Garden Looking Dark And Dreary? Give It Some New Life!

I love gardening, and when the sun is shining, I’m always out, seeing what I can do to improve my yard. Most of the time, it’s little things such as pulling up the weeds from between the paving. Or, planting some new flowers in the soil around the edge of my front lawn. Every so often though I do like to take on a big project and work to completely reinvent my yard. That’s what I’m going to talk about today. If your garden is looking dark and dreary, make some changes, and you’ll love spending time out there again.

Start Small

Lawn Mower, Hand Lawn Mower, Lawn Mowing, Mow, Meadow

[Photo courtesy of Counselling/]

You should start small when tackling a new look for your garden. I think we should begin by cutting the grass because that’s going to make it look grander. I’m sure that’s something that you want. A garden that gives the impression your home has a lot of space. Cut your grass as short as possible, and it will also look neat, tidy and well maintained.

Next, we need to take a look at any patio areas in your garden. If you’ve never cleaned your patio, it’s going to be looking worse for wear. That’s the bad news. The good news is that there are easy ways to fix that. I suggest you start by renting a power washer if you don’t have one. A power washer is the easiest tool to use for cleaning your patio. It will blast the marks, dirt and grime away, making it look brand new. It can even get rid of the weeds that are growing between the cracks. Let it dry out and then take a look at the effect. The grass is short; the patio is clean, and essentially, you have a blank canvas. Now you can style your garden however you want.

Lovely Landscaping

[Photo courtesy of Robin Zebrowski/]

If you want to change your garden, you need to think about landscaping. There’s nothing small about this idea, and you’ll certainly need some tools. You might even need extra help to complete this job because it tends to involve restructuring the garden. You might raise certain parts, lower others and by the time you’re finished the garden is completely different. It’s sectioned, and it has different areas for all your needs. In one part of the backyard, there’s a patio place, perfect for outdoor furniture. In another, you have a vast stretch of green for your kids. Then, around the side, there’s a place to grow flowers and maybe even some veg? Landscaping makes this sectioning a real possibility. No matter what your yard looks like right now, you can have your perfect garden with a little landscaping.

Brightening It Up

Rose, Flower, Plant, Rose Bush, Pink Roses, Table

[Photo courtesy of MabelAmber/]

Usually, gardens are dark because something is blocking the sunlight. If you’re overlooked, you can’t do much about this. The best idea is to add some outside lighting, but that can be expensive. In some cases, though, it’s going to be natural issues that is blocking your light, such as an overgrown tree. There’s an easy remedy for that. You just need to cut the tree down and to do this; I suggest you get a chainsaw with a long lasting battery. Getting the wires tangled around can lead to real problems cutting the tree. In some cases, you won’t have to remove the whole tree. Instead, you can just cut it down a little so that it’s not as full and thick. Once you’ve yelled timber, dispose of the fallen branches correctly to stop it cluttering your garden.

Colourful Ideas

Landscaping Stones Texture

[Photo courtesy of Jean Beaufort/]

Some of your local flowers, shrubs and plants might not be quite as colourful as you’d like. So, how about importing some tropical shrubbery. This will give your garden a unique look, guaranteeing it stands out from the rest of the homes on the street.

If you don’t want to import plants, you can get the same effect with stones and shells. You can use a collection of rocks and shells to brighten up the garden, framing the patio or the grass. Make sure that the stones are bright and glisten. If they get dirty, give them a good wash to keep your garden looking stunning and stylish.

Shopping Spree

Patio, Furniture, Couch, Terrace, Outdoors

[Photo courtesy of ghansela/]

Finally, let’s finish off reinventing your garden with a good old shop. You can buy some beautiful garden furniture for your yard and right now is the perfect time to do this. At the end of summer, the prices of gorgeous garden furniture go through the floor. You’ll save a bundle and have the perfect accessories to make your garden an absolute delight.

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Turn Down Your Energy Costs With These Simple Steps

With the seasons changing, our minds turn to the cost of our energy bills. It’s no wonder. Shorter days mean we have the lights on for longer. Cold weather means turning the heating on. Whatever way you look at it, winter can be expensive. What better time of year to turn our attention to long-term ways to cut down on our energy costs? With a little time and effort, it’s possible to cut down a significant chunk of the amount we spend on energy. Here’s how!

Turn Things Off

I know you hear this all the time, but it works! Turning lights off when you’re not in rooms makes a significant difference. Switching appliances off at the plugs is worth the effort too. It’s shocking how much of the energy in our homes gets used unnecessarily. It’s also worth practicing leniency when turning things on in the first place. Do you need the main light on, or can you settle for a lamp beside you? Do you need the heating, or can you put a jumper on? Taking the time to consider the energy you’re using will open your eyes to how much less you could get away with.

Heating, Heat, Energy, Heating Costs, Radiator

[Photo courtesy of TBIT/]

Compare Energy Prices

It’s possible you won’t have to cut down on anything to save yourself a little money. Comparison sites show how much cheaper your energy could be elsewhere. Energy prices change all the time. It’s worth checking comparison sites often to see that you’re getting the best deal. You could always use this as a haggling tool with another energy company, too. Find out who they are and what deal they offer, then give them a ring with details of your current provider. Quite often, companies will match or beat your current bills. Don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there!

Look at Different Types of Energy

If you’ve had enough of dealing with the energy giants, why not take matters into your own hands? Producing your energy is excellent for the environment, and for your bank balance. The main choices you have here are solar or wind power. Both have their benefits. If your garden is south facing, solar energy may be the way to go. If not, why not consider a small wind turbine for your home? You could even go for a hybrid model that provides both solar and wind energy to fuel your home. There are installation costs involved with these. They will soon start paying for themselves. Solar panel experts can install the system into your home for you, so you don’t need to worry.

Following all these steps together would save you an enormous amount of money. If you can’t stretch to all of them, just following one or two will make a significant difference to your energy bill. If the saving itself isn’t enough incentive to change, think of the environment. Fossil fuels are bad for the environment in many ways. Cutting down, or finding alternate energy, will make such a difference!

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4 Things to Keep In Mind During an Attic Renovation

Have you been craving some extra space in your home? Maybe you have a little one on the way and you need an extra bedroom or you’d prefer to get work done in a quiet space. If you’re considering renovating your attic with the help of Summit Point Roofing, ponder these four tips.


[Attic bedroom” by Ben Husmann from Chicago, USA /]
    1. Will you be following fire codes and safety precautions? Usually, 50% of a finished attic has to be a minimum of seven feet high, seven feet wide, and 70 square feet. For safety reasons, you should have an engineer make sure that the house’s foundation and frame can withstand extra weight.
    2. During the summer months, expect your attic to get much warmer than the rest of the house. Add ceiling fans to help regulate temperature.
    3. With all that attic planning, you forgot about the rooms downstairs! Shuffling feet in the attic will carry through to the rooms below. Keep things quiet with heavy duty floor joists and add a carpet or area rug.
    4. If you’re installing a bathroom upstairs, match it up with a kitchen or bathroom below. This will help streamline the plumbing, keeping costs down and limiting damage to the walls. Sometimes, a plumber will even be able to connect new pipes to the old ones, although this isn’t always the best option.

Are you ready to expand your home’s usable space and start utilizing that attic? Learn how today!

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Persistent Household Problems And How To Stamp Them Out

Owning your own home doesn’t come without its challenges. One of those is keeping on top of home maintenance. Sometimes it seems as though there’s a never ending to-do list of repairs. It’s not surprising then that we put off those niggling minor tasks that are so annoying.

  1. Excess Moisture

Excess moisture presents itself as steamed-up windows, rotting wood, damp and mold. If the problem is severe you may even find that you feel clammy. In order to fix this, there are a few steps you can take.

Basin, Sink, Kitchen Sink, Tap, Drain, Faucet

[Photo courtesy of Brett_Hondow/]

Ventilate by installing fans and ventilation systems in problem areas. This is particularly important in the kitchen and bathroom. Open the windows to allow air in and moisture to escape. Don’t forget to do this after a long hot shower. Check that ventilation fans are working properly and are not clogged with dust.

Install a dehumidifier to collect excess moisture. There are lots of systems on the market, so ensure you choose wisely by reading reviews like

  1. Smelly Kitchen Sink

If you notice nasty odors emanating from the kitchen sink, it’s likely to be due to a buildup of food and grease. The first step is to fill your sink with hot water and detergent. Turn on the garbage disposal and let the water drain through. For minor problems, this will do the trick. If the problem persists run ice cubes and rock salt through the unit to clean the blades. Follow by a few lemon peels for freshness.

If you don’t have a garbage disposal unit, boiling water may be all that’s needed to clear the nasty smells. In fact, pouring boiling water down the sink regularly will help you avoid this problem from reoccurring. If boiling water isn’t enough, pour down a cup of baking powder following by two cups of vinegar. There’s usually no need for harsh chemicals. Household products are enough.

Walnuts, Nuts, Healthy, Shell, Brown, Tasty, Vitamins

[Photo courtesy of condesign/]
  1. Small Scratches On Wooden Furniture

If you’re sick of seeing scratches on your wooden furniture, there’s a simple way to restore it. All you need is a walnut. Yep! Just a simple walnut. Rub the nut over the scratch and watch as the oils darken the area. It works like magic with the minimum of fuss.

  1. Smears On The Windows

Each time the sun streams through the windows, it reveals just how grimy they are. A simple solution to this is to add a little white vinegar to a spritzer and spray it over the glass. Remove with a microfiber cloth to avoid streaks. It also works on water stains on the outside of the glass. The smears and dirt will be gone in no time, and you can enjoy the sunshine. Check more tips at

  1. Squeaky Door Hinges

That squeaking closet door is so annoying, especially when your partner is still sleeping. It can be resolved quickly and easily by a little WD40 on the hinges. It’s as quick and simple as that.

  1. Stained Bathtub

If your bath is looking a bit dingy, apply this tried and tested formula. Make a paste with lemon juice and baking soda and apply to the affected areas. Leave for half an hour and then scrub away. The tub will look as good as new in no time.

Most problems have a quick and simple solution. Don’t let them get you down and don’t let them escalate. Stamp them out so you can enjoy your home again. 

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Three Tips to Prevent Plumbing Repairs

Although plumbing problems are inevitable for a homeowner, there are steps you can take to reduce the number of service calls to a plumbing company. The following are three tips to help you accomplish this.

Be careful what you put down your kitchen drain

Sometimes when you cook, you will find that you have a lot of oil or grease in a pan. When this happens, try to dispose of it into a container, and then after it cools down, throw it is in the trash. You have to take care to use a container that can handle the temperature of hot oil, because it is easier to get out of a pan while it is still hot and in liquid form. What you don’t want to do is wash it down the sink. Over time, this will cause a drain stoppage.

Kitchen Sink Plumbing Problems

Run your water after using the garbage disposal

A garbage disposal is a great kitchen appliance, but over time, they can create drain problems. It is true that they do a good job of cutting up leftover food, but sometime the pieces are still large enough to get hung up on the sides of a drain pipe that already has small, soft materials that are stuck to the sides of the pipe. Large materials passing from the garbage disposal can contribute to the drain stopping up. The solution to this problem is to keep your water running in your sink for at least 30 seconds to a minute after you are finished with the garbage disposal. You want to give the waste you sent through your disposal a chance to make it to your main drain line where the chances of it creating a stoppage problem are slim.

Prevent water pipes from bursting

Water expands when frozen, and when this happens to a water pipe, the expansion can lead to cracks in the connections. You won’t know this has happened until the ice in the pipes melts, but when it does, you may need to place an emergency call to naperville plumbers due to a bursting pipe. The solution is to run water when the temperature drops below freezing. Although it takes time for your water pipes to freeze, if the water is not running, and the temperature gets cold enough, it will happen. The time this usually happens is while you are sleeping, because the water is not running for at least 8 hours. The same can be true in the daytime, but as long as someone is at home and using the water occasionally, this is less likely to be an issue.

Plumbing repairs can be expensive, and although there is no way to prevent them completely, the tips above will help you.

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Trees – Friend Or Foe? Why The Answer Isn’t As Clear As You Think

The idea of trees being inherently good is ingrained upon on us. Trees are the source of life, oxygen, a feeling of being at one with nature. We hear of bands and companies pledging to plant trees in the name of so-called carbon offsetting, so we see more trees as a good thing. Deforestation, the loss of trees, is considered as a global catastrophe. They are used to symbolize good, green intentions for political parties – the association runs that deep. Trees = good.

Despite this message being continually reinforced, there are plenty of times in life when trees are more foe than friend. Not believe that they are the silent branch-y menace to humankind? Then you might want to read on…

[Image courtesy of Antranais/]

Climbing Matters

You climb a tree as a child or a particularly adventurous adult. In the pursuit of this goal, you also inevitably fall out of a tree. How do we know that people aren’t forcibly pushed out of trees? We don’t, do we?

Actual Problems…

Okay, in all seriousness, there are times in life when trees can be a nightmare. And we’re not just talking the trees in The Wizard of Oz attacking Dorothy either; these go on on this side of the rainbow.

Trees kill people. It could be argued that trees don’t kill people, storms do, but the result is the same. Trees cause a huge amount of damage every year when inclement weather takes them out. They can down power lines and cause disruptions on the roads.

They are a complete pain to remove. If you decide there is a tree near your house that one good gust of wind is going to fell, you might choose to have it removed. This is a nice decision, but ultimately, it’s going to take a lot of time and effort. Trees are so deeply rooted that you need to bring in the pros to take care of the problem. If you have an unwanted tree, you have to be willing to make an effort to ensure it’s an ex-tree. Help from Integrity Tree Service and others may be needed.

They can cause your garden to suffer without sunlight. Too much tree coverage and your plants will begin to wilt from lack of attention. The shade may be beneficial for some plants, but our best-known flowers and shrubs tend to need plenty of daylight.

The Case For Trees

The issues above are real problems, and if you have a tree that could damage your home in a storm then you should take action against it. Of course, things are never that simple. Trees do have the enormous benefits that we credit them with, including – but not limited to – preventing floods in gardens. They also provide homes for birds.

If you don’t want to remove any potentially troublesome trees, then it’s worth seeing if there is something you can do to secure them. Try and love them. Forgive them for pushing people out of them. If not, bring in the pros – or the silent branch-y menace might claim another victim.

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Perfect Dream or Unobtainable Nightmare? The Pros and Cons of The “Forever Home” Concept

The concept of a “forever home” is not a new one. It is most often used to refer to rescue animals, destined for a trouble-free life when they have found their new owners. It can also be used for humans – when we have found the house we intend to spend the rest of our lives in.

It can’t hurt to dream… can it?

[Photo courtesy of GregoryButler/]

In some ways, this is a lovely sentiment. The idea that there is one place out there that will be our forever; the homely pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But… it’s also not so nice, in a way. If you think about it, it tends to mean that every other house you live in – i.e. the majority – is your… temporary home.

That sounds less pleasant. 80% of the places you live are just temporary? Stepping stones on the road to “the one”? There’s pretty much no area in life that we’d accept this. We don’t wait until we are nearly pensioners to marry our significant other, having tried out plenty of others. We don’t buy anything else “forever”, either. Our cars have dates of exchange, our clothes go out of style and our tastes evolve. So why are our homes expected to fall into one of two categories: the mythical “forever home” and then the just… all the others?

Life is too short for this kind of thinking. A forever home is a great concept for a rescue pet, but not so much for humans. The idea that you might one day want to move on from your current dwelling doesn’t mean that you don’t care about it, right?

Unfortunately, it’s easy to fall into the trap of leaving things for the “forever home”. These are the things we have on our wishlist and can’t imagine parting with, such as custom backyard pools and converted wine cellars. We’d never want to sell a house with something we had designed, so it waits for the forever home. And thus, we spend much of our life in a house that isn’t quite as we want it.

Reality or for the future only?

[Photo courtesy of sasmita/]

And… not to be the bearer of bad news, but – well, the house you’re in right now might be your forever home. You just don’t know it yet. By putting off the things and denying yourself in the quest for something better one day, aren’t we selling ourselves short?

Or is there some benefit to the concept after all? Time to examine the pros and cons, and then you can figure out what works for you.

PRO Forever Home: It’s A Dream

Dreaming the days away…

[Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures/]

Sometimes, we need something to look forward to. After all, we know that there is not really gold at the end of a rainbow – but that doesn’t stop us wishing that there is.

Is the idea point of the idea of this end house, that will meet our every desire, actually in the wishing? Perhaps it is the aspiration that is important – something we can anticipate. We all need to have our idea of perfection in mind.

CON Forever Home: It’s A Dream

Can something be a pro and a con at the same time? I’m making the rules here, so, yes!

For some of us, we will never live that reality. So we spend our lives in houses that are good enough, never doing the things we want to really make us love them. That’s a pretty depressing situation, meaning nowhere is ever fully satisfied. You keep putting it off and dreaming of the next step, but you will ultimately end up with a lost dream you never lived out. Perhaps it is better to focus on reality.

PRO Forever Home: It Might Actually Happen

Maybe there is something at the end of it.

[Photo courtesy of brigachtal/]

This is the area that makes it difficult to argue against. While some of us may never reach that perfect home, some of us will. We will find the perfect place we want to spend our lives; our dreams will come true; the sky will glitter with our delight.

In these circumstances, waiting and saving money to lavish on our eventual end property seems sensible. There are many things we save up for and then can go wild and enjoy – so something as fundamental as the home we live in is a tangible goal.

CON Forever Home: You Don’t Appreciate The Space You’re In

It’s said that envy is the enemy of peace, and there is some truth to this with the idea of a forever home. When you think of this blissful property you one day intend to inhabit, it can mean that you are effectively envying the you of the future. That person will have their desires; the crisp interiors they love; the rooms they never want to leave.

In the moment, that can be rough – because it means you don’t have what you want. It means you are settling, and that means you are not appreciating the now. It means you are not getting enough of the home you currently have, which is a shame, as it probably wasn’t cheap.

So Where Do You Fall?

It all depends on what motivates you as a person. If you need targets and goals, then the idea of a dream property in the future can be enough to keep you going. If you can fix it in your mind and try to make it a reality, then you can handle any temporary upsets because they are just that – temporary.

Reality or aspiration?

[Photo courtesy of geralt/]

If, however, you are not sure how you will get to the point of the perfect home, then why waste your time dreaming of it? This is particularly true if funding your dream home would mean a massive change in financial circumstances that is unlikely. Take a deep breath and learn to appreciate what you have. Furthermore, don’t just accept – if you need to make changes, then have the energy to do them. Get the swimming pool; fix the dodgy plumbing; go for the wine cellar; paint a thousand accent wall! Make your custom alterations and do things that make you happy. There is no point wishing for a future and saving your energy for it, if it isn’t going to happen.

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Choosing An Energy-Efficient Pool Pump For Your Home Pool

When you are the owner of a swimming pool that is outdoors, investing in an energy-efficient pool pump can help you to save money on your energy bill while also allowing you to keep your pool running as efficiently as possible. A pool pump not only allows you to save money on the energy you are using, but it also allows you to better maintain any set temperature you have in mind for your swimming pool throughout the year.

Choosing the Size of the Pump

Before you can begin looking into purchasing a new swimming pump, it is important to factor in the size of the pump you are interested in based on your budget, the type of swimming pool you own and any preferences you have when you are browsing for a new pump yourself. Choosing the right size of pump is a way for you to save on energy costs, especially if you choose a smaller pump that is fitting for the type of pool you own.

The larger the pump you choose to install for your own swimming pool, the higher the maintenance costs will ultimately be each month. Smaller pumps often allow you to not only save on energy, but they also allow you to maintain the pool’s temperature to any setting you prefer with ease.

Red Outdoor Chair Near in Swimming Pool

[Photo courtesy of William LeMond/]

Managing the Pump

When you want to keep your pool pump as efficient as possible, you can do so by limiting the filtration period to 6 hours each day, keeping energy costs low while still allowing your pool to stay as clean and to run as efficiently as it can at all times. You can also limit to pumping your pool just 3 times a day, which can drastically reduce your electric usage and bill by nearly 60% depending on where you live and the size of the pump you are using. Running the pump on a few times each day but for less time overall is ideal for most pool owners who are looking to save but also want to keep their pool clean at all times.

How to Search for an Energy-Efficient Pool Pump

Once you have determined you would like to invest in a new energy-efficient pool pump, you can do so by searching locally at a pool supply shop and also by doing so online. Looking for a pool pump online is a way for you to compare sizes, energy output and even the compatibility each of the pumps has with the pool you are seeking to upgrade. When you look online for the type of energy-efficient pool pump that is best for you, you can easily compare the type of energy that each pump gives out as well as the prices of each pump that is available and fitting for your own pool. You can also research testimonials and reviews from those who have also purchased the pool pumps you have in mind when you begin to search online. You will notice your energy bill spent on pool cleaning  will decrease significantly, leaving money in your pocket for the more important things in life.

Written by Jamie Lovelock

Jamie runs a landscaping business. Jamie loves DIY at home and spends lots of time in his workshop when he’s not in the backyard.

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Make The Most Of The Space In Your Large Garden With This Unmissable Help

A lot of us don’t do much with our garden once we have moved into our property. Of course, we may lay some turf and grow some plants, but we are not properly utilizing the space we have. Especially if we have a big garden! After all, it’s best to make the most of your garden as it can be one of the top selling features when you do put your home on the market. Therefore, here is some unmissable help to make the most of the space in your large garden.

Add an entertaining area

It’s hard for everyone to fit in your home when you are entertaining people for a special occasion. After all, your kitchen and dining area might not be that big inside your home. Therefore, to make the most of the space in your garden, you should make an entertaining area. It will be a great place to have guests over for a party. You can add a table and chairs and a BBQ so that you have everything you need for the occasion. Remember to get some kind of canopy, so that everyone can enjoy being outside for the party. Also, as extras, you should look into adding a fire pit and a chiminea to the entertaining area.

[Photo courtesy of noahherrera/]

Add a summer house or log cabin

You should also look into adding a summer house or a log cabin in the garden of your property to make the most of the space. It would be ideal as an extra play room or office for your property. It could be a mini home for your teen, so they have somewhere to complete homework or spend time with friends. You can either get a company into build one in your yard, or you could look into making one yourself; check out this video for more advice. Remember to make sure it’s protected for weathers all year round. You can find lots of help online for log house maintenance to ensure it stays looking great through the harshest of climates!

[Photo courtesy of Antranias/]

Add a beautiful garden feature such as a pond or water feature

If you have the space for it in your garden, you should consider adding a beautiful garden feature such as a pond or a water feature. They have lots of benefits; for one thing, you are doing your bit for the environment. After all, you are giving some fishes a must-needed home! And kids will love looking at them and feeding them every day. Also, water features are very relaxing for your soul. The calming sound of the water flowing can do wonders for your blood pressure!

Consider building an extension

A lot of people have a smaller home but a lot of land outside which belongs to them. In that case, you could make the most of the space in your large garden by extending your home. You might be able to make an additional bedroom or even an office room in your property if you do extend your house. Of course, make sure you are allowed before you do extend your home.

And remember to add a greenhouse to your yard if you have the room. That way, you can grow plenty of vegetables for your family’s use.

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Love Your Appliances And They’ll Love You Back

Our home appliances are one of the biggest investments we make in our property. We expect them to work overtime for us, cooling and heating us, helping with our cooking, cleaning our clothes and keeping our food fresh. There are myriad brands out there to choose from, and if budget allows it’s better to go middle ground instead of the cheapest. And of course, if money isn’t an object, go for the very best with the most advanced technology! But no matter what appliances you choose for your home, you certainly expect them to have a certain amount of longevity to them. However, to keep them in tip-top shape, you also have to do your bit for them. Below are some ideas on how to love your appliances so that they love you back. And if you are looking to buy some technology smart new appliances, have a look at my blog posts on the latest gadgets and gizmos.

Picture source: En.Wikipedia.Org


We probably use our ovens on a daily basis even if we’re not the domestic goddess we like to think we are. They work so hard for us that we have a duty to look after them too. To keep your oven working at optimum levels, you should make sure you clean your oven every week. Faulty ovens are not only frustrating but expensive too. Every week you should wipe down the inside and outside of your oven to save on the stress of scrubbing it every three months. You should also use baking trays inside the oven below the racks you are cooking on. This can catch any spills and leaks and help reduce the cleaning effort needed. Every two weeks place a bowl of boiling water and in your oven and set at a high temperature for twenty minutes. This will help release dirt and grime much more easily. And consider investing in a professional oven clean once a year.

A/C Units And Boilers

Our A/C units and boilers work hard to cool us down, heat us up and bring us hot water. Air conditioning filter require regular maintenance so always make sure to clean or replace them. Dirty and clogged filters will heavily reduce the unit’s efficiency. If you do need to call in a repair company, read for details on swift and thorough fixing services. It is better to get your unit repaired before the temperatures start to rise. And in the winter when you are not using you’re A/C be sure to cover up your unit to protect it. Boiler breakdown can be extremely expensive so always be sure to take care of this appliance. If you are not using your boiler in the summer still make sure to turn it on once a month for fifteen minutes or so to make sure it is working. Make sure the pressure always remains at 1- 1.5 bar to ensure it is running properly. And if you are worried about the efficiency of your boiler you can call in the professionals to give it a power flush once a year. Always get your boiler serviced when suggested to keep it running efficiently.

[Photo courtesy of Kars Alfrink/]


Keep your refrigerator running like new by always looking after it well. After all, it is doing a great job of keeping your food fresh on a daily basis! Clean the seals every few months with an old toothbrush, baking soda, and water, and make sure that they are airtight. Twice a year pull the refrigerator out and give the coils a good clean to get rid of dust and grime. Clean your fridge once a week to keep it working at peak performance. This will ensure your food is also fresh and hygienic too. Equal parts of white vinegar and water work well as a cleaning solution. And keep half a lemon in your fridge to deodorize smells

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