How to Plan a Home Renovation

From regular do-it-yourself enthusiasts to brand new homeowners, renovating properties is an activity that everyone can undertake for themselves. But that doesn’t mean it will be a breeze. The key to planning a home renovation successfully is knowing what your timeline should look like and which challenges you are most likely to face. To find out what you should consider when planning your own home makeover, keep reading.

Get to know the lay of the land

Before you can begin to build or add on to the property that you have, it’s important to know what you’ll be working with. Do a survey of your property — or at least the area to be renovated — to find foundation problems that could have you retracing your footsteps if left for later. A building report or a measured survey carried out by a professional can give you clues as to what issues (if any) that the building has, such as dry rot, pests or leaky roofs.

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[Photo courtesy of Rene Asmussen/]

Find out which consents you need for construction

You may need permits to carry out your work, depending on the nature and the size of your renovation project. It is important to do research with your local authority to find out if you need consents and which ones because they can take from several weeks to several months to secure. And if you are caught renovating without the proper consents, you could be forced to undo all of your hard work.

Take preventative measures

Make sure you have all the essential needs met for your renovation — such as a working water line and electricity–before you start. You’ll also need to make sure the entire framework of the house or building that you’re working in is sound; it could require scaffolding or structural reinforcements before you begin your renovation. Skipping this step could lead to serious injury, not to mention a major setback of your renovation. Make sure to reinforce your structure to avoid the need to seek medical attention or medical advice.

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[Photo courtesy of Blue Bird/]

Start demo work

Once you have all of these tasks checked off, you can begin demolition on your building. Try to save building elements that are in good condition or that give the building its character — mainly, items like cabinets, doors, old but sturdy light fixtures or decorative hardware. You may be able to use these later, but everything else should be stripped and disposed of properly.


It may seem odd that renovation is the last thing on your to-do list, but this is just a testament to how important it is to plan and properly prepare. But in the spirit of being a fore thinker, you’ll also need to make sure to put structures in place to prevent some of the most common home problems that can happen when a house begins to age, namely damp. This kind of thinking ahead will make sure that you not only have a successful renovation but that the results will last for years to come.

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Reasons You Think You Can’t Change Your Home Decor and Design – And Why You’re Wrong

Coming around to the decision to give your home a makeover is an easy one.

Of course, the reasons in the pro column are long and substantial. Who doesn’t want their home to look better? Give everything a refresh; change things around so that it all feels like new again? Perhaps your eye has been caught by a new decorating trend, and you can’t wait to try it out for yourself. Or perhaps you’re just the kind of person who tends to need a project.

You find yourself imagining the changed decor; the fresh paint; the new levels of comfort that you can explore. Then, with a screech of brakes, your mind remembers all the reasons you shouldn’t do it.

Sometimes, though, you just have to seize the moment and go for it. If there’s something you want to change about your home, then it’s time to banish the concerns to one side. I’m going to go through all of the usual objections and show why they’re not anything that should stand in your way. Just call me your home decor and renovation enabler!

“I can’t afford it.”

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[Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures/]

Of course, this one is pretty difficult to argue on the surface of it. If you don’t have the money, then what can you do? You can’t magic it up from thin air and progress on developing a money tree is still limited, so you’ll just have to wait until you can afford it.

The best option in this scenario is to look at a way to change something up without breaking the bank. Rather than a full-scale kitchen remodel, for example, why not go for a facelift? You could change the cupboard doors rather than fitting entirely new cupboards.

The same philosophy applies throughout the house. Craving a new bed to snuggle down into? Maybe that’s outside the budget, but memory foam mattress toppers can give a boost of comfort without the same price tag. Does the carpet really need replacing, or will a deep clean and brush be enough to bring it back up to standard?

“I don’t have the time.”

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[Photo courtesy of obpia30/]

Realistically, you probably don’t have the time for most things you do. We get it; life is busy, it’s stressful, and you’re struggling to do the basics. Why should you make your workload easier?

Because you don’t have the time! It’s that simple; the same thing arguing against the scenario is the thing that makes it a necessity. Unless you have a huge chunk of holiday time coming up that you know you can dedicate to DIY, where is it going to come from? You’re going to have to fit it in somewhere. There’s no time like the present, or so the old saying goes.

Putting something off to some fantastical period when you’re going to magically have “more time” isn’t going to work. You can break it down into chunks. Do a little as often as you possibly can to make it less draining.

“It’s a lot of disruption.”

Yes, of course, it is. You have to shop, make decisions, then implement them. Depending on the scale of your project, that might involve a builder being involved or transferring items into new furniture. It will be disruptive – but it’s always going to be. It’s the same as the point about time. Unless you can foresee sometime in the future when you will be able to do these things unencumbered, there’s no point holding back.

“It’s a lot of mess.”

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[Photo courtesy of geralt/]

Even the most basic things do cause a mess, but so does life. I’m going to imagine your house tends to require cleaning anyway. So, given the potential end result, what’s the harm in a little extra?

“It’s not a good time.”

There’s a chance this is a legitimate concern and I don’t discount that. If you’re particularly busy, going through a stressful situation or have health concerns – you’re right. It’s probably not a good time and you should wait until it’s more something you can cope with. There’s also seasonal considerations; it’s little use deciding to renovate the garden in winter, for example.

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[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

Only you can know if the problem is just where you’re at in your life – you know if this is a genuine reason or not. Often, this argument might be masking a concern about one of the above, so check your thinking to see if that’s the case. If it is, then see if there’s something you can do about progress. If not, and it really is a bad time, consider yourself un-enabled for now!

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Home Improvements People Forget To Make When They Move In

Moving into a new place is fantastic, and you can’t wait to decorate the home. A lot of people start to paint the rooms and refit the kitchen and bathroom in the home. But there are some home improvements people forget to do. Here are some of the top home improvements that you should not forget to make when you move into your new home.

Enhancing the security

A lot of people forget to improve the safety in their new home when they move in. It’s time to check the locks to ensure they are all working correctly. After all, you don’t want someone to break into your home at night as you have a broken lock on your back gate. You should consider changing the locks on your front and back door if you have just moved in. Otherwise, the previous owners could easily get into your home and take your stuff. You might consider improving your home by installing a burglar alarm and CCTV to ensure your new home is safe when you are away. By adding these security systems, you will be able to lower your home insurance too.

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[Photo courtesy of Skullman/]

Updating the roof

When you move in, you need to ensure you don’t forget to check the state of the roof. Over time, the roof may deteriorate because of the hot weather and storms that may occur. Therefore, you may need to get it repaired or even replaced so it lasts a long time. You may even want to do it for cost purposes because reflective roofs can save your energy costs by nearly half. You should look for a local company such as roofing company TX Roofing Solutions who will be able to come out and talk to you about options for your roof.

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[Photo courtesy of Tan2/]

Changing the energy supply

Another home improvement people often forget to make is checking whether they need to change their energy supply. There may be a cheaper option out there for your home. As we talked about here, you may want to consider instaling solar panels to improve the energy in your home. It might also be useful in the long run to switch from electricity to gas so that you can save a lot on your bill. You may not have the funds available later to make this home improvement. Even if you stick with the same energy source, you need to look around to find a cheap supplier.

Converting the loft

A lot of people forget to consider what home improvements they can make to the loft when they move in. It’s such a big room so you should make sure the utilize the space. Don’t just put your old stuff in there; make another bedroom to add value to your property. Before converting the loft, you need to ensure that it’s cost effective to do so, and there is plenty of space to do it. As this article reveals, you need also to check the building regulations when considering a loft conversion.

[Photo courtesy of Holland And Green Architectural Design/]

You should also remember to replace the flooring if it’s in bad shape when you move in. You can also consider changing the bulbs to energy efficient ones which will end up saving some money.

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