Creating a Guest Bedroom That Your Guests Wont Want To Leave!

Have an unused room in your home? Rather than stuffing it with junk and boxes, how about turning it into usable space? Creating a guest bedroom means that friends and family can stay over (without having to sleep on the sofa!) You can go as simple or fancy with it as you like, but either way there are a few essentials that will make it as comfortable as possible. Check out these five tips for creating a guest bedroom that people won’t want to leave.

A Comfortable bed

Forget about the wonky old camp bed or blow up mattress you have hanging out in your attic, just as you would choose a comfortable bed for yourself you should choose one for your guests too. A memory foam mattress will suit most people, they offer the most support and also alleviate allergies so are a good choice for guest rooms. A DIY headboard makes a good project that you can probably complete in just one afternoon. Finish off the bed with clean and cosy sheets, a good quality duvet and plush pillows.

Storage Space

Guests will need somewhere to unpack their things and hang up their clothes, and so sufficient storage space is a must. But why buy ready made furniture when you can build your own or hire a handy man for those pesky jobs? Custom built furniture will be a perfect fit for the space you have, which is particularly useful when guest bedrooms tend to be on the smaller side in the majority of homes. Plus you can put your carpentry skills to the test, most simple pieces of furniture don’t require too many tools so aside from the wood you probably already own everything you need. There are loads of ideas for projects online so have a scour through and decide what will work in your space.

A Tray of Essentials

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[Photo courtesy of Taryn Elliott/]

Leaving out a tray of essentials can make all the difference in making your guest’s stay as pleasant as possible, plus it shows you’ve really thought about them. A bottle of water, some snacks and some toiletries are a good start. You could even consider a universal phone charger and a couple of books as well. Don’t forget to leave them the code to the wifi! You could make the tray yourself or even upcycle an old one; lining it with decorative paper and adding a perspex sheet over the top is a quick way to tie it in with the rest of the decor in the room.

Blackout Blinds

Blackout blinds are an obvious choice, your guests aren’t going to get much sleep with car headlights and lampposts shining through the window at night. You can create blackout blinds yourself with some thermal blackout fabric, a sewing machine and a blind kit. Slatted vertical blackout blinds are another good option, as then your guests are able to adjust them to their own personal preference. Adding some curtains over the top will really finish off the window area.

A Neutral Colour Scheme

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[Photo courtesy of Max Vakhtbovych/]

Regardless of your personal tastes, keeping a guest room neutral will mean it appeals to everyone. Light, neutral shades will keep the room looking bright and airy, and make it appear larger. You could add a few colourful touches with homemade cushions and throws- but try not to go overboard and overwhelm the space with your own personal treasures.

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Is Your Home Giving You Sleepless Nights?

Most of us are aware of the difference a good night’s sleep can make to our health and wellbeing. While it’s normal to have nights when you don’t sleep like a baby, missing out on good quality sleep on a regular basis can be harmful. Not only will you feel grumpy and groggy. You’ll also lack energy and focus, and you may be more susceptible to illness and stress. There are many reasons people struggle to sleep. Pressure at work, financial problems, and health issues can make getting to sleep tough. But have you ever wondered if your home is keeping you awake at night? If you experience sleep problems on a regular basis, here are some tips, which may help to restore peace and quiet.

Creating a peaceful bedroom

Your bedroom is the most important room in the house when it comes to good quality sleep. Ideally, your room should be a tranquil haven, which makes you feel relaxed and prepares your body and mind for sleep. Many people experience disturbed nights as a result of noise and light. If your room isn’t already an oasis of calm, there are easy ways of achieving this goal.

The first thing to address when it comes to sleepless nights is your sleeping environment. If it’s light outside and there are neon beams pouring through the curtains, it’s no wonder that you’re having issues drifting off to sleep. Blackout blinds or heavy curtains are a marvelous investment. Blocking out light creates a setting much more conducive to restful nights. Once you’ve drawn the curtains, block out any remaining lights, such as standby lights on televisions or music players. If you can, try to keep all technology out of your bedroom.

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[Photo courtesy of yeniguel/]

Once you’ve conquered the issue of light, move onto noise. How often do you get woken up by phones beeping or next door neighbors playing music? Even the slightest disturbance can wake light sleepers and once you’re awake, it can be difficult to nod back off. Ensure all phones are on silent, or leave them downstairs. If you live in the town center or close to a restaurant or bar, consider using ear plugs. This is particularly beneficial on busy nights, such as Fridays and Saturdays. If you’re having trouble with your neighbors, knock on the door and ask them if they could be a little quieter late at night.

Your decor can also help to make your bedroom a relaxing and calming space. Try to avoid bright colors and garish designs, and opt for muted shades. Duck egg blue, chocolate, cream, and lilac are popular choices. Use storage to prevent clutter and create a cozy feel with candles, lamps and dimmer lights. Soft furnishings, such as throws and cushions, are a great way to finish off the look. Check out for ideas.

[Photo courtesy of LilyRose97/]

Choosing the perfect mattress

When it comes to a good night’s sleep, there’s nothing more important than your mattress. We’ve all been there, lying awake in a hotel and tossing and turning all night because we can’t get comfortable. There are springs sticking out, or the mattress is too hard or too soft. When you sleep, your mattress should provide support for your spine. This is particularly important if you suffer from chronic back, shoulder or neck pain.

If you search online or visit a showroom, you’ll find that there are hundreds of different brands and types of mattress out there. This can make choosing a new bed confusing. Where do you even start? If you’re looking for a new mattress, it’s best to draw up a list of priorities. What kind of mattress would you prefer? How much do you want to spend? Are you looking for special features, such as a mattress suitable for people with back problems? Research is incredibly valuable. Read some reviews online and visit warehouses and shops. Try the mattresses out and see how they feel. Some people prefer a soft mattress while others opt for something firmer.

If you don’t find your existing mattress comfortable, you may wish to consider switching to a different type of bed. Waterbeds may be an option if you struggle with muscular aches and pains. If you’re interested in a waterbed, it may be possible to view it online at If you see options that interest you online, you can usually arrange a trip to a local retailer to give the mattress a trial run before you buy.

Once you’ve decided on a mattress, why not go the whole hog and buy some new pillows? The Sleep Council recommends replacing pillows every two years. Go for pillows, which offer support for your neck while you sleep. Try to avoid piling your pillows too high, but make sure that your head is raised.

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[Photo courtesy of ErikaWittlieb/]

Heating and air conditioning

The temperature of your home can have a significant impact on the quality of your sleep. If you’re too cold or too hot, you may find it tough to sleep through the night. Most people like to feel cool when they get into bed, especially in the summer. Keep your windows open during the day and consider investing in air conditioning if your bedroom is stifling. Swap heavier duvets for lighter options, or sleep under a sheet. You could also place a fan by the side of your bed. In the winter months, when it’s cold outside, keep windows closed and adjust your heating so that the temperature is just right. You don’t want to get into a freezing cold bed, but you also don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night dripping with sweat.

If you have an old house and creaky pipes wake you up, it may be worth getting a heating engineer around. They will be able to give you a quote for a more modern and efficient system.

DIY and interior design tasks

When you’ve got a to-do list as long as your arm, it can be tricky to stop your mind from working overtime when you crawl into bed. You may be thinking about deadlines at work or all the jobs you’ve got to finish around the house. If DIY is keeping you up at night, now is the time to tackle outstanding issues.

Take some time to conduct a tour of the house and note down everything that needs completing or revamping. Prioritize the tasks in order of urgency, and draw up an action plan. Devote your free weekends of evenings to getting things done at home. If you don’t have time, call in some favors from friends and family, or get the professionals in. Call around for some quotes, and schedule a rough timetable. Once you’ve got everything done, you’ll feel much better, and you can start enjoying your home.

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[Photo courtesy of tookapic/]


Many of us have trouble with household pests, and even minuscule creatures that you can’t even see can keep you up at night. Bed bugs, fleas, and rats can all make sleepless nights a common occurrence. If you wake up covered in tiny bites, or you feel itchy, you may have bed bugs or fleas. If you have pets and they sleep on your bed, check them for fleas using a fine-toothed comb. You may also be able to spot flea feces on your duvet cover. Look out for tiny black specks, which turn brown on contact with water. When you comb your pets, have a glass of soapy water at hand. Once you’ve run the comb through the fur, submerge it in the glass. This will ensure that any fleas are contained within the cup. If you don’t have pets, and you have small, itchy bites, you probably have bed bugs. Vacuum your home from top to bottom, and wash your bed linen at a high temperature.

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[Photo courtesy of ichtertz agnes/]

If scuttling noises in the attic are causing you problems, it’s possible that you have rats. Look out for rat droppings and holes in walls and skirting boards. If you have rats, they can be tricky to get rid of, and it’s best to call in the experts. Rat infestations can quickly spiral out of control and nipping the issue in the bud is the best option. Call some local firms and ask for quotes. You’ll probably find that someone will visit and have a look around before they start the extermination process. You may need to move out temporarily while treatment is underway.

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[Photo courtesy of Wokandapix/]

Nothing sets you up for the day ahead like a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, sleepless nights are fairly common. While most of us cope well with a disturbed night every once in a while, prolonged sleep problems can really take their toll. Missing out on sleep increases your risk of mental and physiological health problems. It can also make you feel lethargic and irritable. If you’re having trouble sleeping, have a think about whether your home could be to blame. Often, making simple changes to your daily routine and blocking out light and noise can make a positive difference. Invest in a good quality mattress and remember to swap your pillows regularly. Address any issues that are stressing you out. Hopefully, you’ll be enjoying blissful nights again before you know it.

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Cheap Grommet Curtains – Modern Style For Any Home

Grommet curtains have a unique design which has made them gain popularity off late. At the very top of these curtains, there are holes which enables one to put them through each other. This is a great feature especially when compared with normal curtain styles of hanging from a curtain rod. This also gives it a wavy look that can’t be found in the normal curtains.

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[Image source Vic B/]

Because of this unique feature of grommet curtains, they were very expensive once. But as of today, they are much more affordable. Although they are still not as cheap as your normal curtains, they are nowadays available with just around everyone’s budget. These curtains come in a wide range of colorful and exciting designs and are among one of the most contemporary styles you can find that can match with almost any décor.

When selecting between colors and designs, chose the one that will bring out those lesser-used accessories in the room so they can appear to pop up or chose already well-established colors so as to have the curtains blend in simply.

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