Quick Garden Makeover Tips You’ll Love

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With the evenings becoming lighter and the leaves finally blooming on the trees, it’s safe to say that the warmer weather is on the way. Warmer weather encourages time spent outdoors, but wait – your garden has become overgrown and full of weeds!

Colourful windmills decorate a garden near to Abingdon town centre

[Photo courtesy of Sally Allsop/geograph.org.uk]

Thankfully, there are quick solutions to the manky garden issue and that’s taking time to fix it up. There are plenty of ways to do this, even if you only have a spare hour or two at the weekends. Soon enough you’ll be able to enjoy barbecues and picnics within feet of the house with our amazing garden makeover tips:

  1. Add colour: Flowers take some time to grow after planting, everyone knows this. However, flowers aren’t the only way you can add a little pizazz to your garden. If you have a shed or any wooden garden furniture, you can give them a new lease of life with a lick of paint. Instead of spending time you may not have, have a look at some paint sprayers reviews and do the job in half the time.
  2. Outdoor décor: Similarly, with giving old, wooden furniture a lick of paint, you can add potted plant pots to your garden in bright, zany colours to add some life. Use up old leftover paints you may have laying around and add lovely patterns to your plant pots and give it a personal touch. Adding garden ornaments and fun little items to decorate can also liven up your outside space.
  3. Sort the weeds: Take an hour of your time and actually weed the garden! The most obvious solution to an overgrown space is to strip is back and it shouldn’t take too long if you use a strimmer and edger for the whole area. Once you’ve cut it all back, you’ll be able to truly assess the space you have and what you can do to make it look summer ready.
  4. Declutter: Believe it or not, like any area of the home you need to have a clear out. Get through the garden shed and throw out anything that is old and rusted. Make space for new garden tools.
  5. Involve the kids: If you have kids at home, get them involved in the garden. A paved area can always use a chalk mural and a grassed border will always be better off with a vegetable garden being planted and colourful labels attached. Children always have a magic touch on the outdoors and you can let them get so creative!
  6. Deck the garden: You may need a little longer for this one if you don’t have a deck already, but if you do all you need to do is redo the deck. Stain the deck with products like these and give it a new lease of life.

Your garden doesn’t need to take long to redo and even if you can only dedicate an hour or two at a time, you can makeover your garden to look as beautiful as you could hope it to be.

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