. It looks good, and you know it’s worth substantially more than the other properties on that street. It is the property that hits that ceiling price or value for the block. Beyond that, it is often the house we aspire to own, or at least make our property look just as good!

It takes a lot of care and maintenance to achieve a great looking property that the neighbors can be jealous of. Of course, you need to have a quality finish to begin with. And chances are, a few luxuries would be desirable if you were hoping to achieve the ceiling price for your property.

There is a problem with investing heavily in your home, though. That ceiling price may limit what you should do. Spend too much, and you may never get the money back. So how can you be sure the luxuries you fancy will one day ensure a quick sale at the top figure price you desire?


Owning a pool is good for your health as well as for your financial security in the future. Many homeowners find a swimming pool to be a desirable and beneficial addition. Aside from the upfront cost of installing it, there will be ongoing maintenance costs to ensure it is hygienic. You may need to upgrade the railing, gates or water pumps at some point too. Safety is everything when it comes to a pool.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Check the railing is secure and at the appropriate height. Make sure the gate locks well, and that the pumps are working efficiently. If they’re not, water pump repairs should be undertaken by professionals, but it might be possible for you to find the spare parts you need. Keep the water clean, and enjoy this much-valued addition to your home.

Hot Tub

Hot tubs are highly desirable at the moment. They offer a place for private entertaining, as well as somewhere to sit and relax after a long day. These days, you can find cost-effective inflatable hot tubs at your local DIY store. However, if you invest a little in a gazebo or private structure and planting, you could ensure a greater return. Look for quality spas and hot tubs that are easy to use, and look good in their place.

Does a hot tub add value to the property? If you’re able to allocate a dedicated area of your garden to this, then yes, it could be quite desirable. However, it may not be enough to increase the value of your home substantially. Check your local property listings or ask a property agent for their opinion about your neighborhood prices.


If you have a good-sized garden, it can be very tempting to fill the space with extra living areas and structures. Always be wary of doing this. It’s best to consider the type of accommodation you live in. If it is a typical family home, then level lawns and clean paths are essential for children and pets to play. An executive home may need the same or additional patio space for entertaining.

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[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

With that in mind, plan your summerhouse addition carefully. You will want it to be sizeable enough to be practical, but not overwhelm the rest of your garden or yard. Wooden structures that are well cared for are very attractive and highly desirable. This might push the asking price up for you.

Landscaping With Decking And Patio

If you design your garden with care, you can enjoy it for multiple purposes. Think about safe play areas for the kids and a doggy patch that’s out of the way. Perhaps you’re keen to grow your own healthy produce? Landscaping to create these areas means that you can ensure you have the right space and aspect for a great patio and deck. Create a desirable view with the planting of shrubs and flowers. A small flowering tree or fruit tree might also increase the value of your home when it matures.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

If you are showing your home to potential buyers, be sure to set out the patio furniture. This should include a high-quality dining set. Adding place settings to the table can help viewers gauge the size of the space and how many people they could cater for. Give the area a good sweep and power wash to be sure debris and grime are removed.

Garage With Auto Doors

Convenience is everything when people are house hunting. They want easy ways to live the lifestyle they aspire to have. Something as simple as upgrading your garage doors might push the value and desirability of your home all the way up. Remote controlled auto doors offer additional security too. Imagine being able to just drive in and out without having to get wet in the rain. Make sure there are adequate security lights providing illumination along the drive too.

Designer Fitted Kitchen

A high-end kitchen will always be desirable. If it looks contemporary and like new, any potential buyer will be relieved they don’t have to put all the work in. Installing a kitchen takes a long time and a lot of upheavals so most buyers would prefer to have it all done before they move in. Best of all, they’re often willing to pay a premium for it all to be in place and looking grand.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Look for minimalist fitted kitchens with all the appliances built in. If it’s all hidden away neatly, this can be far more attractive. Make sure there is space for a dining set here, even if it is only a breakfast table or bar. Choose your colors wisely to make sure they are neutral enough for most tastes but offer a good level of vibrancy and energy to be stylish.

Flooring and countertops are very important to potential buyers. Look for better quality materials like granite with a high gloss finish. The details can make all the difference. Soft-close cupboards and drawers, and a big, roomy fridge-freezer will appeal to most potential buyers and might make for a quick sale.

Jacuzzi Bath

Some people love the idea of jumping into a jacuzzi bathtub in their own homes. They imagine the bubbles caressing and soothing their muscles, while the skin enjoys a gentle cleansing. Those that own jacuzzi baths might be less inclined to have another one. They can be noisy, and difficult to clean. This one is a tricky one to gauge when it comes to being a valued investment for your home. If you have no personal use for one, it might be worth avoiding.


Saunas are a very healthy way to take care of your body, mind, and skin. They can offer a great deal of relaxation as well as a handy, natural way to detox the skin. Saunas at home don’t need to be very big. You might have one in the corner of your home gym, or it might form part of your family bathroom. They are reasonably easy to maintain and can be used every day.

If you install a sauna in your home, this may attract buyers that are particularly health conscious. The installation cost can vary quite a lot. If you keep the sauna area clean and well-maintained, then it might offer a valued add-on for any potential buyer.

Luxury Bedroom Decor

Buying a new home is often more about buying the lifestyle you desire. Luxury finishes will always be desirable and can indeed demand a higher price for the property. If other homes in your neighborhood are finished to this kind of standard, then it makes sense for you to invest in the right style of decor to compete with them.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Luxury decor should look like a luxury hotel suite. Imagine a well-dressed bed in a room with plush rugs or carpets, enormous headboards, and designer bedside cabinets. Your master bedroom should be the most attractive room in the house. This is the room where you spend most of your hours when you’re at home, especially if you work full time. It needs to be opulent, luxurious, and comfortable.

New Driveway

Don’t forget – the front view or curb appeal of your home is the very first thing anyone will see. It has to impress, and it has to welcome visitors toward your front door. A big part of this is the driveway. If it’s a little dated now, consider having it re-blocked, bricked, or paved. Some surfaces can look as fresh as new if they’re power washed.

Consider bordering the driveway with green planting. Lawn, shrubs, or even a hedge can look beautiful here. Keep all planting trimmed and tidy. Of course, you might prefer to use artificial plants to keep them low maintenance. Avoid gravel and loose surfaces as they can quickly become untidy and invite neighborhood cats and other animals.

Some luxury touches to your property might make it appear more attractive and become more desirable. This could, in turn, hasten a sale. To really add value, consider the add-ons that are most likely to appeal to the type of people that would want to live in your home. These are the ones that could help you reach that ceiling price.

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5 Stunning Patio Styles To Inspire Your Outdoor Dining Space

When you’re looking to add an outdoor dining space to your garden, you can often feel completely overwhelmed with choice. Because there really are a lot of options to consider. Not only do you have to pick out the perfect furniture, but you also have the accessories, plants and even the patio style to think about too. To help you hone in on the right design for you, you might want to consider a few very different options. When you’re looking online, you can often be inundated with styles that all look and feel the same. But if you want something that feels completely your own, here are five to think about.

Small & Simple

If you only have a small outside space, you might want to keep your dining area as cute and compact as possible. And you totally can. You don’t have to go big and brash and ruin the rest of your garden. Instead, you can create a small patio area, even if it’s super narrow, add a chair or two, and a French style bistro dining set along with a few potted plants and you’ve got the perfect alfresco area to enjoy all summer long.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Classically Influenced

Regardless of the space you have, you might want to go for something classic. A traditional patio area can look completely charming in any backyard. Old cobbled stones make for incredible patio areas, and lots of vegetation can give off a rustic vibe. If you’ve always wanted to make your outside dining space feel like it was taken from your favorite vacation spot, with a classic look, you can.

Hamptons Style

If you want to go for a super chic summer look with your outside dining space, why not think about styling the area based on your favorite Hamptons beach house? Here, the look and feel of the patio should be very light, bright and airy. Blues, white, grays and neutrals are always good options to go with. With a minimal yet still stylish vibe, and the odd nautical element or two, your outside space will give you the relaxed air you’ve been hoping for.

Water Inspired

Sometimes, a tranquil eating space is exactly what you need. If you love to feel apart of nature, enjoy a glass of wine as the sunsets, or even read outside, you might like the idea of having a few water features around your patio. While the flooring choice itself may not matter, you’re going to want to make sure that you choose fountains or features that make you feel calm, relaxed and facilitate an easy evening.

A Space For Entertaining

Or maybe you want your patio area to be all about entertaining? When you love to have people over and let out your inner social butterfly, you’re definitely going to love outdoor entertaining. Your focus here should be on the flow of your furniture layout, having enough seating or relaxation areas, and of course – the food and drinks areas. A grilling area and bar could really make your dining space the talk of the town.

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