Illuminate Your Life!: Roof Designs That Encourage More Natural Light

Have you been feeling a little down in the dumps lately? Perhaps you are getting plenty of sleep, but you are still tired. Did you know that if we aren’t getting enough natural light, then we can become sick and depressed! This isn’t good news to anyone who works from home or in an office all day. So while we can’t do much about your office set up, we can give you some great ideas for increasing your natural light at home!

blue, clouds, cloudy

[Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto/]

A cool way to bring more light into the home is using solar tubes or tunnels.  These are tubes installed through the roof and directed into the darker rooms of your home. Such as bathrooms with no exterior wall. They are as efficient as windows, and in some cases even better and are perfect when natural light only comes in through an open door. It is possible that some of these tubes may need to be bent during installation which can reduce some of the light that is reflected in. However, it is still a better solution than using electric lighting. When the solar tube is short and straight the power of the natural light is intensified.  Solar lights don’t let you see outside, though, which might make them the last choice you want if you are trying to install better lighting. They are cheap though and more efficient than electric light.

Chatting to your local roofing specialist might help to understand how a solar tube works and there are lots of great companies out there who can help you get to grips with it, CLM Roofing could be a good source of information.

Roofline, Shingles, Architectural Style, Mansard

[Photo courtesy of JamesDeMers/]

The obvious way to bring more light in is to add more windows, and you have a variety of options to choose from. Installing new windows can be a very expensive move forward. However, a roof light is probably the cheapest way of achieving what you want.   You can easily install roof lights to improve the natural light within a dark space. Even on a dull, gray, damp day, the area is flooded with light, and your rooms will seem larger and happier. Of course, if you want to get dramatic then you could consider a glass roof, this is especially useful in the center of a home, although you will need to talk to a skilled architect to understand if it is possible. Sash windows are a great option, and you could even replace rear doors or part of a wall with patio doors. Bringing lots of natural light into your room and, when you need it, a good dose of fresh air!

Bringing more light into the home is imperative and you cannot underestimate how much of an impact light has on your health. If you really can’t find ways of bringing in the natural light then use a light lamp in your bedroom. You may find you feel better and sleep better too.

Let the light shine in!

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Adding Roof to your Home

My cousin’s family already started building their home, they are almost finished but they are already out of money. My cousin who’s in abroad will not send remittance anymore because she is set to go home in the next few months. The other day my mother told me that my uncle wants to lend money from us so they can buy the materials they need, they have to finish adding roof to their house so the beams will not turn rusty.

A roof is the most essential part of our house, it protect us from cold and warm weather. A good roof can also add more value to our house, a well kept interior is meaningless when the roof is leaking or defective. That’s why it is very important to build a house with durable and strong roof from Precision Roofing.

[Image not Mine]

If you have no skills on roofing there are many expert roofing contractors that can give you ideas and suggestion on how to install or take care of your roof. To own a home is such a huge investment and maintaining it properly will make it more comfortable and valuable.

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