A Guide to Finding Discounted Bedroom Accessories: Top Tips

Everyone has had that thought after a long, hard day at work or a late night out with your friends where you can’t wait to get into your bed. Whether it is the idea of lying down on a clean, fresh sheet or snuggling up to your duvet, there is not a soul out there who doesn’t relish the thought of returning to the comfort of their bed after a long day.

Getting your bedroom up to scratch is something which requires plenty of thought, but does it have to mean the destruction of your wallet?

It’s not just for comfort that we purchase bedding, though it is a big factor. Homeowners look for a duvet cover that will match the theme or colour of its environment and pay close attention to aesthetics while doing so. One question to continually ask yourself when on the hunt for top bedroom accessories is whether or not you can afford them and our top tips to finding discounted bedroom accessories is sure to give you plenty of food for thought.

Nursery, Room Girl, Child Decoration, White Walls

[Photo courtesy of La-Belle-Galerie/pixabay.com]

Let the bedroom grow with your child

Children grow up fast so their Disney themed duvet cover may no longer seem as ‘cool’ as it did when they were infants. For this reason you should update bedding and furnishings regularly whilst keeping everything within the confines of your budget.

If you’re worried about spending too much then only include characters or themes on bedding with lampshades or other accessories kept plain for a classic, timeless look. An extreme bedding makeover may seem like something which will impact your wallet heavily but there are plenty of affordable bed sets that consist of all the bedding essentials you need.

Use what you have

For those who really want to watch their pennies, the best advice is to avoid buying new. When it comes to giving accessories such as lights or even bedroom furniture a makeover, sometimes you can get away with using what you’ve already got. A fresh coat of paint, a new lampshade or even new handles on your chest of drawers can make all the difference so why not try and renovate existing features before splashing the cash on something brand new.

Go online

When searching for affordable bedding or bedroom accessories, high street stores can prove a handy resource but online services are even more beneficial. Head online to check out the latest sales and offers from both independent retailers and larger brands.

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Bathroom Remodeling Ideas: It’s All In The Details…

The bathroom. It’s a place the whole family use on a regular basis. That’s why it’s important you get everything you need for a functional family bathroom. Making sure the space works for everybody is important. But, essentials aside, have you spent enough time on your bathroom? As well as ensuring it works as a family room, it’s important to make it appealing. No one wants to bathe in an uninspiring place, after all. There’s plenty of advice out there about how to freshen your bathroom, so that’s not what we’ll be looking at. Instead, we’re going to look at the small details. As well as looking fantastic, these can ensure your bathroom is as easy to use as possible!

Toilet Flush

You can be sure your toilet flush gets a lot of use. Everybody who uses the bathroom is going to use it. But, have you put any thought into the flush you use? Chances are, you’re still using what was there when you moved in. Take a little time to consider whether that’s the best option for your needs. It might be the case that a different flush could serve you and your family a lot better. There are many to choose from. Look into pull chains, automatic sensors, and flushes that you press down. A chain choice could be a fantastic feature, especially if you have a vintage theme. And, an automatic option could be perfect if you have young children. That way, you won’t get any nasty surprises when you go in after and they’ve forgotten to flush! Push down options have benefits as well, though they may be more difficult to install. They’re usually built into the toilet. But, they have a heavy and light flow option, and can help to cut your water use!


It’s equally important to consider your taps. Again, you’re probably still using the originals. But, taps get unreliable and blocked over time. Even if they’re still functioning, something more special could make a fantastic feature for your bath. And, it’s not just bath taps you need consider. The sink also has taps you could play with. Again, there are many options. Taps that you have to turn can be irritating, and aren’t the most hygienic. Instead, opt for an option that you lift up or push down. Again, you could choose a tap with a sensor!

Shower Head

Your shower head is another feature you should consider replacing. Like taps, shower heads become less effective over time. If your shower head is old, it may not be as good at getting you clean. Again, you could opt for a something that looks fantastic, too. Choose from fixed, and handheld options. You may want to stray from the traditional round choice and go for something square instead. This option has the bonus of spreading the water over a larger surface area! Have fun and get to know your options. A little research is sure to lead to the perfect thing.

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Is Your Health Keeping You Up At Night?

Often, when you can’t sleep or don’t feel you’re getting good quality sleep, then you’re largely told it’s your fault.

Okay, so that’s quite a harsh way of putting it – but think about it. You’re told that you have to ensure your room isn’t too cold. That you have to practice good sleep hygiene, going to bed and getting up at the same time on weekends as you would during the week. You’re told that you have to ensure there’s no light in your room, or…

Person Covered a Grey Bed Cover

[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/pexels.com]

All of it amounts to the same thing: you’re causing your sleep problems, what you’re doing is responsible. It’s tough to take, especially if you have followed all of the above and you’re still spending your days yawning or your nights tossing and turning. Sleep is such a basic, fundamental thing – how have you managed to be bad at it? Why is none of the advice working?

You might be struggling for answers because… you’re not doing anything wrong. Your sleep hygiene might be impeccable. You might be doing all the things that you should be doing, in the right order, night after night – but you’re still not sleeping as you should be.

That’s not to discount the general insomnia advice you will see floating around. For a lot of people, the cause of their problem is nothing more than bad habits and problematic decisions. It could be drinking too much coffee during the day or just not having the right mattress to sleep on – simple problems with easy remedies. In these cases, the fix is relatively simple; all it takes is switching to non-caffeinated beverages or considering interesting advice from Mattress-Guides.net on next steps to take with your bedding arrangements. Sometimes, that is all it takes. On the other occasions (or if those steps haven’t worked), something else might be responsible: your health.

There are certain health conditions that can force insomnia to cross from a regular annoyance and into a chronic problem. Now, this isn’t going to be one of those infamous internet articles where you look up something benign and are immediately told your death is imminent. They’re no fun for anyone. All of the conditions below are lifestyle damaging, but they’re not going to kill you.

The problem with these conditions is that they tend to be hidden beneath the surface. If the general symptoms are “tired” or “prone to headaches” when you look up a condition, it’s impossible to see a difference between that and normal life. And, to be frank, chronic insomnia might indeed be idiopathic. However, if there is something nestling under the surface, then it’s worth knowing about – at the very least, so you can get a good night’s sleep for once…

(As with all medical advice online, if any of these conditions really chime for you, then see a doctor. This is meant as a guide, not a diagnostic tool – be smart, everyone.)

Hormone Disorders

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[Photo courtesy of WikimediaImages/pixabay.com]

There’s a tendency in the lay population to think that hormones are some mystical problem that besets women on a cyclical basis. It extends as far as well-traveled tennis players; the idea that hormones are a female problem. Well, nope. There’s a whole bunch of hormones for both genders and, to an extent, they control our lives. They range from estrogen through to testosterone and even adrenaline – in fact, there’s tens of them. Together, they make up the endocrine system.

The difficult thing about hormones is that they tend to work in balance with one another. It’s not so much about their individual level in and of themselves, but their levels relative to one another. If one of those levels is not playing ball with the rest of the group, then you can have a problem.

Some of the most common hormone disorders include:

  • Underactive or overactive thyroid (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism).
  • Cushing’s Syndrome – an overload of the stress hormone, cortisol.
  • Diabetes.

All of the above will cause problems with sleep patterns.

Thankfully, these conditions are easily diagnosed and well-managed with treatment – so don’t be afraid to speak to your doctor about them.

Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease

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[Photo courtesy of Brett_Hondow/pixabay.com]

Often abbreviated to GERD, this ailment is surprisingly common in people of all ages. It’s caused by an overproduction of stomach acid, leading to a burning feeling in the chest and back as well as other gastrointestinal symptoms. One of the most recognized symptoms is heartburn, which can lead to an overreliance on lozenges – without any idea of how the problem is disrupting your sleep.

The way GERD affects sleep is through a mixture of discomfort and general restlessness due to incomplete digestion. One of the best ways to combat it is to raise your head position when you sleep; use a pillow beneath your upper back and let gravity help you keep the stomach acid where it belongs.

One note of caution: prescription-strength antacids called PPIs (protein pump inhibitors) are often prescribed for GERD. Evidence is suggesting these can actually make things worse, so do try simple methods like raising your head position before you resort to them.

Anxiety Disorders

There are a vast array of anxiety disorders, from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder through to PTSD. Or perhaps you have a mixture of them all in one, with the all-encompassing General Anxiety Disorder.

If you find yourself panicked or worrying on a daily basis, then it might be a sign of such an illness. Often, it’s just dismissed as ‘the way we are’ – so we think no more of it. But in reality, being highly stressed and anxious could be a sign of a physiological illness.

It’s worth running through the GAD-7; a standard, medically-sound test that is used as a diagnostic tool for anxiety disorders. This should give you some idea on whether your anxiety is within normal limits, or if it might be time to speak to your doctor about your treatment options.

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[Photo courtesy of kaboompics/pixabay.com]

If you do find you have a concern, then the way it has been impacting your sleep could be total. When you are panicked or anxious, your adrenaline is firing on a constant “fight or flight” mode. This results in hypervigilance, which in turn makes it difficult to get to sleep at night. Even if you score low on the GAD-7, if any of the above sounds familiar, it’s always worth a brief chat with a doctor to see if there’s anything they can help with.

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Shocking Secret Costs Of Home Buying

You might have quite a romantic notion of buying your first home. To be honest, it is a beautiful concept. You’re buying a little plot of land and a home that is yours and that you own. But you shouldn’t let that idea hide the very real costs that you’re going to face when you start to think about buying a property. There are a lot of hidden costs that you need to be prepared for otherwise, they can come back to bite you in a few years. Here’s an example of one of those nasty costs, the removal team. We know what you’re thinking. A removal team can’t be that expensive, can they? Be careful with this assumption though because different companies charge different prices. As well as this, prices will fluctuate depending on when you’re moving and where you’re moving too. If you’re traveling to a new home halfway across the country, removal costs are going to be a large chunk of the bill.

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[Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos/pixabay.com]

The best way to handle this is by looking at different companies online and finding the cheapest possibility. But you also want to check out reviews to make sure that the company you choose isn’t going to deliver a shoddy service. Here are a few other hidden costs that you need to think about.

Legal Fees

Lawyers are notorious for charging heavy costs for their services, and we often forget that buying a home is a legal transaction. It’s such a massive purchase that you need legal representation to make sure that everything is above board. That’s not even the only professional you’ll need to hire either. You will also need to think about getting an inspector as well as a surveyor, and the list just keeps growing. When you buy a home, you may need to hire as many as three different professionals to ensure that your purchase happens without a hitch.


Don’t forget that when you buy a home, you will almost always be taking out a loan to pay for it or a mortgage. A mortgage that, unfortunately, is like any other loan. What this means is that you can start paying back the cost of your home at a reasonable amount. But eventually, after a few years, you could end up paying a lot more than what your home was originally worth. That’s why you need to calculate mortgage payment before you actually buy a home. This will ensure that you know exactly what you’re getting into and can avoid the nasty situation of repayments becoming unmanageable.


[Photo courtesy of George Hodan/publicdomainpictures.net]

Bills, Bills, Bills,

Last but not least, it’s worth thinking about home bills. They are probably going to be considerably larger than you’re used to and could be a shock to your finances. Luckily, there are ways to reduce this cost. You just need to think about going greener, conserving energy as much as you possibly can.

Good luck with these costs when buying a home. If you take this advice, you’ll be able to avoid the surprise and plan your finances accordingly.

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Everything You Need For A Functional Family Bathroom

When you put together your family home, certain rooms tend to take precedence over others. It’s a lot of fun to design a cozy family room or to picture your dreamy farmhouse-style kitchen in full action as you cook a delicious dinner for the family. But once room that is perhaps even more important to the everyday functioning of your family’s home is the bathroom. Sure, you aren’t all using it at once like you are the other rooms mentioned – but that’s kind of the point. When you have one bathroom to share between four or maybe even five people (depending on how many kids you have), things can automatically get a bit complicated. The inevitable queue for the toilet, the rush as you all try and brush your teeth at once – and there’s always that one person who takes way too long in the shower. To a certain extent, there’s not a great deal you can do about much of this – these examples are simply by-products of living in a family home, and you will miss the madness once your kids have grown up and moved out! But still, you shouldn’t be fighting a losing battle against your bathroom every single day. Take a look at these top tips for how you can make your family bathroom much more functional.

Color coding

The last thing you need right after you’ve just got the kids settled for bed is an argument breaking out over who’s used who’s toothbrush. If you have multiple products in the same bathroom and they all belong to different people, try color coding them to make sure your family knows what belongs to who. This is especially important if certain members of your family need to use specific products for medical reasons – or if you just want to stop your children stealing your $30 a bottle body wash! Buy individual shower caddies in a variety of colors and get your kids to claim one each. It is also worth buying a variety of toothbrushes in different colors, so there’s no cross-contamination.

Double Sink, Home, Modern Bathroom, Interior, Design

[Photo courtesy of TA9141985/pixabay.com]

The double sink

Sick of always dealing with a blocked and generally gross sink? Perhaps you’ve pretty much accepted that your kids will never wipe up their dried toothpaste no matter how many times you tell them, or perhaps your husband will simply never wash away his hair after his morning shave! If this sounds like something you’re used to, and you’ve got enough room, why not consider installing a second sink? Double sinks can look incredibly stylish and modern, and automatically free up space in your bathroom. There are a variety of styles to choose from, whether you want to go for classic porcelain or something a little more innovative, like marble or wood. Vessel sinks are also exceptionally popular and can immediately add a touch of chic to your bathroom. If overcrowding is the main issue you face in your family bathroom, this could be the perfect option for you – no more crowding around one sink just to have a go with the mouthwash!

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[Photo courtesy of StockSnap/pixabay.com]

More storage space

If there’s one thing most bathrooms lack, it’s storage space. And if there’s one thing we all know about a family bathroom, it’s that a number of products we have in there sure can build up. Shampoos and body washes can be dealt with easily enough via the aforementioned shower caddy, but what about all the other things you tend to find in the average shared bathroom? Sponges, wash clothes, towels, hand soap, beauty products, hairdryers… the list is endless! Let’s start with the beauty products. This is a broad term that can cover everything from face washes to hair masks – and you’ll know how easy it can be to build up quite the collection. Having them just sitting on your sink surface can get crowded and also messy, as any leaks or spillages (and they will happen!) dry onto your surfaces. It can also be hard to know where to begin with your morning routine when you’ve got twenty different products staring you in the face! Chances are, there are only a couple of these products that you actually use on a daily basis, so install a cabinet of sorts to hide the rest away in. You don’t have to compromise on style either – you can get hold of some truly unique vanities from many great retailers. Try and get hold of one that offers multiple storage options: a big cupboard space for bulky items like electricals and cleaning products, and smaller drawers for miscellaneous items. It can also be worth investing in a towel rack or towel hooks, so you’re not constantly picking fabric up off the floor after your kids.

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[Photo courtesy of Joey/pixabay.com]

Bathroom rules

It can be really hard to maintain the upkeep and appearance of one room on your own – especially a room that gets as dirty as quickly as a bathroom. The constant humidity and the amount of product used in a bathroom can easily make the place appear messy and unkempt – so encourage your family to abide by a set of rules in order to keep the place looking its best. Something along the lines of ‘leave the bathroom how you found it’ should suffice! Bathmats left to sit on a wet floor can easily become moldy and even a health hazard, so make sure whoever showers last hangs it up somewhere to air or puts it in the laundry basket. Hair in the plughole is also a common issue in big families – and nothing ruins the functionality of a family bathroom more than a blocked up bathtub. Place a hair catcher over your sink and your bathtub plughole, although encourage your family to pull any excess hair out all the same. By making these simple changes to your bathroom, you will find it much easier to use and the whole family will benefit.

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3 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Garden This Year

For most people, the size of the garden is a huge selling point if they are planning to buy a property. It’s not just the idea that if you have a garden, children have a place to play. A little bit – or a lot – of land that you own is something to be proud of, and you want to be able to maximize on the space you have and not let it go to waste. There are so many ways you can use a garden and stripping the whole thing back to basics and starting from scratch is the smart thing to do. It’s your piece of private outdoor space to do what you want with and that begins from the ground up. Doing up the garden can be as fun as doing up any room in the house, but are you ready for the challenge?

Landscape, Japanese Garden, Ornamental Garden

[Photo courtesy of ADD/pixabay.com]

Some people decide to fully landscape their garden into one that is low maintenance. This generally is for those who have no real interest in gardening but still want to use the outside space for children, barbecues and generally having the outdoor area to entertain friends. This can be anything from laying patterned gravel like this to tarmacking the entire area so it’s got a slight bounce – great for children to play. Low maintenance gardens are great for people who don’t have time for the upkeep of planting flowers or vegetables and generally want to be able to tidy the space up quickly.

There are those who want a fully green garden packed with seasonal flowers, lawn and a vegetable patch to grow peppers and onions. Generally, these gardens are very high maintenance and require a few hours work every week to maintain their colour. Sprinklers in the summer and watering cans for the hanging plants are a feature and the pride in the outdoor setting is obvious. A fully bloomed garden is beautiful and smells amazing in the summer months, and it’s also a very peaceful place to sit and just be. There are some amazing ways you can maximize on the space you have in your garden, whether it’s a tiny little patio area or half a football field attached to the rear of your home and with these three fab ideas, you can use the garden in the way you have always dreamed:


[Photo courtesy of Leonid Dzhepko/wikimedia.org]

Planting is one of the most popular activities in a garden. You could choose to landscape your garden with a lawn and edge the entire thing with border flowers that relate to the season. If your garden space is a little smaller than you would like but you have big dreams for it, don’t grow around, grow UP! Adding fencing and bamboo can see some beautiful climbing ivy and other plants through the year growing upward in your garden. You can also plant squash and variations of beans and cucumber if a vegetable garden is something that interests you. Making a tepee of climbing plants for your garden can give it a green glow all year round. Don’t forget to invest in the right equipment though, you’ll need mowers and tools for your garden to keep it in tip top shape.

The grill man

[Photo courtesy of Kaboompics // Karolina/pexels.com]

Entertaining friends at home is always a pleasure, but being able to spill out into the garden is even better. If you have gone for a low maintenance garden, you’re likely to be lacking much in the way of greenery and colour outside. Adding solar lights, bunting and fake bushes like these ones can add some beauty to an otherwise plain garden. Build your own brick barbecue and think about having inflatable hot tubs on standby to get out when guests are over. Drinks on a chilly New Year’s Even can be so much better when you’re relaxing in the warm bubbles of your new hot tub and eating tasty burgers from the new barbecue! Maximizing your garden for entertainment is a way to make the space you have somewhere you want to be. There’s no use having extra land if you can’t use it to make yourself happy and entertaining guests in a unique way is the best. Invite them over and remind them to bring their swimwear!

One of the most popular ways to maximize the garden space is to build on it. Not just plant and flower boxes, but conservatories. When you have a lot of land in the back of the house, you have the opportunity to attach what ends up being an entirely new room onto the house. This not only adds value to the house as a whole, but it gives you that extra dining room/play room/craft space you’ve always imagined you could have. A conservatory is a fantastic idea if you live in an area that is heavy with rain. You can then use the rest of the outside space for entertaining and planting beautiful flowers. You can read more about installing a conservatory here.

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[Photo courtesy of Literatirus/wikimedia.org]

Your garden is your own private haven to do with what you will. Add in a pond and some fish for a little touch of wildlife and hang bird feeders from the trees. You can even buy some fantastic garden furniture like this to make your outdoor area feel homelier than just a blank canvas to look at. Taking the time to make the most of your garden comes down to how busy you are and how much you care about the flush of colour that your garden has.

There are so many people who don’t have the time to maintain a garden but if you have the time, turn the garden from boring to brilliant. Make it an extension of your home and furnish, decorate and breathe life into it. You want to create a place you and your friends want to be; and your garden is that space as long as you take the time to make the most of the area you have.

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Let Machines Do the Work! Clever Automation Ideas for Your Home

There are many simple tasks around the home that could be taken care of by modern technology.  You could free up your life to do more enjoyable things and save yourself a lot of time and hassle.  Options like gate automation can make your life so much easier and really improve the functionality of your home.

Automated Timing Switches

Timing switches can be a great way to automate a variety of different devices and gadgets around the home.  You can buy these switches and plug your electrical items straight into them.  You will then be able to program in a schedule of times when you want these appliances to turn on and off.

For example timing switches can be used for electric heaters.  The switches will automatically turn heaters on and off at the programmed times.  This enables you to heat rooms in advance so that they are nice and warm for when you get home.  This will also save you money as the heaters switch off again automatically so you never need to worry about leaving them on wasting energy.

Timing switches can also be used for other tasks like pumps for fish tanks.  You will be able to program when you want the pumps to turn on and off automatically and this saves you a lot of hassle.

Automated Washing Cycles

Many modern washing machines can now offer scheduled programming.  You will be able to load washing machines and then program what time you want them to come on.  This can save a lot of time as you can load the machine the night before and program it to automatically start the next morning.  No more rushing around before work trying to get the washing on!

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[Photo courtesy of Gratisography/pexels.com]

Automated wash cycles can also save you money as you can program machines to wash at the cheapest tariff point of the day even if you are out and about.

Automated Gates

Gate automation can offer a practical way to secure your home whilst still making it accessible to you and your family.  These gates can also add style to properties and have a certain upmarket appeal.  The great thing about automated gates is that they can be opened remotely.  This means you don’t have to get out of your car and open the gates to access your property.  The gates can either be opened by someone inside the property or you can have a wireless controller in your car that triggers the gates to open for you.

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[Photo courtesy of Daniel Frank/pexels.com]

This offers an incredibly convenient way to secure your property without making access difficult for you or your family. There are many benefits to installing automated gates on your property including:

  • Increased Security – locked gates offer a powerful visible deterrent to opportunistic criminals. Automated gates have specially geared motors that make it very difficult for someone to force them open.  For additional security electromagnetic locks can be installed which power up when the gates are shut.  These exert a very powerful force that makes it incredibly difficult to force gates open.  Automated gates make it much easier for you to control who enters your property.
  • Increased Convenience – automated gates enable you to enter and leave your property with ease. Some remote controller devices can be used up to 20 metres away.  This means you can ensure the gates slide open just as you approach so that you don’t have to stop your car and wait.
  • Long Lasting and Durable – quality automated gates are available in a range of robust materials. Metal gates offer a tough and lasting option.  You can also get wooden electric gates for those that prefer a more traditional, natural finish.  Whatever material you choose with a little careful maintenance your automated gate should last for many years.
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Throwing Shade: Go Low-Tech But Stay Cool

If you know all too well how unbearable it can be once summer hits you’ll already be looking at ways to keep your bills down and your air supply up! Depending on where you live, temperatures can quickly reach 90 Degrees Fahrenheit and it’s much harder to concentrate, sleep and eat when the sun’s at its zenith. One of the best ways to keep cool during the summer months is to stay hydrated. You should also always make sure you carry sunglasses, as even on cloudy days the sun can be powerful, and our eyes are incredibly sensitive.

It may also be worth keeping your curtains open at night, that way the cold air will alleviate the stuffiness in your house once the sun’s gone down. Try to get as much fresh air blowing through your home as possible by opening windows, doors, using fans to circulate and blasting the AC for a few hours so the filters to trap any dirt and debris that may be floating around. You may also have noticed a greater abundance of insects appearing, summer is often where you see the most wasps, bees, flies and beetles. Take precautions by putting up fly screens even if you don’t live in a rural area and check food is never allowed to sit out in the heat, not only will this spoil the flavor and texture but it could make you quite ill. While bees and wasps may look pretty buzzing around your flowerbeds, they have a nasty sting so always know where your tweezers, antiseptic insect bite cream and plasters are!

Brown Woven Umbrella

[Photo courtesy of nastya/pexels.com]

Take Cover

Parasols are great but if you want to make a real difference to the temperature in your home why not buy yourself an awning? The Department of Energy has stated awnings, or shaded covers can reduce heat by 30% simply because the sun rises and the linen cover takes the brunt of the heat while rays bounce off. While awnings aren’t as fashionable as they used to be; they do add a certain charm to your property as well as allowing you to sit outside comfortably. Before buying an awning always check to see if your property is suitable, maintain both the mechanism and fabric to stop cracks or holes appearing and never let children pull or raise awnings themselves as they could get their fingers trapped. Avoid any accidents by using an awning pole, a device similar to a loft pole which attaches to the hook on the underside and lets you pull down the striped sail from a safe distance.

Get Planting!

If you’re very lucky, you’ll live somewhere with lots of trees which isn’t just good for your health because trees take in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, but they also act as a natural barrier and so quite often the temperature in the shade is at least ten degrees cooler than out in the open! However, lots of us believe that as long as there are trees somewhere nearby, we’ll automatically stay much cooler! Sadly, that’s not always the case as depending on where those trees are placed, that’ll decide how much shade you get. If you have no trees close to the house, it may be worth thinking about planting some young saplings now. Choose trees that grow quite quickly like poplars, maples, birches, and willows as well as those that are famed for their leafy, green appearance, so they’ll give you plenty of shade.

To save a significant amount of energy, or at least figure that’ll be noticeable on your next bill plant trees on the south and west-facing sides of your property. Everyone knows that south facing gardens tend to get the most sun, so by creating a tree line there you’ll reduce the heat dramatically. Remember, trees are a natural way to cool down your entire home as well as encouraging wildlife into the neighborhood. When planting always check the property boundaries before you start digging and as long as you don’t cross over onto your neighbor’s land you’re fine.

However, we do suggest being courteous as not only do you not want to start a turf war but it means if you block their beautiful view now they could do the same thing to you later on.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/pexels.com]

Have A Ceiling Fan

It may seem a bit old-fashioned, almost colonial, but high ceiling fans do a fantastic job of keeping the air moving while cooling down rooms you spend the most time in. In fact, the more people you put somewhere small the hotter the overall room temperature gets. This is because we each have our own perfect temperature! Some people feel much colder than others but in a big group heat becomes the dominant force and as it rises things then get fairly uncomfortable quite quickly as people begin to sweat.

Ceiling fans aren’t as ugly as they used to be and now come in a variety of shapes and sizes they’re also quieter than you’d expect. Remember, these fans are designed to keep you from melting so if you’re going out turn the fan off! If you really need your AC on, and let’s face it in mid-summer plenty of us see it as a lifesaver try to look for one that’s as silent as possible. There are also some great quiet ac units out there that won’t make you feel like you’re standing in the middle of an airfield instead of your living room every time you turn on the remote control!

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[Photo courtesy of Tookapic/pexels.com]

White Out!

Do you recall your eighth-grade science lessons and how your teacher told you how snow reflects the heat instead of absorbing it due to it’s lighter color? The same principal applies to our roofs so if you want to lower the temperature below you should mix it up above! It’s often why you’ll find buildings and roofs painted white or yellow in hotter countries so that the encroaching heat doesn’t seep inside. Believe it or not, a report by Climate Change Research suggested that if all buildings and roads in the US were painted white the energy saved could run into millIons of dollars.

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The Reason You’re Losing Time When Cooking

You find a recipe you want to make. The picture is tantalizing, the ingredients are already in your cupboard, and you’re going to cook it better than the chef in the picture ever could. Ah, hubris.

It’s not uncommon to find a recipe that claims to take 30-40 minutes and emerge from the kitchen, sweaty and irritable, more than hour later. You begin to wonder if the problem is the author – do they exist in a different universe where time runs differently? Or could the problem be… you?

One of the major contributors to the slowing-down process is clutter. We have all come to value our kitchen appliances; not just the cooker (although its importance is obvious) – but we love all those little gadgets we have that make cooking fun and seemingly easy. When thought about it… how many of those gadgets do you actually need? How many do you really use?

Therefore it’s necessary to wonder if you’re getting the most out of your kitchen or if perhaps a few tweaks to your behavior could improve on perfection.

Do You Really Need Those Gadgets All At Once?

Blender, Drummer, Kitchen, Utensil, 3D, Mixer, Made

[Photo courtesy of Amigos3D/pixabay.com]

It’s important to be harsh with your kitchen appliances – and no, that doesn’t mean using lifespan-reducing steel wool to clean them. What it does mean is following a simple rule of necessity. Ask yourself if you really need everything that you have in the room.

Many cooks follow a rule of “one in, one out” when it comes to their gadgets. So, if for example, a meal calls for the use of a blender, then you make space for it in the room by moving out the steamer. If you have to use a bowl mixer, then it’s bye-bye blender. They don’t have to go into deep storage – just remove them from the work surfaces into cupboards. With more available space to work in, it’s easier to see what you have done and – importantly – what you need to do.

Your Kitchen Is For Kitchen Things

Keys, Open Locks, Security, Unlock, Secure, Bunch, Pile

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/pixabay.com]

It’s not uncommon to come home from work and, before heading to the kitchen, pick up the mail. Once in the kitchen, you put the mail down on the counter, adding to the pile your keys, bag, and your phone.

Just like that, in one mindless moment, your belongings are spreading through the room without your knowledge. If you don’t clear these items away quickly, they begin to mount up – and will get in the way when you cook.

Create a space outside the kitchen – a cubby, or a shelf – to deposit items in before entering the kitchen. If you need to use your phone for a recipe, then put it back in a pocket when done rather than abandoning it on the counter.

Use Dead Time For Clean Up

Most meals offer you a certain amount of “dead time” while food is simply cooking and there is nothing for you to do to it. Sure, stir the sauce every few minutes or turn the steaks when one side is done – but mostly, it’s hands off for a short while. Use this time to cast an eye over the counters and clear away any mess, spills, or equipment you no longer need. It might sound small and simplistic, but it genuinely is an effective way of preventing things getting on top of you and disrupting the meal!

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Unusual Gardening Tips That Will Keep You Interested

Some people seem to have been born with a special touch when it comes to gardening. For the rest of us, this popular hobby just seems to boring and too much like hard work! But maybe that’s just because we’re not doing it the right way? If you try and mix up your gardening techniques, you will find that it gets a lot more interesting. In fact, if you use some of these unique and unusual tips, you will find that your gardening interest stays at a constant high!

Tulips, Tulip, Field, Fields, Red, Background

[Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures/pixabay.com]
  • Use eggs as fertilizer. Do you love having scrambled eggs for breakfast? Maybe some poached eggs and avocado for lunch? Well, your egg habit could help to fuel your gardening habit! Make sure you save your eggshells, as these can be used as fertilizer. Simply scatter them onto your garden, and they will enrich the soil, making it easier to grow plants and flowers.
  • Try Aquaponics. Don’t worry, this sounds a lot harder than what it actually is. This method of gardening uses fish waste to help plants grow and doesn’t require any soil. You can buy special starter aquaponic kits that will also come with the right fish for your plants. Basically, you will be growing your plants and flowers in a fish tank. How cool is that?!
  • Rent, don’t buy. If you aren’t sure how long you are going to keep your gardening habit up for, it’s a good idea to rent equipment from companies such as Brookings Rent All. This will work out cheaper than buying new equipment like lawnmowers and ladders. And, if you get bored of gardening soon after you start, you won’t be left with a lot of equipment to sell!

Bloom, Blossom, Bud, Bunch, Color, Colorful, Flora

[Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures/pixabay.com]
  • Garden at night. Gardening can be sweaty work, and doing it out in the sun is only going to tire you even more. So, how about gardening at night? In actual fact, some experts say that planting in the dark will encourage your plants to grow quicker.
  • Use cooking water in your garden. Don’t just throw the water that you cooked vegetables or pasta in down the drain. There is lots of healthy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals left in it! And these will all go down well with your plants and flowers. So keep hold of your cooking water and use it to water your garden.
  • Stick to annual plants. Did you leave it too late to plant your seasonal vegetables and flowers? Well, you can always rule out ever being late again by sticking to annual plants. These plants survive all year around, so it doesn’t matter when you get round to planting them outside.
  • Add caffeine. Something else that you shouldn’t throw out is left-over coffee granules. These can be spread on your garden, just like fertilizer. Not only does the coffee keep pests off your plants, but it also adds plenty of potassium, copper, and magnesium to the soil.

So there you have it; some excellent tips that are so unique, you should never get bored of gardening again!

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