Browsing Category: "Home Improvement"

How to Make Your Home Summer-Ready

Well, we’ve waited for what feels like forever but the summer in very nearly here! After being huddled away from the cold, feeling cozy and warm, it’s time to start getting out into the world and enjoying the sunshine. But one thing that’s important to consider is whether or not your home is actually ready for the summertime. You might think that the only important things are getting your summer body and your summer wardrobe, but you’re going to need different things from your home depending on the season, and it’s much better to sort them out before the summer is fully underway and the heat is too intense.

Let there be light

During the winter months, there’s nothing like a warm, cozy home. Sitting on the couch reading a book by lamplight on a cold night is one of life’s most simple and wonderful pleasures. However, something that might have felt warm and cozy in December is likely to feel dark, stuffy and miserable in the summer. It’s time to make the most of the longer days and start letting in more and more natural light. Throw open your curtains! Arrange your rooms to spread the light as much as possible!

Bring in some air

It’s amazing how fast a home can go from being pleasantly warm to stifling and unbearably hot. The moment you start to feel that way it’s time to open all of your windows wide. In fact, you should open up all of your windows at least a couple of times a week. It will help improve the airflow inside the house and prevent a dank, sweaty atmosphere from setting in.

Get ready for outdoor fun

One part of your home that probably ends up neglected far more than any other during the winter months is your yard. It’s far too cold and wet to go outside, so it ends up going unused and becoming overgrown. Once the sun comes out the first thing to do is to bust out the lawnmower. Then, once the yard is usable again, you can find ways to make it fun, whether it’s by setting up a place for having picnics, or this amazing lounge pool with seats! There’s no better way to spend the summertime than enjoying it in your yard with family and friends.

Change colours

Why not make a big change in your home to match the changing of the seasons? Maybe the colors of the rooms could do with a little revamping? What might have seemed nice and cozy before might make the place seem a little drab and dark now that the sun is shining? Why not go for some bright, vibrant colors to match the weather? Yellows and light blues are fantastic for bringing a sense of life and vibrancy to any home, especially when the sunshine hits them. The right color can make a room feel bigger and brighter all at once.

Luckily, very few of these things will take that much effort, and you’ll be basking in the summer sun and relaxing with a drink before you know it.

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A New Bathroom For Under £1,000

Most homeowners spend around $7,000 to $10,000 on each big renovation project. Over half of them will have to increase their budget to take account of issues related to poor planning. In short, we are a nation of renovators, and we love to improve the house. As a result, it is easy to define which are the first rooms to be renovated inside a home. Homeowners focus their attention on the first rooms that show signs of use, being the bathroom and the kitchen. Kitchen renovation projects are often expensive because they require to buy new appliances. There is no way around the expense, unfortunately. However, when it comes to the bathroom, while most projects remain expensive, the costs could be easily cut down with some savvy DIY craft and a lot of smart recycling thinking. Here’s how:   

Learning To Renovate

When you are looking at renovating your bathroom, it’s important to set a budget for your time and your expenses before you start. To keep your renovation low cost, you will need to invest time and efforts in it. So, make sure that you start with the right DIY gear! If you bought an old house, it’s likely that your original bathroom floor has been covered with layers of plywood and linoleum. If you want to refloor the room, you will need to go through layers of old flooring. It’s a hard manual work, but this will increase the value of your home dramatically. Besides painting the walls, with a bathroom suitable paint that is designed to resist stains and moisture, the other main area of improvement is the tiled wall around the shower or the tub. It will give your bathroom a fresh and clean look. Finally, instead of changing your bathtub or shower, you can refresh them with a refinishing kit, to find the original shine.

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[Installing tiles on a wall/Photo courtesy of]

Don’t Waste Anything

When you start diving into long renovation projects, you will rapidly find that you have a lot of items that can’t be reused in their original form. For example, if you start working on the plumbing system, you may find yourself with plenty of unusable scrap copper. Don’t just throw it away; if you can’t repurpose it, others can, and they will give you a fair copper per pound price. Additionally, other larger items, such as a bathroom cabinet can be repurposed into an elegant kitchen cupboard or a craft chest of drawers. Similarly, if you have an old chest of drawers, you can also repurpose it into a bathroom vanity, following the previous step-by-step tutorial.

Be Your Own Plumber

Finally, if you have ever hired a plumber, you are probably aware of the cost of a professional repair/renovation work. In most cases, with the right tools, you can tackle most bathroom projects by yourself, at a lower cost, and without much efforts. Additionally, plumbing essentials such as installing a sink or adding new water lines are a lot easier than you might think. As a rule of the thumb, you can do most of your plumbing work within an afternoon and at no cost at all if you have the appropriate tool.

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Planning for Baby: Nursery Room Tips

A new arrival is on the way and there is so much to do – decorating the nursery, choosing baby blankets and bedding along with a baby changing table, glider rocker and more. No matter how much you do before the bundle of joy arrives there’s inevitably something you will overlook, especially if this is your first child.

New parents may not realize how much the home décor will need to change throughout the entire house. The glass top coffee table that was once so stylish now represents a potential safety hazard while the sleek bathroom knobs and hardware that was so easy to use now poses a safety problem.

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[Photo courtesy of ErikaWittlieb/]

Each room of your home will need to be childproofed and the bathroom is a good place to start. Any cabinets including the medicine chest should be secured with a childproof lock. The wastebasket should have a lid; a foot operated model is a good idea as kids will have a difficult time opening it. The toilet seat should be secured with a lid lock and all electrical outlets should be secured with protectors.

The bathtub should be made as child-friendly as possible – look for a bathtub faucet guard to protect baby’s head and be sure to invest in a bathtub temperature gauge to reduce the chance of scalding baby. A shampoo rinse cup will help to stop the tears when shampooing children’s hair.

If you do not already have a handheld showerhead you will find this to be one of the most useful modifications you can make in a bathroom. With a handheld shower head it’s easy to bathe children, shampoo hair and direct the water spray exactly where you want it; it also makes cleaning the tub and shower much easier.

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Pimp Your Mega-Mansion

If there’s one thing that the super rich love doing, it’s pimping their mega-mansions. It’s almost a rite of passage for them – something they feel they have to do in order to feel a part of their exclusive club. The good news is that a lot of what they end up doing can be replicated in our own homes, sometimes at a tiny fraction of the cost. Here are some of the ways that the rich and famous have pimped out their homes.

Install A Waterfall

Water features are an essential part of pimping up any home. But now a home in Tiburon, California has taken the concept a step further by including a 10-foot waterfall on the inside of the house. The home itself looks more like a temple and has been dubbed “The Nirvana House” which is in keeping with the state’s new age vibes. The future owner of the house will be able to turn the waterfall up or down, from peaceful stream to raging torrent, depending on his or her mood.

[Photo courtesy of Alistair McMillan/]

The house itself is listed for sale at more than $11 million on a San Francisco brokerage site. That’s pretty steep for most folks, but there’s no reason why you couldn’t include your own waterfall feature in your front garden.

Bullet-Proof Windows

When you’ve got an expensive home, there’s a lot of stuff you need to protect, including the occupants. Bulletproof windows not only stop bullets, but they also prevent the windows being smashed in and thieves entering your home. Bullet-proof glass comes in different grades. The weakest grades will stop a bullet, but repeated assault with a blunt instrument can still smash them. Companies, however, have developed glass hybrids which reflect impact energy and transfer it back into the person hitting the window, preventing breakage.

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[Photo courtesy of GregoryButler/]

Heavy-duty glass is, understandably, expensive. However, it’s not necessarily out of the range of many well-to-do homeowners looking for an extra little bit of protection. A house near Central Park in New York recently sold for more than $25 million, complete with a triple layer of bullet-proof glass.

Indoor-Outdoor Pools

[Photo courtesy of Dylan Tweney/]

Those who live in temperate climes have a dilemma on their hands when it comes to swimming pools. Should they be built indoors or outdoors? Well, why not both. The owners of a mansion in Snowmass, Colorado have decided to build a swimming pool with half of it inside their home and the other half outside, surrounded by a patio area overlooking the mountains. The exterior painting is designed to complement the outdoor part of the pool, while the indoor section is plain masonry. Will your new pool be as uncompromising?

Home Theatre

Home theaters are all the rage among the rich and famous, especially among actors who can enjoy spending hours watching themselves on the big screen. It’s not unusual for the super-rich to spend upwards of $2.5 million on a home theater, just to watch a DVD that cost $8. The most famous example of a home theater inside a mega-mansion is the theater in the Ziegfeld mansion.

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Don’t Have A Roof-Ache!

When it comes to our home, there are loads of things that can go wrong. In fact, we end up having to spend a small fortune on repairs every year. But one place which often can be forgotten about is the roof. After all, we are unlikely to look up there when we are going about our daily life. But there could be problems developing which could soon end in costly repairs. Therefore, here are some things you can do to avoid a roof-ache!

[Photo courtesy of /]

Keep an eye on your attic

For a lot of us, we tend to use our attic to store items that we can’t find homes for. In fact, it can end up being a haven of old toys, luggage, and Christmas haven. And it means we rarely go up into the attic. But to ensure you notice problems with your roof, you need to be ensuring you are checking in the attic. After all, there can be signs in the room which mean there is a problem with your roof. For one thing, if there is a lot of light coming into your attic, it could be a sign that you are missing shingles. And they will need to be replaced quickly before you end up with a leak in your home. Also, if you notice water spots on your attic walls, it’s a sign that there is a problem with your roof flashing. Therefore, keep an eye on this to ensure you notice a problem quickly.

[Photo courtesy of Katherine Bowman/]

Watch out for shingles in your yard

You also need to be careful to watch out for shingles in your yard. After all, if there are loose shingles found in your back garden, it’s likely they have come off your roof. And if you do have missing shingles, your roof is unlikely to be protected from the natural elements. So if a storm hits, you could soon find a leak in your property. Therefore, as soon as you notice shingles, it’s a good idea to contact a roofing company. That way, they can go up onto the roof and see how many is missing. They can also help you to make the decision whether you need to replace the roof. In fact, a lot of roofing companies like Anderson Contractors will give you a free quote so you can decide whether it’s something you can afford to do. And remember most roofs only last on average 15 years. So it might be time to replace it if it’s older than that!

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[Photo courtesy of Jan-Mallander/]

Get an annual roof inspection

While you might forget to look at your roof, you can still keep on top of it if you get someone to come out to check it annually. After all, the roofer will check everything to make sure it’s all in top nick. And then will make any fixes that are needed to keep it in good condition. That way, you can stop any problems in their track before they get worse and cause you a small fortune. You can also schedule them to come every year so that even if you forget, you will get a reminder telling you to book it!

Remember to ensure you are covered by home insurance. That way, you can get the funds you need if something does go wrong with the roof!

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Designing a Desirable Outdoor Kitchen

Summer is fast approaching which means that it will soon be time to take the entertainment outdoors. If you want to impress your friends and family with the standard of your barbeques, brunches and garden parties, the one thing that you should consider doing is building your own outdoor kitchen.

For a lot of people, an outdoor kitchen is the height of luxury and the perfect way to entertain when the weather is good. I mean, imagine sipping a cocktail on the deck while the birds sing, the flowers bloom, and your dinner cooks over an open fire. Bliss, right?

If you decide that an outdoor kitchen is for you, there are a number of things that you will need to consider to ensure you get it right, but if you pay attention and think carefully about your wants and needs, you’ll be able to build the perfect outdoor kitchen in no time at all.

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[Photo courtesy of toddpharistx/]

An Extension of Your Living Space

First and foremost, you should think of an outdoor kitchen as an extension of your living space. A well-built outdoor kitchen will add value to your home if it is able to offer shelter, shade and comfort. This means that you will need to locate it in an area that is near trees, or where you can easily erect an awning to keep the area cool when you’re cooking in the hot summer months, and you’ll probably want to install an outdoor heater for the cooler months., This might be starting to sound expensive already, but you can get a loan quickly, and if you do the job right, the value of your property should increase as a result.

Think About the Surroundings

As I mentioned above, your outdoor kitchen should be an extension of your indoor space, but it also needs to fit in with its outdoor surroundings. Ideally, you should locate your kitchen as close to the house, on a patio or decking, as possible, so that there is a seamless flow from indoors to outside, and you should try to incorporate as many of the same colors and materials in your outdoor kitchen as you would find outside.

Additionally, you should take a look at the colors and textures present in your garden and try to incorporate some of them into your design too. For example, if you have lots of plants and trees in your garden, using bamboo or other natural-looking woods would be a good idea, and if you have lots of bold, bright flowers, incorporating pinks, oranges and yellows into your kitchen and awning will help everything mesh together in spectacular style.

Planning the Layout

You probably spent a lot of time planning the layout of your indoor kitchen, and you should do the same with your outdoor space. Of course, there are some further considerations to make when you’re planning the layout of an outdoor kitchen. After all, there are no walls, windows or doors to work around. Most of the best outdoor kitchens tend to be designed a simple ‘L’ shape, which leaves adequate room for all of the necessary appliances, with plenty of space left over for dining.

When it comes to outdoor kitchen appliances, you should always try to plan your layout so that hot appliances like fire pits and grills are separate from cold appliances, such as the refrigerator.

Finally, you will want to create your design so that there is ample space for you to chop, peel and prep with ease.

Which Appliances Do You Need?

Of course, in order to adequately design your outdoor kitchen, you will need to decide on which appliances you want to have in your new kitchen area. There are a mind-boggling number of appliances you can use outdoors from a basic gas grill to a wood-fired pizza oven and from a standard refrigerator to a kegerator made specifically for keeping beer cool. Take some time to explore your options and pick out the items that will best enable you to cook, relax and entertain your guests in style.

Choosing Materials

We know that, when we build an indoor kitchen, we must choose materials which are hardworking and able to stand up to a lot of wear and tear, and this is even more important when designing an outdoor kitchen. After all, your new kitchen will not just be contending with your messy cooking style – it’ll need to hold its own against the elements too! That means that you need to choose tough materials that will hold up well and which are easy to clean and maintain. Stainless steel is a good option because as well as being very strong, it will reflect the colors of the garden back, for an attractive look. Another great material to use in an outdoor kitchen is tile. You can buy tiles in a vast range of colors and styles, so you can easily choose something to match your current style, and you can wipe them clean.

Sweat the Small Stuff

Once you’ve planned the location, layout and materials you’re going to use to create the ideal outdoor kitchen; it’s time to start thinking about all those little extras which make a space feel prettier and more personalised.

One of my favorite ways to decorate outdoor space is with simple solar powered lanterns or fairy lights. They will add a bit of sparkle to evening parties and ensure that you can see what you’re doing when you’re cooking.

Of course, you will probably want to install some more powerful lights, so that you can still see what you’re doing when it’s really dark. You could buy battery powered wall mounted lights if you need to save money, but if you have the budget to spare, wiring up some outdoor lights on the wall closest to your outdoor kitchen would probably be a good idea.

Potted plants and flowers make a great addition to any outdoor kitchen space, helping it to blend in with the rest of the garden, and adding little points of color and interest too.


Of course, furniture is the most important part of any outdoor kitchen (apart from cooking apparatus). After all, there is little point cooking up a storm on your gas grill if you have nowhere to enjoy it afterwards. In an ideal situation, you should choose outdoor furniture which is moisture resistant and which can stand up well to the sun. Rattan furniture with waterproof cushions is always a good choice, as it’s hardwearing and attractive, but visit your local garden center and see what catches your eye.

No matter what furniture you choose, you will want to install an awning or gazebo over your seating area, so that if it does start to rain, your food won’t be ruined and you won’t be drenched by the downpour.


If you want to be able to enjoy your spare ribs and a cool beer without having to swat away all manner of bugs, you will need to invest in some citronella candles and incense. These smell perfectly pleasant to the average person, but insects really do not like their scent and will give any area where they are burning a wide berth.

Party Time

Once the hard work is over, and your perfect outdoor kitchen has been designed and built, it’s time to enjoy yourself. Invite a few of your best friends over and celebrate the new addition to your home by cooking a backyard banquet that blows last year’s barbeque straight out of the water. After all, an outdoor kitchen should be enjoyed!

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Shopping Online For Interior Next Shutters

Next shutters are amazing, and will ensure that the interior of your home stands out as these shutters are top quality. You may have been considering window dressings for some time, but were unsure of the style to choose. Curtains and blinds are good, but they do not make a statement like shutters have the ability of doing in your home.

Shutters are a fantastic addition to every home, and you will soon discover that there is a vast array of possibilities with the shutters. This can cause a headache, and create confusion which you need to try and avoid. Shopping online is the best way to shop for shutters, and will ensure that you feel no pressure when making the decision.

There are many different companies offering shutters for your home, however, Next Shutters are considered to be some of the best on the market. They are made from high quality wood, and will ensure that your home is enhanced. The wood that is used will also guarantees that durability is never an issue, as these shutters are built to last.

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[Photo courtesy of psaudio/]

Using wood for the shutters provides the ultimate opportunity for different finishes, depending on your style and budget. Real wood can be easily stained or painted, creating the perfect decor for your home. If you are unsure of the finish that you want, you can browse online, and search for the different styles.

Interior shutters have become incredibly trendy, and you will be surprised how versatile they can be in your home. Maintaining these shutters is not difficult, and you simply need to keep them clean, and treated when required. You will need to consider your home, and the budget that you have for the shutters, as top quality styles are not cheap.

As with everything paying more will provide top quality shutters that will last for many years, cheap shutters are likely to break, and need far more maintenance than quality materials. Spending more on the Next Shutters is the way forward, and shopping online is likely to save you time and money. There are often deals, offers and promotions to take advantage of online, which can help you to save money on the shutters.

There are many different manufacturers to choose online, but taking the time and effort to select the perfect one will ensure that you receive quality shutters and excellent customer service. Many suppliers will offer free delivery, and installation which is beneficial if you are unsure how to fit the shutters.

You will also be able to check the warranty that is available for the shutters and ask the supplier any questions that you may have regarding the installation. All shutters will look amazing when in place, and can be a far cheaper option when deciding to redecorate. You can choose shutters for visual affect, or to retain the heat in winter. Regardless of the purpose of the shutter, you will love the way that they look.

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Be The Prettiest House On The Street and Improve Your Curb Appeal!

Your home is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make, and when you come home each day, you should feel proud of your investment. So if your property is looking a little tired and dilapidated, it’s time to make a change! A few changes can transform your home and add curb appeal- who wouldn’t want to own the prettiest house on the street?!

Clean and Tidy

Having a general clean and tidy around the front of the home can make all the difference. Sweep up litter and leaves, move shoes and bicycles. Wash the windows and clean paths and the driveway using a jet washer. Moving bins either to around the back of the property or investing in wooden ‘bin sheds’ to neatly store them away can make the front of your home look far nicer too.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Tidy the Front Garden

Plants and shrubbery can dramatically improve the look of your front garden, but it’s easy for things to grow out of control. Now we’re into the spring season, expect a huge spurt of growth. Make sure everything is trimmed back and looks neat and tidy. If your lawn has seen better days due to the winter flooding, repair any bald patches with a box of grass seed and give it a few weeks to establish before mowing. If you have any daffodil and tulip bulbs planted in the front they’ll be in full bloom right now, but in a couple of weeks you’ll need to go around and deadhead everything.


Fences, garage doors, gutterings and the house itself all might need painting. Over time it can become worn and faded in the sun, or look grubby and dirty which can bring down the overall appearance of the home. Using professional painters will give the best result, but if you’re patient and good with a paintbrush, you could do this yourself if you don’t mind heights and ladders.

Add Lighting

Lighting is necessary not only from a curb appeal perspective but for practical reasons too. Motion detection flood lighting deters burglars, but it’s also handy for whenever you come home, and it’s dark. No more fumbling around in pitch black looking for your keys! Alternatively, you could add some fancy looking lantern lights either side of the door. Smart lighting is popular and accessible these days, so it’s easy to put them on a timer or control them remotely using your mobile phone.

Add Plants and Flowers

All of the other steps will make the property look tidy and smart, but to really make it look great add some flowers! You could do this by adding hanging baskets or pots (or both) each side of the door. Any garden center will have beautiful plants to choose from, they’re likely to need replacing a couple of times a year where flowers only bloom for a number of months before dying back. Finish the look with a door mat, you can find loads of cute designs on sites like eBay.

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Illuminate Your Life!: Roof Designs That Encourage More Natural Light

Have you been feeling a little down in the dumps lately? Perhaps you are getting plenty of sleep, but you are still tired. Did you know that if we aren’t getting enough natural light, then we can become sick and depressed! This isn’t good news to anyone who works from home or in an office all day. So while we can’t do much about your office set up, we can give you some great ideas for increasing your natural light at home!

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[Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto/]

A cool way to bring more light into the home is using solar tubes or tunnels.  These are tubes installed through the roof and directed into the darker rooms of your home. Such as bathrooms with no exterior wall. They are as efficient as windows, and in some cases even better and are perfect when natural light only comes in through an open door. It is possible that some of these tubes may need to be bent during installation which can reduce some of the light that is reflected in. However, it is still a better solution than using electric lighting. When the solar tube is short and straight the power of the natural light is intensified.  Solar lights don’t let you see outside, though, which might make them the last choice you want if you are trying to install better lighting. They are cheap though and more efficient than electric light.

Chatting to your local roofing specialist might help to understand how a solar tube works and there are lots of great companies out there who can help you get to grips with it, CLM Roofing could be a good source of information.

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[Photo courtesy of JamesDeMers/]

The obvious way to bring more light in is to add more windows, and you have a variety of options to choose from. Installing new windows can be a very expensive move forward. However, a roof light is probably the cheapest way of achieving what you want.   You can easily install roof lights to improve the natural light within a dark space. Even on a dull, gray, damp day, the area is flooded with light, and your rooms will seem larger and happier. Of course, if you want to get dramatic then you could consider a glass roof, this is especially useful in the center of a home, although you will need to talk to a skilled architect to understand if it is possible. Sash windows are a great option, and you could even replace rear doors or part of a wall with patio doors. Bringing lots of natural light into your room and, when you need it, a good dose of fresh air!

Bringing more light into the home is imperative and you cannot underestimate how much of an impact light has on your health. If you really can’t find ways of bringing in the natural light then use a light lamp in your bedroom. You may find you feel better and sleep better too.

Let the light shine in!

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A Guide to Finding Discounted Bedroom Accessories: Top Tips

Everyone has had that thought after a long, hard day at work or a late night out with your friends where you can’t wait to get into your bed. Whether it is the idea of lying down on a clean, fresh sheet or snuggling up to your duvet, there is not a soul out there who doesn’t relish the thought of returning to the comfort of their bed after a long day.

Getting your bedroom up to scratch is something which requires plenty of thought, but does it have to mean the destruction of your wallet?

It’s not just for comfort that we purchase bedding, though it is a big factor. Homeowners look for a duvet cover that will match the theme or colour of its environment and pay close attention to aesthetics while doing so. One question to continually ask yourself when on the hunt for top bedroom accessories is whether or not you can afford them and our top tips to finding discounted bedroom accessories is sure to give you plenty of food for thought.

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[Photo courtesy of La-Belle-Galerie/]

Let the bedroom grow with your child

Children grow up fast so their Disney themed duvet cover may no longer seem as ‘cool’ as it did when they were infants. For this reason you should update bedding and furnishings regularly whilst keeping everything within the confines of your budget.

If you’re worried about spending too much then only include characters or themes on bedding with lampshades or other accessories kept plain for a classic, timeless look. An extreme bedding makeover may seem like something which will impact your wallet heavily but there are plenty of affordable bed sets that consist of all the bedding essentials you need.

Use what you have

For those who really want to watch their pennies, the best advice is to avoid buying new. When it comes to giving accessories such as lights or even bedroom furniture a makeover, sometimes you can get away with using what you’ve already got. A fresh coat of paint, a new lampshade or even new handles on your chest of drawers can make all the difference so why not try and renovate existing features before splashing the cash on something brand new.

Go online

When searching for affordable bedding or bedroom accessories, high street stores can prove a handy resource but online services are even more beneficial. Head online to check out the latest sales and offers from both independent retailers and larger brands.

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