Browsing Category: "Home Improvement"

Creating A Vintage Bathroom

One of the biggest design trends to come out of recent years has to be the vintage look. Cropping up in new builds, cafes and work places up and down the country, the vintage look has earned itself a firm place at the top of the design world as of late. The vintage style is an easy to recreate design and is a great way of revamping a bathroom to breathe a new lease of life in to your home.

Wall Tiles

The key step to achieving that vintage look is by installing white metro tiles. Metro tiles are an iconic feature of any vintage look thanks to their historical use in the London Underground. Not only this, but a white tile will help to make any room feel larger and more airy, transforming an otherwise drab space in to one that feels spacious and inviting. For a true vintage look, use a gloss metro tile. Their shine is unparalleled and will bring in a beautiful sense of light to a room while also being unbelievably easy to clean. To further enhance this vintage look, use a contrasting grout colour. With a while metro tile use a grey or black grout to make the tile really pop. This gives an authentic vintage look and gives your tiles a chance to shine through as a design feature. Don’t feel as though you are restricted to white tiles, you can still get that vintage look using other colours such as black or grey. While colour is less important, it is worth noting that the metro tile is your best bet design wise compared to other tile types.

Floor Tiles

For your floor use a patterned tile, ideally a black and white design. The contrast of the block colour from the wall tiles and the black and white pattern on your floor creates a gorgeous sense of dimension to your bathroom. The patterned tile is perfect for the vintage look as it introduces a more sophisticated design theme. Try to aim for a geometric pattern as opposed to an abstract or floral design. The geometric design is far more true to the vintage look and will automatically improve the general aesthetic of the room.


No vintage bathroom is complete without the use of copper or tarnished metals. When looking for faucets for example, copper is an excellent way of emulating that distressed look. Similarly, a feature bath makes for a beautiful centre point in a room. When trying to achieve the vintage look its important to remember that often more is less. Think exposed radiators, bare floorboards and light fixtures without lamp shades to give that stunning industrial and stripped down look. As well as this, try including vintage furniture pieces such as metallic soap dishes or toothbrush holders, the vintage looks works by combining all of the little things to create one truly unbelievable look.

Creating the vintage look has never been easier thanks to its popularity over recent years. The focal point of creating the vintage look however is in the tiles. Choosing the right tile will propel your bathroom in the right direction in an instant. Tiles are essentially the blank canvas from which you build your whole design, so it’s important to plan them meticulously before you buy and install them. From there, the rest should come with ease until you have your dream vintage bathroom.

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The Most Useful Additions to Your Outdoor Space

Your outdoor space should be somewhere you and your family can spend time and have fun as a family unit. It should have useful features that make your life better and easier. That’s not too much to ask. So, if you’re wondering which changes you should make to your garden next, let the useful ideas below guide you and give you the inspiration you need.

A Decking Area

Without a great decking area on which to put your table and chairs, your home will lack the space for you to gather with friends and family when the weather is good. You won’t have anywhere to eat and entertain outdoors. In the summer especially, that’s a real shame. So, you should definitely think about having a decking area put in place in your garden if you haven’t done so already. When the weather is good, you will get plenty of usage out of it, so it will be worthwhile investment to make.

Herb Plants

Herb plants are great for adding a little something to your cooking, and growing them in your garden is a good way to save yourself some cash. There is no need to pay high prices to get your hands on a small amount of dried herbs when you can grow your own and then use them from fresh. If you’re into cooking and love making meals for your family, this is one great addition to your outdoor space. You’ll get plenty of use out of it, and it’s very simple to do as well.

Herb, Pot, Plant, Grow, Garden, Flower, Spice, Kitchen

[Photo courtesy of Suxu/]

Secure Fencing

Having the right fencing in place in your home can make a big difference. In terms of its use, it’s all about making your garden a safe and enclosed area. If you have a dog or even young children, you don’t want them to be able to get out and get near the road and all the dangers that lurk there. That’s why you need safe and secure fencing that clearly demarcates the area of your garden. Long Fence Chain Link Fencing offers security with a nice design. Browse all the options and see which is for you.

A Shed or Greenhouse

The great thing about having a shed or a greenhouse in your garden is that it gives you an indoor space in your outdoor space. If you enjoy growing fruit and vegetables and things like that, you should certainly opt for a greenhouse. This will allow you to grow strawberries and tomatoes in the summer. A shed is more for the handyman or woman. It gives you the space to carry out minor fixes and DIY jobs away from the main house. You will be free to get messy without having to worry about spilling oil on the carpet.

If your outdoor space has been starting to look and feel a little limp, these additions will do a lot for it. There is nothing better than having a garden with usable and useful features, so start putting them in place.

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Baby Bedding Ideas: Choosing a Crib Mattress

Decorating the nursery is a joyful part of planning for the new arrival – so many hopes and dreams and so many possibilities are all part of what you consider as you create this special place for nurturing your baby. Everything must be just right, especially the baby and crib bedding because proper sleep is essential for every baby.

Choosing a crib mattress

If you are using a previously owned or borrowed crib you will want to be certain to get a new crib mattress; even if the crib is brand new many parents select a mattress other than the one that is included, especially if they want all natural materials Whatever crib mattress you choose it should be encased in a mattress protector to prolong mattress life.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Perhaps you seek organic cotton bedding or only want items which feature low impact, environmentally friendly or soy based inks – this requires some research to determine what best meets your needs and the internet is the ideal resource. Take a look at the websites of your favorite bed and bath stores:,, and others because you know they will stand behind the goods they sell.

The typical crib ensemble consists of:

  • a fitted crib sheet,
  • a crib skirt (which is like a bed skirt)
  • some crib bumpers.

You can buy a complete ensemble or buy individual pieces; most parent like to have extra crib sheets in case laundry gets backed up.

Cribs may or may not have padded headboards which is why crib bumpers can be helpful; experts have weighed in both for and against the use of crib bumpers so you may wish to check with your pediatrician for guidance and more information.

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Hitting The New Home Running

In the experiences of many, getting adjusted to life in a new home can have something of a rocky start. It’s only natural that we take a little time to adjust to a brand-new space. It might be yours, but it can still feel alien, especially as you start to discover the little quirks you don’t love as some of the other features. But the best approach to change your mood on something is the proactive one. If you want to start feeling at home in your new home, you have to hit it running.

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[Photo courtesy of BusyHomeschoolDays/]

Taking care of the essentials

One of the biggest mistakes of homeowners is waiting to find out that their new home has flaws. The vast majority of places, unless they’re new builds that you designed yourself, are going to have them. The trick is not let them catch you by surprise. When you move in, start looking over all the essentials that might lead to problems. Start with the utilities, testing every light, every socket, and every tap, as well as learning where the mains and shutoff valves are. Consider the security of doors and windows, the possibility of air leaks in the windows and roof, and more.

Bring out the comforts of home

Regardless of what you didn’t like about where you lived before and why you moved from it, there’s a good chance that there will be some aspects of it that you liked. You might have even been able to bring some along. It might be some of the photo displays you put up. It could be familiar smells that aroma providers like can help you replace. Bring out some of the more emotionally engaging parts of the new home first to really establish your identity in the home and make it feel more ‘you’.

Color, Palette, Paint, Wall Painting, Overhaul

[Photo courtesy of kaboompics/]

Making changes

A real issue is moving to a new home when you don’t really have any ideas on what you want to do with it or you have few pieces of furniture or décor ready to be put up. No-one likes living in an empty space. The best way to avoid that issue is to prepare in advance and start buying items to put them in storage. If you neglect to do so, however, then teams like can help you get a running start at it. The longer your home feels like a “project” rather than a home, the longer it will take you to start feeling at home.

Thinking outside the box

Don’t neglect the outdoors while you’re making changes inside, either. If they haven’t been maintained by the seller, overgrown gardens and faded exteriors can remove any trace of welcoming from the home. Give the grass a cut, add some living space outdoors and give the front door a lick of fresh paint. It can make a huge difference to entering the home.

If you’re content to sit and wait for your home to suddenly become everything you wanted, you might find that you never quite end up getting that. Instead of waiting, take it into your own hands and finish what you started when you first moved in.

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Headboards, Canopy Beds & More

The bedroom is the inner sanctum of a home, the place where you go to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Because a bedroom is not a common area which will be seen by family and friends, many people scrimp on decorating the bedroom and go with a simple Hollywood bed fame, skipping headboards or any other sort of ornamentation. They have the basics – a nightstand or two, a dresser and perhaps a chair.

When you think about it you spend almost a third of your life in bed – don’t you deserve to treat yourself at least as well as you might treat company? It does not cost much to outfit a bedroom in a style that is warm and welcoming; creating a bedroom that is a reflection of your personal style can be a rewarding effort that pays dividends for years to come.

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[Photo courtesy of Burst/]

If your mattress is a bit tired you can easily improve conditions by investing in a foam or feather mattress pad or mattress enhancer – these help to extend mattress life and provide a better sleeping surface. New bedding is a fast and easy way to change the look of a room and you don’t need to be a designer or interior decorator to create an amazing look. Most bedding ensembles include a bed skirt, quilt or comforter and one or two pillows shams, all of which have been selected to coordinate perfectly.

A net canopy enhances any bed – the simple mesh netting can be draped at the head or foot of the bed or gathered to one side as a swag; bed canopies add drama and romance to the look of a room and are easy to install in minutes. A bed throw is another way to add visual interest to a mundane bedroom.

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The Ups & Downs Of Home Ownership

For the majority of people, home ownership is the goal in life. There is something so very secure about the feeling of being a homeowner, of knowing that you have your own place in the world that is just yours. You don’t have to worry about what your landlord will think if you decide to put up artwork and you can make decisions regarding your own decor like never before. It’s no wonder ownership is the goal for so many people.

Of course… then there’s the downside.

The truth is that home ownership is not a cure-all, a guarantee that life from this point onwards will be simple. There are moments when a homeowner will desperately wish for the freedom of renting again; perhaps even to the point they wish they were back living with their parents.

So if you’re contemplating your first purchase – or have already bought, and just want to know others go through the same range of emotions as you do – then it’s worth taking the time to examine the ups and the downs.

UP: Your Status Is Improved

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[Photo courtesy of TeroVesalainen/]

There is something about the mere idea of being a homeowner that makes people take you a little bit more seriously. You have proven that you are able to convince a bank to lend you money, so you must be a serious, reliable person. You have undertaken a huge responsibility, and there’s no doubt about it: you will be treated differently – better – because of it.

You’ll find it easier to secure finance in the future, be it for a car or poor credit homeowner loans to spend on household renovations. You will also be offered preferable rates by insurance companies. So yes, there’s definitely a status boost to being a homeowner.

DOWN: You’re Responsible If Something Goes Wrong

If you have a problem with an aspect of a house while renting, it’s not really your problem. If the boiler breaks down or a window needs replacing, your entire involvement is based around calling the landlord and then waiting for them to do the work.

If you’re a homeowner, you have to rectify these – often expensive – problems yourself. It’s not an enjoyable experience. You have to learn to have an emergency fund on hand for those sudden, unavoidable household repairs, as well as the knowledge that you can’t just move out if the problems become intolerable.

UP: The Sense Of Permanence

Real Estate, Mortgage Bond, House Sales, Estate Agent

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/]

Even if you live in a rented home for a long period of time, it is rarely with a feeling of permanence. You are always subject to the whims of the landlord. They might decide to sell, to raise your rent, or just to evict you to use the house for their own purposes.

As a homeowner, providing you pay your mortgage, the only person whose whims you are subject to is you. You can truly put down roots, become a part of the community, become friendly with your neighbors. You know you’re going to be there for awhile, which can be reassuring and help to provide a sense of safety

DOWN: You Can’t Move Quickly

When you rent, the only thing holding you back is the notice period you have to give – other than that, you’re free to move as you please. If you get a job offer that requires a cross-country move, you can take it without a second thought.

As a homeowner, you don’t have that luxury. That same permanence that is such a benefit in some ways, suddenly becomes cloying and restrictive. While there’s always a chance you will be lucky and be able to rush through a quick sale of your home, the reality is that house sales take around six weeks if you’re lucky, as well as the possible delays with the legal side of things. If things don’t progress as quickly as you would hope, there’s a chance you will have to turn down a lucrative job offer solely because your house won’t sell – and that’s no fun at all.

Overall, home-ownership is the goal because of the safety and security it provides – but to pretend it’s all smooth sailing is to misrepresent the reality somewhat. So enjoy the ups and try to survive the downs as best as you can. Keep a small emergency fund for all of those repairs, and ensure you keep the house in good order and condition in case you one day need a quick sale. With these steps, you should be able to ensure you have far more ups than downs.

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Got A Garage? Here’s How To Stop It Being A Security Hazard

As a homeowner, the main concern is to keep the property and safe and secure as possible. Let’s face it, your home is your castle and no one should be able to bypass its defences easily. The thing is that some abodes do have features that are not safe, such as a garage. Yes, it is perfect for parking your car and keeping it off the street, or as a place to get away from the family, but that doesn’t make it safe. The shocking truth is that thieves often use a garage as the main point of entry into a property. As the owner, it is your responsibility to ensure it isn’t burglar-friendly, and here’s how.


[Photo courtesy of Jaymantri/]

Make Repairs ASAP

Garages are often out houses that are open to the elements. As a result, it isn’t uncommon for bad weather or external factors to cause damage. Most people don’t care about it unless it is significant, so most leave the repairs until further notice. This is the biggest security error you can make because garage door repairs are essential. Not only do secure doors dispel thieves in the first place, but broken ones are easier to bypass. The key is to fix any flaw as soon as it appears to ensure that the garage is as tight as every other feature of the house.

Broken, Car, Classic, Dirty, Door, Garage, Outdoors

[Photo courtesy of]

Don’t Go Electronic

Yep, pressing a button is easier than getting out of the car and opening the garage but hand. However, it is also less secure. For starters, all it takes is for you to misplace the control and anyone can have access to the entire house. It might fall into the hands of thieves, it might be found by the neighbours, yet you can’t take the chance. More worryingly, automatic doors are hackable. It sounds silly, but burglars can connect to the system and open the doors remotely. A traditional garage with a deadbolt doesn’t have these issues.

Cover The Windows

Some garage doors have windows. To most people, windows are a harmless feature that they can take or leave. But, underneath the surface, they are an aid for criminals. Although thieves can use the garage as an entrance into the house, they will also check it for cars. If there are valuables motors inside, they won’t think twice about kicking down the doors and driving off with your vehicle. A window allows them to see what is inside and what isn’t, which is why they need covering. Alternatively, you can replace the door for one that is solid.

Don’t Forget To Close It

Sometimes, theft is not the garage’s fault – it is yours. It is amazing how many people leave the garage doors open while they are doing something else. Sure, you might be around the corner, but you will not be able to react in time. Anyone that walks past will be able to pop their head in, have a look around, and steal the valuables. The worst thing is they will be able to take their time!

Even if you are only going to be a minute, always close and lock the garage.

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The Final Frontier! How To Make The Most Of Limited Space

As much as many of us would like to, it’s not that likely that you’re going to end up living in a huge mansion. Now, that’s not even necessarily a bad thing. After all, a huge mansion is often a lot of extra rooms to clean and a seriously expensive proposition overall. For those of us with slightly more limited budgets, everything from the classic studio apartment to a cosy family home are much more suitable. However, one thing that does often cause problems for a lot of people living in those kinds of situations is a matter of space. The vast majority of people bemoan the fact that they simply don’t have enough space in their homes. However, despite how common this complaint is, it’s one that’s often much easier to solve than a lot of people suspect. While you might feel like the only way to increase the amount of space that you have is to move to somewhere completely new, the reality is that you can make room for yourself and even a whole family within the smallest of spaces. Here are just a few things that you can try in order to really make the most of whatever limited space you may have in your home.

Choose your room layout carefully

It’s incredibly common that a lot of people tend to only ever think about the layout of the rooms in their home once when they first move in, and never again. Not only that but people often tend to stick with whatever seems most obvious, or whatever layout previous owners or tenants had used. However, just because something is the most obvious use of a space doesn’t mean that it’s the most effective. There are a few simple things to keep an eye out for when you’re trying to change up the layout of a room to maximize space. One thing is to focus on sight lines. If it feels like your line of sight is constantly being interrupted, then that’s a sign that you’re not using the space in a room properly. Similarly, it’s a good idea to think about the flow of a room. If you can’t feel the way in which different rooms flow into each other, then there might be something wrong with the layout. That might sound like something of a strange and nebulous concept, but it’s the kind of thing that you can just feel when you walk into a room, as long as you’re paying close enough attention.

Free Modern bedroom interior design with soft king size bed with cozy pillows and TV set Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of Max Vakhtbovych/]

Maximize your storage

Storage is often a serious issue for a lot of people. Whether you live in a three bedroom house or a studio apartment, you’re almost certainly going to end up feeling like you don’t have as much storage space as you would like. However, the reality is that, far from not having enough storage space, it’s actually much more likely that you’re just not using the space properly. And cupboards or closets in your home could probably contain many more things than they do if you just made an effort to organise them a little more. The issue that a lot of people tend to make is that they treat these kinds of storage solutions like some kind of dumping ground, simply throwing things into them at random without really considering how the space is being used. It might be tempted to take something of an “out of sight, out of mind” approach to your storage, but if you think about it carefully and avoid just dumping things into cupboards, then you’re going to get a lot more out of it.

Embrace minimalism

Even if you’re not what some people would call a “hoarder”, there’s a still a pretty good chance that you just have too much stuff. Now, this might not be spilling out of wardrobes and covering up the floor, but it’s likely that you don’t need nearly as many of your possessions as you think. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, humans are naturally a very sentimental species, and it’s in our nature to hold onto things that have meaning and importance to us. However, there comes a time when things spill over from being sentimental to being downright ridiculous. After all, you might want to hold onto a gift that your partner gave you for your anniversary, but do you really need a drawer full of every ticket stub and receipt from every date you’ve ever been on? It’s great to carry memories of trips you’ve taken, but if you’re filling up all of your shelves with knick knacks and souvenirs, then things are going to start looking pretty cluttered. Try embracing some more minimalist design ideas, and you’re almost certain to find that even the smallest space feels a whole lot bigger.

Use light

Making a space feeling bigger is actually one of best things that you can do. After all, you can’t exactly knock through a wall and add an extension to a third-floor apartment. One of the very best ways to make a room feel bigger than it is is to use light as much as possible. If you’ve ever walked into someone’s home and felt as though the place was incredibly cramped, despite how large it actually was, there’s a pretty good chance it was because of a lack of decent lighting. Bringing more light into a room can make even the tiniest space feel cavernous. Natural light is, of course, the very best option and you should make sure that you can get as much natural light into every room as possible. But when that’s not possible make sure that you’re keeping each room well illuminated while also tailoring the kind of light to each room. Colder, bright lights are better for kitchens and bathrooms, while slightly softer and warmer lights are much better for the bedroom where you want to create the most relaxing atmosphere possible.

Get creative

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

If you look up any notable examples of people living in incredibly small spaces, then the one thing that is immediately striking is just how creative they are forced to get with things like storage. After all, if you’ve only got a footprint of a few square feet, large bookcases aren’t exactly something you can accommodate. So why not use things like floating bookshelves to not only use space in a more interesting and vertical way but also to use them as decorations. Or perhaps you can use an entire wall of a room as a place to stack things like books. That way it because something of a feature of the room, rather than a problem brought about by a lack of space. It’s also a good idea to think in multiple directions. A lot of the time people only ever tend to think horizontally in the homes, so why not try thinking vertically instead? Rather than trying to spread things out in your home, use all of that space going up to the ceiling that is otherwise just going to completely to waste!

Unify your style

One of the toughest things about living in a small space is that it can often feel incredibly chaotic. This means that it can be difficult to relax, even in your own home, and you end up feeling tense a lot of the time. One of the very best ways to avoid this feeling is to create a unified style throughout your home. Rather than thinking of each room as an entity, completely distinct from all of the others, think of them as parts of the same whole. Not only will this allow you to create a much more cohesive sense of style and design, but it will make each room feel as though they flow into the next in ways that you may well not have been able to before. This not only makes the place feel larger but creates a much more calm, relaxing environment than feeling as though you’re constantly juggling a bunch of different styles all mashed into one incredibly small space.

Make the most of your furniture

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Furniture can be a tricky proposition for a lot of people living in very small homes because it tends to take up a lot of room. Beds and couches are often so large that they completely dominate any room that they’re in. However, instead of seeing this as an inherently bad thing, why not embrace it? Make your couch into a statement piece in the centre of your living room? That way, rather than overpowering a room, it becomes a focal point that the room revolves around. This not only creates a much greater sense of visual interest to your home but also makes the areas around it seem much more distinct as well. Of course, you don’t want to go too far with this. The key is to keep things to a minimum. A large couch can be a great statement piece, but you really don’t want to end up with a room filled with chairs and couches when you’re already struggling for space. Bigger and better furniture is great, but you should try and use less of it wherever you can.

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Why Homemakers are Crazy over Sheer Drapes

Most homemakers today are adorning their homes with a sheer window treatment because of its functionality and aesthetic appeal. The design of sheer coverings is associated with wealth and class. Even log and country homes in a rural setting look more beautiful when embellished with a sheer drapery panel.

The fabric itself is one reason why drapes of this style are elegant, light yet strong to block the glaring UV rays. Some sheer drapes are accentuated with generous amount of trims, laces and accessories that make them look expensive and luxurious.

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[Photo courtesy of]

Drapes do not only enhance the appearance of your home, they are an excellent barrier towards stalkers who use your windows to see what you are doing inside. Not only that, they offer natural insulation because the fabric which is usually made of voile, silk or faux satin has lined finish that sets off the light from harming your interior.

If you live in the countryside, the sheer drape can provide you a breathtaking view of the greenery woods and the blue skies. While you are protected from strangers and elemental, you can enjoy fresh air because the softness of the fabric allows the sea breeze and the morning dew to get inside the house.

Its simplicity makes it a perfect window embellishment for a provincial abode that makes it an ideal setting for a romantic interlude. This is perhaps the reason why sheer drapes are so popular in modern homes. They look more beautiful if you adorn on top of them some layers of curtains or a scarf. Make sure their colors are not contradicting.

Aside from giving a fashion statement to your window, the sheer drape is a reflection of your fine taste. They can turn your living room into a perfect venue for informal gathering and the dining area for sharing your culinary expertise. When you are faced with economic difficulties, the drape is a perfect decorating alternative if your budget is limited. If you are planning to change your curtain, this one is worth considering.

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The Grass Isn’t Always Greener: How To Make The Most Of The Home That You Have!

There’s a feeling that a lot of homeowners can relate to. It’s the sense that, after you’ve lived somewhere for a while, you can’t help but want to move on to somewhere new. The idea that after a few years, you’ve gotten everything you can out of your home and it’s time to start over. Granted, there are some genuine reasons why you might want to move to a new home. You might be starting a family and need more space, or your income might have increased, and you want to move to a nicer neighborhood. However, one of the main things that you need to be aware of is the fact that, if you’re not careful then you’re just going to end up doing the same thing every few years. As the old saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. If you spend your life going from place to place trying to find that one perfect home, you’re never going to be satisfied. Instead, you should make an effort to make the most of the home that you have. You will often find that doing that will make a huge difference to the way your home feels while saving you a lot of time, money and stress. With that in mind, here are some ways to make the most of your home if you find yourself feeling dissatisfied with it.

Maximize space

Free Creative interior design of small shop with wooden shelves full of assorted colorful bottles and green plants Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of Maria Orlova/]

Space is probably the biggest issue that a lot of people have with their homes. People often feel that their homes are cramped with no room to move around. They feel that going somewhere new with more space is the answer to their problems. However, the reality is that, unless your finances have changed dramatically, most homes that you can afford will be the same size with only slight differences. It’s a much better idea to take the time to maximize the space that you have in your home. There are a lot of different ways to do this, but the first thing that you do should be to reevaluate the layout of the rooms in your house. If a room feels too small, then that’s probably because there are too many things encroaching on the floor space. Perhaps your couch is in the center of the living room, and you could free up space by having it pushed up against a wall. Or maybe your dining room table is larger than it needs to be and just ends up completely dominating the room. By thinking about the way in which a room is laid out more carefully, you can often add a surprising amount of space throughout your home.

Use light carefully

Light is one of those things that a lot of homeowners tend to ignore because it’s a lot harder to put your finger on than things like layout or furniture. It’s a more vague and nebulous idea that has more of an impact on how a room feels than anything else. But the reality is that light can be the secret weapon that turns a depressing home into a vibrant place that you want to spend your time. We’ve all had those moments where you walk into a room, and it just feels dank and claustrophobic, even though you have plenty of space to move around. If that has happened to you, then there’s a pretty good chance that it was because the room simply wasn’t well lit. Natural light is, of course, the best way to make a room feel more spacious but you can also use lamps to help a room feel cozy without feeling cramped.

Clear out the clutter

Chaos, Clutter, A Mess, Things, Stuff, Table

[Photo courtesy of Hans/]

Even the nicest, most spacious home in the world can end up feeling untidy and unpleasant if it’s full of junk. It’s all too easy to end up letting your home become a mess because you spend so much time there that things blend into the background more easily than they would anywhere else. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have an impact on how your home feels. You might consciously take in the pile of papers on the kitchen countertop, but it’s still going to make the room feel untidy. Keeping the place clean and free of junk and clutter is going to make it feel like a much brighter, more enjoyable place to be for you and your family.

Don’t forget your yard

Even if people stay on top of keeping their homes well organized and tidy, it’s incredibly easy to end up neglecting your backyard. This is because a yard often takes a fair bit more work to get up to a high standard than your home might. Sure, there might be more steps to a perfect lawn than to a clean carpet, but putting in that effort is always worth it. Even if your home is totally clean and perfect, looking out the window to see an overgrown and untidy garden can sour the whole thing for you. Plus, you want your yard to be the kind of space that you can actually use and enjoy. Because of that, you don’t want to spend your time wading through knee high grass and tripping over weeds poking up through the patio.

Use every room

[Photo courtesy of Holland and Green Architectural Design/]

If you really feel like your home doesn’t have enough to offer you, ask yourself this question: are you using every room properly? There’s a decent chance that the answer to that question will be no. Take the office for example. A lot of people tend to use their offices as a place to dump things that they haven’t found a place for but still want to be able to access at a moment’s notice. This turns an office into a glorified closet very quickly. The same goes for your attic. Instead of just having it be the place where you store boxes of old junk, why not turn it into a fully functioning room. It doesn’t take that much work, and it will be a perfect playroom for the kids or a spare room for guests to sleep in.

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