Got A Garage? Here’s How To Stop It Being A Security Hazard

As a homeowner, the main concern is to keep the property and safe and secure as possible. Let’s face it, your home is your castle and no one should be able to bypass its defences easily. The thing is that some abodes do have features that are not safe, such as a garage. Yes, it is perfect for parking your car and keeping it off the street, or as a place to get away from the family, but that doesn’t make it safe. The shocking truth is that thieves often use a garage as the main point of entry into a property. As the owner, it is your responsibility to ensure it isn’t burglar-friendly, and here’s how.


[Photo courtesy of Jaymantri/]

Make Repairs ASAP

Garages are often out houses that are open to the elements. As a result, it isn’t uncommon for bad weather or external factors to cause damage. Most people don’t care about it unless it is significant, so most leave the repairs until further notice. This is the biggest security error you can make because garage door repairs are essential. Not only do secure doors dispel thieves in the first place, but broken ones are easier to bypass. The key is to fix any flaw as soon as it appears to ensure that the garage is as tight as every other feature of the house.

Broken, Car, Classic, Dirty, Door, Garage, Outdoors

[Photo courtesy of]

Don’t Go Electronic

Yep, pressing a button is easier than getting out of the car and opening the garage but hand. However, it is also less secure. For starters, all it takes is for you to misplace the control and anyone can have access to the entire house. It might fall into the hands of thieves, it might be found by the neighbours, yet you can’t take the chance. More worryingly, automatic doors are hackable. It sounds silly, but burglars can connect to the system and open the doors remotely. A traditional garage with a deadbolt doesn’t have these issues.

Cover The Windows

Some garage doors have windows. To most people, windows are a harmless feature that they can take or leave. But, underneath the surface, they are an aid for criminals. Although thieves can use the garage as an entrance into the house, they will also check it for cars. If there are valuables motors inside, they won’t think twice about kicking down the doors and driving off with your vehicle. A window allows them to see what is inside and what isn’t, which is why they need covering. Alternatively, you can replace the door for one that is solid.

Don’t Forget To Close It

Sometimes, theft is not the garage’s fault – it is yours. It is amazing how many people leave the garage doors open while they are doing something else. Sure, you might be around the corner, but you will not be able to react in time. Anyone that walks past will be able to pop their head in, have a look around, and steal the valuables. The worst thing is they will be able to take their time!

Even if you are only going to be a minute, always close and lock the garage.

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Fancy Garage Doors for Home

Don’t you just hate it when the garage door gets stuck halfway and you’re late for an important appointment? Then you don’t have a choice but to take a cab so that you can go to where you need to go. I know some of us have experienced this and have sworn to buy the most advanced, automatic garage door opener to avoid this incident from happening again. Furthermore, we promise ourselves that we’ll repair and make significant improvements in our garage and make it as spick and span as the rest of the rooms in the house. I know for a fact that the garage can easily be the most neglected part of the house. Buying and installing a garage door opener would be easy since there are a lot of residential and commercial garage door openers available that are fast, reliable, and noise-free.

Garage at Home

[Image not Mine]

Many companies such as Micanan, manufacture a full line of both industrial and commercial garage door parts, garage door openers, control panels, gate operators and special application systems for its customers. Their garage door openers each has a button station and is pre-wired for remote operation. Various models include the Trolley and Jackshaft type for light, medium, industrial, and heavy industrial duty. All types have sophisticated features and are built to last.

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