Browsing Category: "Home Improvement"

Home Improvements People Forget To Make When They Move In

Moving into a new place is fantastic, and you can’t wait to decorate the home. A lot of people start to paint the rooms and refit the kitchen and bathroom in the home. But there are some home improvements people forget to do. Here are some of the top home improvements that you should not forget to make when you move into your new home.

Enhancing the security

A lot of people forget to improve the safety in their new home when they move in. It’s time to check the locks to ensure they are all working correctly. After all, you don’t want someone to break into your home at night as you have a broken lock on your back gate. You should consider changing the locks on your front and back door if you have just moved in. Otherwise, the previous owners could easily get into your home and take your stuff. You might consider improving your home by installing a burglar alarm and CCTV to ensure your new home is safe when you are away. By adding these security systems, you will be able to lower your home insurance too.

Padlock, Lock, Door, Closed

[Photo courtesy of Skullman/]

Updating the roof

When you move in, you need to ensure you don’t forget to check the state of the roof. Over time, the roof may deteriorate because of the hot weather and storms that may occur. Therefore, you may need to get it repaired or even replaced so it lasts a long time. You may even want to do it for cost purposes because reflective roofs can save your energy costs by nearly half. You should look for a local company such as roofing company TX Roofing Solutions who will be able to come out and talk to you about options for your roof.

Cottage, Roof, Roof Tile, Red, Top, Construction, Slate

[Photo courtesy of Tan2/]

Changing the energy supply

Another home improvement people often forget to make is checking whether they need to change their energy supply. There may be a cheaper option out there for your home. As we talked about here, you may want to consider instaling solar panels to improve the energy in your home. It might also be useful in the long run to switch from electricity to gas so that you can save a lot on your bill. You may not have the funds available later to make this home improvement. Even if you stick with the same energy source, you need to look around to find a cheap supplier.

Converting the loft

A lot of people forget to consider what home improvements they can make to the loft when they move in. It’s such a big room so you should make sure the utilize the space. Don’t just put your old stuff in there; make another bedroom to add value to your property. Before converting the loft, you need to ensure that it’s cost effective to do so, and there is plenty of space to do it. As this article reveals, you need also to check the building regulations when considering a loft conversion.

[Photo courtesy of Holland And Green Architectural Design/]

You should also remember to replace the flooring if it’s in bad shape when you move in. You can also consider changing the bulbs to energy efficient ones which will end up saving some money.

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Fantastic Ways To Increase Curb Appeal On A Budget

If your home doesn’t seem to be selling, it could all be down to your property’s curb appeal. What exactly is curb appeal? It’s how good your home looks from the curb. So even if your interiors are up to scratch, a bad curb appeal could be dragging your property down. Want to know how you can increase the attractiveness of your house from the outside? Here are some fantastic ways to do so on a budget.

This is a photo of a light mint green old VW beetle car in front of a wodden house with a white fence in a residential area in a typical american street. There is a yucca palm tree in the lawn of the house. The sun is shining brightly.

[Photo courtesy of]

Invest In Artificial Grass

Don’t want to be stuck in your garden mowing the lawn all summer? Then you should think about buying artificial grass. You can find it for quite low prices in many garden centers and DIY stores. All you need to do is dig up your lawn and replace it with this artificial grass. There’s no need to water or keep it trimmed. It’s a super easy way to create a pretty garden without having to continually spend money on keeping it neat and tidy!

Fix Garage Doors

If your garage doors are noticeably broken or faulty, it can decrease the security of your home. And if potential buyers notice this when they view your property, they may not want to place an offer on your home. So it can pay to renovate your garage doors to ensure they are both safe and attractive. Get a professional company to sort them out, such as

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[Photo courtesy of]

Declutter Windows

If there is a lot of clutter on your inside windowsills, it can make your home appear messy. Even if it is actually very clean and tidy inside! But as passersby will only be able to see items perched on your windowsills, they can make or break people’s impressions of your home. So it is best to keep ones that are visible from the street clean. Move any ornaments to other ledges or surfaces in a room and keep decorations on your windowsills down to a minimum.

Trim Hedges

If you use hedges to plot out the boundaries between you and your neighbours, you need to ensure that they are kept neat and trimmed. They don’t grow as quickly as grass, so you won’t need to trim them as often as a lawn. In fact, just one prune at the beginning of summer should be enough. If you leave them to grow, they can make your garden look overgrown and like a jungle. They could even make it difficult for passersby to notice your pretty flowers and plants! You can find out how to prune a hedge online:

Plant Flowers

Keep your front garden and yard bright with lots of gorgeous flowers. They will add beautiful colors to your garden and will certainly catch people’s eyes as they walk by. People may find this very attractive for other reasons too. It means that the garden will look great when they move in, so they won’t have so much work to do!

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How to Improve Your Home Using Home Improvement Tools

A home is a huge investment for many of us, so why not make it worth even more? You should consider getting your home renovated and refurnished by using some home tools and different materials that you can buy from online stores, doing it alone will save you from buying weight loss fads in Milwaukee.

There are many types of home improvements techniques that you can implement in a tight budget. The first home improvement method is for comfort. You add ventilation, waterproofing basements, gourmet features, bath tubs in bathrooms, soundproofing, etc.  Next you can use maintenance and repair services like doing the masonry and concrete repairs to the chimney and foundation. Repainting the walls, rooms or fences as well as replacement of the roof or repairing the electrical and plumbing systems. Taking care of the garages, kitchen and repairing the cabinets. Refilling the floor or tending the garden, all the sub-activities that can enhance the look of your home.

Diy, Do-It-Yourself, Repairs, Home Improvement, Hobby

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/]

There are home improvement techniques too that can be applied using home tools for making additional space in the house. This can be done by extending one house area by adding extra levels to the roof or by adding more rooms to the available space. Another method is to make livable space by turning imaginable areas such as turning home theaters or attics to a bedroom, or turning basement into recreation rooms, etc.

Moreover, there are home improvement tools that provide energy storage and efficiency by using thermal insulation and good lightening. Some of them are solar panels, geothermal exchange heat or biomass pellet stoves. Insert some safety tools inside like burglar or fire alarm systems, storm cellars for protection from hurricanes and tornadoes, backup generators, security doors, windows and shutters.

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Cheap And Cheerful Backyard Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank

Is your backyard dull and bland and crying out for a change? I thought so.

Does doing something different with your backyard require a lot of money? Certainly not. The following are a whole raft of backyard ideas you can try out for yourself that won’t break the bank. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Marble Fence

Does your wooden fence lack a bit of spark? Probably. But fear not.

One cool thing that you can do is drill holes in your fence and then glue marbles into those holes. Dot the marbles at different heights and distances from each other. And play with different sizes. When the sun shines through them, they’ll glow differing colors and look amazing during a sunset. Just remember to ask your kids first whether they mind their marbles being used for decoration.

Make A Floating Cooler

This one is great if you have a pool in your backyard. Get a plastic box, like one you’d put files and folders in. Then glue foam tubes along all the top edges so that when you submerge it in water, it will float.

Then, fill the tub with ice and your favorite drinks and pop it into the pool. On a hot day, the water from the pool will keep the drinks cool, so you don’t have to continuously trek back and forth to the kitchen fridge.

Make A Throwing Game For The Kids

Grab a tarpaulin and cut a few holes in it that are big enough, so a ball to fly through. Label the different holes with different numbers, depending on their size. Bigger holes will have smaller numbers, and vice versa.

Then find two trees in your garden, roughly 15 feet apart. Suspend the tarpaulin between them, so that it is hanging like a picture. Then take aim with a soccer ball and fire.

Use Rope Lighting

Rope lighting is all the rage right now, partly because of its versatility. But it also looks incredible at night as one, continuous line of light.

Led Tube, Hose, Rope, Lamp, Modern, Lighting

[Photo courtesy of Hans/]

You can use rope lighting to line your garden, separating different regions from one another. It works well for lighting the edges of paths and for delineating the edges of flower beds.

Use Epsom Salt Fertiliser

Few people know it, but Epsom salt makes an excellent fertilizer. So if your pot plants are looking a little drab, and you don’t want to go out and spend a load of money on fertilizer, use Epsom salt.

It’s simple to apply. Just mix two tablespoons of salt into each gallon of water. Then use this mixture once per month instead of regular water when watering your plants. If you’re planting seeds right now, you can just sprinkle the salt on the soil and wait for the rain to do its job.

Use Pool Noodles For Kickball Croquet

Do you dream of being able to entertain the kids on a dime? Well, now you can, with kickball croquet. Just grab a few pool noodles – the foam tubes that I mentioned earlier for the floating cooler. Cut the noodles in half. The fashion them into an arch before using garden stakes to peg them down into the ground. Then just gather up a few balls and take it in turns to kick them through the hoops, just like you would take turns with a regular game of croquet.

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[Photo courtesy of noodle]

Use Faux Stone Walls

Real stone walls are expensive. Faux stone walls? Not so much. Faux stone walls from sites like go for less than you might think. Usually, faux stone walls are made from polyurethane – a cheap plastic. Yet, surprisingly, they look and feel just like the real thing. And, just like real stone walls, they’re ultra-durable.

Use Fire Crystals

There’s nothing like having the family sit around the fire pit on a long summer evening chatting about life’s foibles. You can spruce up your fire pit with attractive colors by using fire crystals. These burn blue-green and purple, adding a beautiful twist to the already mesmerising fire.

Grow Your Own Summer House

Summer houses have been all the rage since Victorian times in England. But building another house in your garden has never been cheap. Traditionally, it was only something that the rich could do. Even today, wooden summer houses can end up costing thousands of dollars.

But why bother buying one when you can grow your own? It’s easy really. Make a circular shaped flower bed in an appropriate location in your garden. Then plant some meter-long garden stakes in the bed, woven together with some garden twine. In the bed, plant a fast-growing plant like sunflowers, that will eventually grow tall enough the provide a wall and a canvas. And then just let nature take its course.

Sunflower, Summer Flowers, Flowers, Yellow, Bright

[Photo courtesy of Donnawetta/]

If you do it right, you’ll end up with a beautiful, natural summerhouse that you and the kids can relax in whenever you like.

Remodel Old Tree Stumps

Most of us have some sort of tree stump, lying around in our back garden. Instead of waiting for it to rot away, why not make use of it. You could transform it into a table if it’s tall enough. Or use it as a planter, if it’s in among the flower bed.

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[Photo courtesy of Los Angeles/]

Use Mirrors

Most interior designers will tell you to use mirrors if you want to make a room inside your house look bigger, . But you don’t have to just use mirrors on the inside of your house

If you’ve got a couple of mirrors that you don’t want, you can hang them on your back fence to make your garden look bigger.

Use Glow-In-The-Dark Paint

Gardens in the daylight are stunning. Gardens at night – not so much. But it’s at night when the glow-in-the-dark paint can make a real impact. You can light up just about anything you want using it. But most people opt to highlight just a couple of features. Perhaps you’d like to make your plant pots glow. Whatever it is, glow-in-the-dark paint is an excellent way to instantly light up your garden.

Use Fast-Growing Plants For Ground Cover

Your garden probably has at least one dreary looking paths. It would look a lot better if it were a little greener along its length. You can use plants like sedum sarmentosum to cover patches of dull ground quickly. These little green plants will shoot up in no time and are ideal in harsh conditions. Then all you have to do is place stepping stone conveniently along the path and hey presto – you’ve solved the problem of your boring path.

Plant Lemongrass

You might think that lemongrass is just a herb used in South East Asian cuisine. And you’d be right. But what fewer people know is that the herb is also great at fending off annoying bugs, like mosquitos.

Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your time in the garden. Plant some lemongrass today to keep that annoying buzzing away.

Make A Tarp Splash Pad

Pools are expensive. But you and the kids want somewhere that you can cool off on a hot afternoon in the summer, especially if you live in the South.

The solution is to make a tarpaulin splash pad. Get a hose and attach it to a sprinkler. The place it on top of a tarp, spread out on the ground. The sprinkler will create a cooling splash pad, and the tarpaulin will create a fun, and slippery, surface.

Make A Wind Chime

Wind chimes made from brass are expensive. But if you’ve got a creative streak, you could make yours out of whatever you like. One option is to use a stick, some string and some old keys you don’t use anymore. Just paint the keys, strings, and branch in different colors. The suspend the keys from the branch, using the string.

Here’s another example, using old CDs.

[Photo courtesy of Windell Oskay/]

Make A Garden Swing

Got an old, wooden chair lying around that you don’t use anymore? Why not make it into a swing? Just hack off the legs and put to one side. Then throw some rope around a sturdy tree branch, connecting it to a base made from wooden beams. Then attach the chair to the beams, and voila – you’ve got a new swinging chair.

Get Inventive With Pot Plants

When planting, you don’t have to stick to the generic plant pots from the garden center. You can use pretty much whatever you like. Got a rustic-looking crate lying around? Why not fill this with different varieties of plants and put it in your backyard?

Repaint Your Back Door

Perhaps you’ve got a wooden back door. If so, giving it a fresh coat of paint is an excellent way to make your garden look more vibrant. Why not go for a deep gold color paint to complement the summer?

[Photo courtesy of Arpingstone/]

Use Wall Decorations

Walls aren’t always the most attractive feature of a back garden. But you can do a lot to improve their appearance. One cool thing to do is to hang bottles or pot plants, brimming with flowers. And don’t be afraid to use a lot. The more, the merrier.

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The Secret to Spending Less Money on Home Improvement

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. 

So, you are looking forward to buying home materials online? but you are working on a tight budget. Home improvement projects can be really hard to get and expensive. This is the same old story that you hear as soon as you enter the major stores, the prices that hit you, leave you with nothing at the end of shopping.

However, there are many ways that you can beat the prices and get quality home improvement projects that will suit you. You can actually buy home materials online with ease and without having to spend more money. There are offers online that once you get, you will have money to spare and get your child a candy.

Paint, Brushes, Bucket, Paint Can, White

[Photo courtesy of tookapic/]

Coupons are the best offers that you can use to make great home improvements projects in your home. It really does not matter the shop that you will visit, use coupons and you will be amazed by how much money you will have saved at the end of the day.

Groupon coupons are especially the best when it comes to shopping online; they offer a fifty percent offer on the price that you will spend. When you use this coupon you will buy more home improvement projects with less money.

The groupon coupons come with various offers on any home material online, you will only decide on the particular coupon that you want to use and you will be good to go. You should also note that the amount of money that you are able to save will depend on the coupon that you choose and how well you are able to use it.

Groupon coupons are more prioritized on the customers cost and they take the needs of you into account. If you are buying home materials online at JCPenney and you leave far, you can have you items transported to you at a lower cost. You should not be spending a lot of money on things that you can actually get a coupon on.

For more details on how to save money on your home improvement projects follow Groupon on:

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Essential Steps To Take When Remodelling And Upgrading Your Home

Not everybody will be able to buy that dream home straightaway. Luckily, you won’t have to! You can easily remodel and rebuild your home once you’ve moved in. Home improvement projects are more popular than ever, and there’s a reason for that. They allow people to live out their wildest property dreams that they couldn’t achieve with that first mortgage.

So, if you’re considering remodeling your home, or upgrading a room, look no further. Here are the essential steps you will have to take on your journey!

Step 1: Visualize and plan

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[Image courtesy Joy Oil Co Ltd/]

Simply put, dream! Imagine what the finished product will look like and what you want it to look like. Go down to the library and look at magazines and books for inspiration. Look online at various home remodeling ideas and decide what you want your house to become. There are a ton of different avenues you could take your remodeling, so have a firm vision in place early on. Hire an architect or designer if necessary You can’t simply change your mind halfway through, or when it’s finished!

Step 2: Assess the electricals, plumbing, and wiring

If you’re tweaking and changing a large chunk of your home, then you’ll need some work done on the essentials. Your plumbing, electricals, and wiring may need moving, extending or removing, so speak to a professional. That electrical science you learned in school doesn’t count here!

Wiring is very easy to get wrong or make a hash of. If you’re struggling for help, you should possibly find out more from Again, this goes hand in hand with step one. If you decide you want an electrical outlet in a certain place, this should be chosen early on, not halfway through the build.

Step 3: Apply for a loan

Once you have all the costs laid out and plans in place, it’s time to finance your endeavor. It might be worth applying for a loan that’s between 5-15 percent more than your projected budget. This way, if your build goes over costs, you’ll have enough money to cover yourself. You don’t want to have a near-finished job then run out of money.

Step 4: Sign an agreement with your contractor

[Image courtesy Tim Pierce/]

If you’re having some roof work done, you want this finished before the rain or cold weather begins. So, make a note of this in your contract! If you’re having garden work done, you’ll need this done before summer so you can enjoy it! Anything and everything you feel is important, note it in a contract. That way, you’ll get the most important/expensive stuff done first, which is the best way to do it.

At this stage, you should also help your contractor identify what areas of your home you can’t touch for legal reasons. If any. If your home is listed, you need to check if you’re allowed to renovate certain parts of it. A government source such as is a way to do so.

Step 5: Check progress every single day

It’s important you keep tabs on what’s going on. You may decide you want an extra plug socket, or an extra vent in the bathroom. You may decide to add a feature wall. Whatever it is, ensure you’re happy with how your money is being spent. If you want small changes to be added, now is the time to add them!

So, if you’re after a remodeled home, and you followed these steps, you’ll be on your way to a perfect property. Happy building!

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Curtain Craze: Decorating Ideas With Curtains

Curtains are an important part of your home’s décor. They also provide privacy and can help to keep your home cool when the hot sun is beaming in. However, curtains can be expensive so you want to look for discounted curtains. These are just as effective and stylish as their more pricey counterparts so you can save cash while still getting the privacy and decorative effects that you are looking for.

Blinds Only

Gone are the days where our only blinds choices were those white blinds that collected dust and were terribly difficult to open and close. Today, there are blinds out there that can stand alone as a window treatment. To make this even better, these tend to be pretty inexpensive. If you have a more modern home, go for wooden blinds. These will fit into just about any modern décor scheme. If you are going French country or shabby chic, try white blinds that are made of wood and wider than the old ones. These can also be paired with curtains, but can stand on their own.

Living Room, Victorian, Historic, Vintage, Building

[Photo courtesy of VinnyCiro/]

Flat Panels

A flat panel curtain is so easy to put up. These simply slide onto a rod and then the rod is put into place. These are made from a variety of different fabrics, and come in every pattern and color that you could want. These are also inexpensive and you really will not pay more than $20.00 for a pair of curtains. They are also easy to care for as they can be quickly and easily taken down, washed, dried and then put back up. This is a good option for those with allergies to dust because curtains tend to collect it, but since you can clean them so easily, you will not have to worry about dust collecting on them.

Create Them Yourself

This is an option if you are a crafty person. You can buy plain white, cotton curtain panels and then dye them in any color or pattern that you need. You can also buy panels and then use fabric paint to create a one-of-a-kind curtain panel.

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Here’s How To Turn Your Spare Room Into The Perfect Hobby Space

If you’re looking for a really great DIY project for your home this year, why not consider giving your spare room a makeover? There are lots of things we can use this space for. If you don’t need to use it as a bedroom, why not consider a big change? Perhaps you have a hobby or interest you’re passionate about. You can use the spare room to provide all the space you need to enjoy your hobby fully. Here are some of my favorite uses for a spare room:


If you love to create your own home furnishings, then a sewing room could be a perfect choice. Perhaps you love creating your own fashions? Or maybe you enjoy decorative needlework? There are plenty of different ways to enjoy creating when you have your own sewing room. Start by painting the walls a fairly pale and neutral color. This will help maximize the light in the room.

Sewing Room

[Photo courtesy of Harlow Heslop/]

You could install a good quality worktop along one wall. This could support your sewing machine or other equipment. If you enjoy quilting, consider a wider width to support the larger fabric as it grows. You can find out more about the best sewing machine for quilting online. Check the size and weight before you build your workstation. Don’t forget you’ll need good lamps around the room. A mannequin could stand in the corner. Full-length mirrors will help you see the fabric from all angles.

Music Room

For the budding musicians around you, a music room could be the perfect use of your spare room. Perhaps you have some beautiful instruments you would like to display or hang on the wall? Before you start this project consider some extra insulation or soundproofing. Larger acoustic instruments like pianos are also incredibly heavy. Check if your floor needs a little reinforcing if your room is on wooden supports.

Music Room

[Photo courtesy of Miguel Mendez/]

To create the perfect practice room for you and your instruments you need good light. Some music stands can be fitted with a sheet music light. Alternatively, consider directional spot lights. If you’re setting up a mini recording studio or a digital workstation, make sure you can stack your equipment safely. You may want to build a custom shelving unit. There may be a lot of cables running across the floor of your room. Try to keep them tidy to avoid a trip hazard.

Art Studio

If you love drawing or painting, why not create a studio for your art? A small workbench may be all you need. Then a simple stool and easel near the best light in the room. Natural light from the window is usually ideal. You might want to install a sink and running water so you can clean your brushes and pallets. A blue roll dispenser can save you fiddling about when you’re in a hurry to wipe something clean.

Photography Studio

If you love taking digital photographs, why not set up a photography studio. A small room like the spare room may be all you need if you love portraits or close-ups. Your lighting equipment may get warm, so consider installing air conditioning. It’s not advisable to take on chemical photography or a dark room in a residential house unless you have the correct ventilation system.


[Photo courtesy of Illusive Photography/]

You may need to black out the window from time to time so you can fully manipulate the light. Naturally lit portraits can be visually stunning so make sure you can remove the blind easily. Paint the room brilliant white for maximum light reflection. You can always drape material over walls for a background. Consider installing a cupboard for your equipment and props.

Model Building

If you love crafting and building models, then your spare room could be the ideal spot for your hobby. Make sure you have excellent ventilation and natural air circulating if you use glues or paints. You’ll need a full workbench set up with plenty of lamps to supply the light. Sometimes it’s necessary to heat things up like wire or glues. Choose a surface and a lip area on your workbench for this purpose.

Writer’s Studio

If there is a poet or author inside of you, then you should have your own space to put pen to paper. You’ll need soft, focused light over your writing area. You probably have a love for literature, so install some bookshelves. Then you can surround yourself with all that inspires you. Put a big wall planner up so you can see your working schedule and submission deadlines.

Home Office

If you love your work enough to make it a hobby, then you deserve your very own home office space. A good quality desk and a top of the range computer are ideal. You can have your internet router installed in here, and even a second phone line. Why not add a couple of USB ports to your wall sockets so you can keep all your devices on charge? A wall mounted TV tuned to the news channels can keep you up to date too

Cinema Room

If you’re a movie buff, then a cinema room could be the perfect use for your spare room. You’ll need one wall painted white so you can use a home cinema projector. You can paint the other walls black to help reduce the light in the room as you’re watching the movie. It’s a great way to get really immersed in the film. You will also need to block out the natural light from the window.

Cinema Room

[Photo courtesy of gsloan/]

Add a reclining sofa and a beer fridge so you have everything you might need. Installing surround sound speakers is easier upstairs than downstairs. You can run the cabling from the attic and through the ceiling. Now all you need to do is lay back and let the movie take you on an epic adventure.

Spare rooms often go to waste in our homes. They get filled with clutter and forgotten about. Bring yours back to life and have fun with a new hobby this year.

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Cheap Summer Renovations at Home

There are several reasons to consider summer renovations in your home since the summer months can be an ideal time to do home renovations, especially if outdoor work is involved.

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[Photo courtesy of Antranias/]

Budget is one of the deciding factor to do home renovation. My aunt is renovating their home when their budget permit them, they concreting the walls and columns and making their roof in solid formed so it would last for a long time.

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Best Tips When Planning for a Summer House Maintenance

Acquiring a residential house in the modern society is one of the achievements that promote stability, given that the process may sometimes be challenging. It is, therefore, important for one to look for a house that can withstand adverse weather conditions as well as offer adequate security from extruders. During the summer season, it is most likely to experience heat, humidity and summer storms. The summer period enables one to carry out house inspections without interference. There are several aspects to consider, with regards to Summer Home Maintenance. They include,

The Roof

It is important to note that your roof should be inspected annually to check for any defects and assess the roofs ability to shelter you during the rainy seasons. These inspections ensure that you take care of minor roofing faults before they advance into major problems. The roof should always be cleaned to get rid of permanent damage caused by water.

Air Conditioning

This is a critical aspect that keeps you running smoothly, minimizing the summer electric bills. Proper air conditioning ensures Maximum functioning of the fan. Ensure that the coils are cleaned thoroughly and minimize potential fire hazards by eliminating faulty wiring in the house. Changing your air filters once a month, especially when using the unit every day will improve the efficiency of the equipment.

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[Photo courtesy of tpsdave/]


Clogging and the presence of additional leaks is a problem that can be eliminated by consistently cleaning the gutters. Gutters should be cleaned twice a year, meaning that the first cleaning activity should be carried out at early winter after most of the leaves have fallen and at early summer after seeds, blossoms and flowers are done.


One of the simplest ways of ensuring that the hot summer heat remains outside is checking the Windows. You should routinely inspect the sealants ensuring that the inside and outside are suitably secured. Besides, you should check for any damages that may have been caused by certain weather conditions to maintain a safe and reliable house.


Quality pool maintenance activities involve levelling the water, balancing the chemicals, Pump inspection and cleaning the area around and inside the pool. This will enable you to have the facility ready for use during the summer season.

Always consider these tips when planning for your summer house maintenance, and you will not have to worry or run up and down whe

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