Fantastic Ways To Increase Curb Appeal On A Budget

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If your home doesn’t seem to be selling, it could all be down to your property’s curb appeal. What exactly is curb appeal? It’s how good your home looks from the curb. So even if your interiors are up to scratch, a bad curb appeal could be dragging your property down. Want to know how you can increase the attractiveness of your house from the outside? Here are some fantastic ways to do so on a budget.

This is a photo of a light mint green old VW beetle car in front of a wodden house with a white fence in a residential area in a typical american street. There is a yucca palm tree in the lawn of the house. The sun is shining brightly.

[Photo courtesy of]

Invest In Artificial Grass

Don’t want to be stuck in your garden mowing the lawn all summer? Then you should think about buying artificial grass. You can find it for quite low prices in many garden centers and DIY stores. All you need to do is dig up your lawn and replace it with this artificial grass. There’s no need to water or keep it trimmed. It’s a super easy way to create a pretty garden without having to continually spend money on keeping it neat and tidy!

Fix Garage Doors

If your garage doors are noticeably broken or faulty, it can decrease the security of your home. And if potential buyers notice this when they view your property, they may not want to place an offer on your home. So it can pay to renovate your garage doors to ensure they are both safe and attractive. Get a professional company to sort them out, such as

door, closed, garage

[Photo courtesy of]

Declutter Windows

If there is a lot of clutter on your inside windowsills, it can make your home appear messy. Even if it is actually very clean and tidy inside! But as passersby will only be able to see items perched on your windowsills, they can make or break people’s impressions of your home. So it is best to keep ones that are visible from the street clean. Move any ornaments to other ledges or surfaces in a room and keep decorations on your windowsills down to a minimum.

Trim Hedges

If you use hedges to plot out the boundaries between you and your neighbours, you need to ensure that they are kept neat and trimmed. They don’t grow as quickly as grass, so you won’t need to trim them as often as a lawn. In fact, just one prune at the beginning of summer should be enough. If you leave them to grow, they can make your garden look overgrown and like a jungle. They could even make it difficult for passersby to notice your pretty flowers and plants! You can find out how to prune a hedge online:

Plant Flowers

Keep your front garden and yard bright with lots of gorgeous flowers. They will add beautiful colors to your garden and will certainly catch people’s eyes as they walk by. People may find this very attractive for other reasons too. It means that the garden will look great when they move in, so they won’t have so much work to do!

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