Green Spring Cleaning Tips You Can Use

Spring cleaning is something that needs to be done in everyone’s house. For some people it seems as though they actually look forward to this time and being able to get their house back in order and things cleaned up. For others it seems like an impossible task to get everything done with the busy life that they live. Regardless of how you feel about spring cleaning you will be happy to learn some great green tips to help you reduce your environmental impact.

Make Your Own Cleaners

Did you know that it is really possible to make your own cleaners? Simple ingredients that you already have around your home like distilled vinegar, Borax, olive oil, baking soda, liquid castile soap, and essential oils are all that you need to replace nearly every single cleaner in your home.

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[Photo courtesy of Nathan Cowley/]

Choose Eco-Friendly Cleaners

Thankfully, for those who do not want to make their own cleaners, there is a huge selection of eco-friendly cleaners on the market today. These can guarantee you the clean that you are looking for without the harsh chemicals that are dangerous for your family and harmful to the environment.

Line Dry Laundry

One of the biggest things about spring cleaning is that you are going to be doing a lot of additional laundry. This is the time when you should be washing curtains, blankets, and other linens that you might not wash all of the time. Line drying these items will save a lot of energy and will give them the wonderful scent of spring.

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[Photo courtesy of PNW Production/]

Use House Plants

Did you know that house plants can work like your own air filter? That’s right, having plants in your home can really help you to have cleaner air to breathe for your whole family.

Get Rid of Things You Do Not Use

De-cluttering not only helps you to feel better and more refreshed but it can also help you to have a more efficient home. When you are getting rid of things like clothes consider which ones you can cut up and reuse as things like cleaning rags. Also decide which ones you can sell or donate.

Invest in Reusable Mop Pads

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[Photo courtesy of Tima Miroshnichenko/]

There are many great companies on the market today (or you can shop handmade marketplaces) where you can find reusable mop pads. This is much better for the environment than the ones that you use once and throw away.

Have Your Attic Professionally Cleaned

Did you know that animal feces and contamination in your attic can make you sick? It is important that you clean up and remove potentially harmful contamination when you are spring cleaning. Make sure that no surface is left untouched during this time of deep cleaning. Just make sure that you pick a company that will work with you for green cleaning and will not be using harmful chemicals to get rid of these contaminates.

Resist the Urge to Use Paper Towels

While paper towels can be handy, they mainly just contribute to landfills and cause there to be a need to cut down more trees. Resist the urge to use paper towels in your spring cleaning and if you must choose environmentally friendly options.

Open Your Windows

Fresh air is a great way to make your whole house smell better. It is also a great way to make your green spring cleaning go easier.

If you really dread spring cleaning you can try some fun spring cleaning activities like these. You might even find that you are more motivated than before and able to get things done quicker.

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Spring Clean Your Life: Get Ready For Summer

As we roll into 2017 and are really getting through winter noticing that spring is peeking over the horizon, we may have had a moment to reflect and take stock.  Winter is good for that and spring is the season of sorting and preparing for the year ahead.

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[Photo courtesy of Miguel Constantin Montes/]

This is a great time of year for looking at our home and self and considering how we can maximize our enjoyment of the summer.  This is when we want to be making the most of every moment socially.

Perhaps you have noticed your heating hasn’t been working as efficiently as you’d have liked over winter or you remembered that your air conditioning wasn’t quite pulling its weight last year.  Repairs in peak season can be more costly as there is more demand on time and although there are great companies offering One Hour Heating and Air call outs, you could benefit from thinking ahead and getting things sorted now.

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[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

The months before spring is also a perfect time for preparing your garden.  Taking the time to sow the seeds now will have you reaping the benefits.  Perhaps your lawn needs rolling or you noticed a lot of weeds as you closed the outside of for winter?  If it’s still a little cold for you to get green fingered, it could be worth considering using a gardener.  This time of year is mainly about maintenance for professional gardeners and you are more likely to find a better deal at this time of year, giving you a real head start before you venture out there yourself.

The new year’s resolutions may have come and gone but it’s really time to consider how you want to feel and look at the start of summer.  Working on your overall health now and taking the time your body needs for lasting and positive impact is far better than hitting the gym or started a fad diet during the 6 week run up to your holiday.  Think beyond the beach body and focus on the you body.  Slowly increasing the level of exercise you take will make it easier to sustain and just a few tweaks to your diet or eating habits every week will have you ten steps ahead of everyone else.

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[Photo courtesy of Stokpic/]

Booking your vacation well ahead of time is also a great way of saving money and stress as the year rolls on.  January usually offers up lots of flight or booking sales however if you missed the boat on that, getting ahead of time and making smaller payments over the next few months will help take the sting out a little.  You will notice a reduction in cost when booking in the first couple of months of the year as the travel industry sees a sharp fall in clients during January and Feb.  Make the most of this and give yourself a real treat to look forward to.

Spring cleaning isn’t just about getting the duster out and clearing away the clutter.  It is a time for regeneration and preparation.  So think ahead, learn from last year and make 2017 a calmer, more organised year for you and your family.

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Time For You To Spring Into Action? Get Your Deep Clean Started Now

While the theory of a ‘spring clean’ seems, at first, quite old fashioned. In reality, there’s quite a lot of benefits to having a proper tidy up. Spring cleaning also means finally getting around to those more mundane household chores like giving your skirting boards, ceilings and even window sills a good wash!

Organize Kitchen Cabinets

[Photo courtesy of 148 Straith Street Staunton/]

You’d be surprised how muck and grime can get into your kitchen cabinets over a few months, let alone an entire year. This is a somewhat arduous task so you may want to set aside an afternoon where you’ll be fairly undisturbed. First, either pile whatever was in the cupboard onto the clean worktop or put down newspaper on the kitchen floor. Next, use soap and water or, if you prefer, a cleaning spray to clean inside making sure you get right into the corners as that’s where dust and dirt accumulate. If you placed wallpaper, old DIY trick, down to protect the shelf you might need to replace it as over time it’ll fade and tear.

Go Through Your Closets

[Photo courtesy of m01229/]

Keeping clothes in pristine condition not only helps to preserve colour, shape and even fabric quality but it also stops them getting ripped or torn. Take the time to assess every, and we mean every item in you and your kid’s wardrobes for any alterations needed. Have each member of your family create three piles consisting of clothes they want to keep, donate and throw away as well as any old underwear and socks they wish to get rid of. For some reason children love to keep ripped, faded and buttonless clothes so don’t push too hard if they really can’t bear to part with something. Items that can’t be donated or recycled should be bagged up ready for collection by a same day rubbish removal service.

Defrost Your Fridge Freezer

[Photo courtesy of Julien Belli/]

One of the more laborious household tasks that invariably leads to children asking for ice cream or popsicles is cleaning the freezer. Once a year it’s vital that your fridge / freezer enjoys a thorough deep clean to remove up any ice build up, maintain shelf cleanliness and toss away any spilt or loose food that’s fallen into the drawers. Defrosting and resetting your fridge also gives the system a chance to reboot, spot any temperature problems and highlight any faults with the ice machine. Don’t neglect surfaces, doors and seals plus cleaning those trays where you keep sauces and even the little light inside as it all attracts bacteria.

Clean Your Washing Machine

[Photo courtesy of Phil Long/]

While most new washing machines perform admirably, as your trusty nine-kilo appliance gets a little older your clothes may start to smell slightly. Any musty, or mildew-like smells can mean your machine itself needs washing. An excellent way to give it a thorough clean is to pop some vinegar and bicarbonate of soda onto a cloth and give it a good scrub. Be careful that when you do not to damage door seals or the drum edge as they can be quite delicate. For an extra thorough clean select a hot wash cycle, add any cleaning agents and simply wait thirty to sixty minutes.

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Is Your Home Summer-Ready?

Spring is drawing to a close, and summer is within touching distance. You may be thinking about spending lazy days in the garden, but is your home ready for summer? Here is an essential checklist to prepare you for the warmer months and ensure you’re all sorted and ready to relax in the sunshine.

Prepping your garden

Most of us get excited at the thought of spending free weekends in the garden. Are you planning to get friends and family around? Are you looking forward to playing with the kids in the open air? If so,  it’s a good idea to get your garden prepped and ready now. Start by having a good clear out and getting rid of any loose patio tiles, weeds, and dead leaves. Give decking and paved areas a sweep and then jet wash them clean. Mow your lawn on a dry day, and plant your seeds. When the weather warms up, dust down your patio furniture and give the barbecue a thorough scrub. If you’re eager to add some color or create an entertaining area, look for inspiration online. You can convert a modest decking area into a chic dining space. Add a rattan table and chairs set, some oversized lanterns and a couple of patterned floor cushions.

[Photo courtesy of U.S. Department of Agriculture/]

Spring cleaning

Nothing prepares you for summer better than a good, old-fashioned spring clean. Now is the time to declutter. Tackle those boxes that have never been unpacked and be ruthless. If you have items that are in good condition, give them to charity, or organize a yard sale. Visit the tip and get rid of anything you don’t want. Once your rooms are clear, get your rubber gloves out and clean from top to bottom. Open the windows and let the fresh air in. You may not enjoy cleaning, but you’ll feel much better when it’s done. Pack away winter clothing to give you more closet space.

Maintenance checks
Before summer arrives, it’s a good idea to get any DIY jobs completed and to book some essential maintenance checks. Finish off painting jobs and put those shelves up in the spare room. Call a service man to carry out appliance repair, and book boiler and air conditioning checks. Replace broken appliances that cannot be salvaged. If you’re looking to save money on energy bills, go for products, which have a high energy rating. If you’re expecting hot weather, it’s particularly important to get air conditioning units serviced.

Interior design
If you fancy brightening up your home in time for summer, you don’t have to spend a fortune to make a difference. Invest in finishing touches, such as lamps, vases, and cushions to inject some color and give your home a new look. Look through some magazines for ideas.

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[Photo courtesy of midascode /]

If your home is not quite ready for summer, don’t worry. You’ve got time to work through your to-do list. Investing time and effort now will enable you to put your feet up and enjoy the warm weather when summer arrives.

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Regular House Cleaning – More Benefits than You Can Point a Broom At!

Just a passing mention of the phrase ‘house cleaning’ is enough to elicit a chorus of groans, but are you aware of how many benefits there are to living in a clean and tidy home?

There are actually more benefits to having a clean and tidy home than most of us are aware (especially if you have young children), so take note of the following benefits to having a clean home and you may find yourself looking at house cleaning in an entirely new light!

Allergy Reduction

This is one of the top benefits to residing in a clean and tidy home, one that’s free of dust, mites and other microscopic particles that have a tendency to aggravate existing allergies, not to mention bring on allergies in those not yet affected.

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[Photo courtesy of milivanily/]

Regular vacuuming is a must, as is opening up the windows and doors to air the house. Another way to reduce the microscopic particles circulating about in your home is to clean the fly screens regularly, as fly screens collect dust more than most of us realise. As the breeze blows through these screens and into our homes, it stands to reason that’s where a great deal of those microscopic particles come from.

Less Fear of Entertaining

Many of us are quite reluctant to entertain family and friends because we’re worried about what they will think of our homes – think about it for a second or two and you’ll realise just how true that statement is.

Fortunately, house cleaning services made easy are readily available, so you can have your home cleaned regularly (or even just on occasion when you’re too busy to do it yourself) and you’ll never have to worry about entertaining in a messy home ever again!

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[Photo courtesy of stevepb/]

Less Mould

Like dust and other airborne microscopic particles, mould can wreak havoc with our respiratory health, plus it looks unsightly and can prove very difficult to remove if something isn’t done about it before it makes itself at home.

Regular cleaning, whether you do it yourself or have an experienced local cleaning company take care of it, prevents mould from building up and helps to keep your family healthy.

Less Maintenance and Repairs

This is an aspect of regular house cleaning that many of us overlook, but it’s an important one because the cost of home maintenance and repairs quickly adds up and becomes quite an expense.

Adding what is known as a ‘deep cleaning’ task to your cleaning routine every week will help to keep your household appliances in better working order. What’s more, by regularly cleaning your home you’ll also have a better idea of what needs repairing and maintaining. It’s always better (and less expensive) to have something seen to sooner rather than later.

Whether you choose to have a local cleaning company take care of the cleaning for you (this is an excellent option if you lead a busy lifestyle) or you choose to clean your home yourself, don’t overlook the many benefits associated with regular house cleaning.

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How Clean is Your House?

Is your house really untidy? Believe it or not, more people live in total chaos than you might think. Some people are so ashamed of how messy their house is, they won’t let necessary visitors past the front door. If you have kids or lots of pets, tidying up may seem a never ending task. It’s true that many of us try and give ourselves very high expectations. If you’re trying to look after a large family, there are never enough hours in the day. And what is the point of picking up all those toys when the kids are going to empty them all out again tomorrow? It can seem like an utterly thankless, and pointless task. But we all feel better when our houses are clean and tidy.

It might be unrealistic to say right, let’s get that house cleaned from top to bottom! You haven’t done it properly for some quite some time. House cleaning gurus always say that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Take baby steps to fixing your home. It didn’t get this way and a day, and you’re not going to have it all fixed in a day, either. These things take time. Do it properly, and form better habits.

[Photo courtesy of go_greener_oz/]

In the kitchen, start from the basics. Don’t start sorting out cupboards if you have a sinkful (or two) of dishes. Make sure you’ve done the fundamental tasks before you move on, or you’ll just end up in a bigger mess than you started. Start from the top and work down. There’s no point in giving yourself extra jobs to do. You’ll just be wasting time if you keep having to revisit the same areas.

If you’re a bit lazy when it comes to changing sheets, then you might want to give your mattresses a quick once over.Are the all in a good clean state? Do they have bust springs or stuffing trying to escape? Another thing you should look for is bedbugs. The bug busters at say it’s a far more widespread problem than most people realise. These horrible beasties could be living in your mattress without you even knowing!

Deep cleaning your bathroom will give it some sparkle back. If you’ve got grotty grouting, though, it could make the whole room look past its best. Instead of laboriously removing and replacing the cement, why not use a grout pen. It’s a cinch to make your grout stand out for all the right reasons. It’s quick and easy and will fix up your smallest room in a jiffy! Check out tips on how to use them at

Wipe down your walls. It’s amazing how grubby your walls can look once the bright light simply of spring comes flooding through your windows. Get a bucket of warm soapy water, dampen a cloth and give them all a good wipe. Pay attention to skirting boards and light switches too, they’re a prime breeding ground for bugs and germs.

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3 Simple Ways To Spruce Up Your Home For Spring

With the sunshine trying to make its 2016 debut and the coldest months behind us for another year, spring is officially on its way. That means it’s time for a spring clean, but what about the finishing touches? Here are three simple ways to bring this much-loved season inside your home; no matter what the weather’s doing!

Bring the outside in with a wall mural

One simple and relatively affordable way of changing the look and feel of an entire room is to invest in a wallpaper mural. As more and more manufacturers catch on to just how appealing these are to the savvy homeowner, the variety of designs on offer grows too. For a spruced-up spring room, select a sunrise, lake, garden, beach or forest design, like this one here from Be sure to pick a design that you won’t get bored of, and make sure you’ve got a spare pair of hands to help hang it. Watching the TV will feel so 2015 once you’ve got your mural to look at!

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Reconsider your seating choices

Getting the seating right in your home is no simple task. It’s pretty easy to end up with way too many options, or way too few. A good starting place is to take a step back from seeing your home as you do every day. Instead, see it from the eyes of someone visiting for the very first time. If you were invited to sit down, where would you sit? Where would you not sit?

If there is one seating area that just doesn’t appeal, get rid of it! It’s only taking up valuable space. Be bold and replace it with something a bit different; a brightly coloured deckchair, perhaps, or a high quality bean bag. The latter is an especially good option, as you can change the colour and material of the cover as the year progresses. You can visit Comfy Sacks to learn more on this. As for the rest of the home, ask yourself; is my office chair good for my back? Are the dining room table chairs getting a bit wobbly? You’ll be surprised the difference some upgrading and DIY work will achieve.

Invest in a window cleaner

Dirty windows go easily unnoticed in the darker months. However, once the sun starts peeping out from behind the clouds again, it does a great job of highlighting any grime. While you might not believe it, clean windows can let in up to 30% more light that dirty ones. If that isn’t enough to convince you, the general environment can shorten glasses lifespan. Cleaning your windows both outside and in could prevent problems in the future. Also, more light means more heat; especially useful if this winter’s heating bills came as a nasty surprise!

Once you’re done (or the window cleaner is!), consider installing some window boxes to brighten things up even more. You can head to your local garden centre if you want to get things up and running straight away. Alternatively, take a look at this handy article from The Guardian if you’ve got a bit more time on your hands and want to grow and cultivate your own.

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House Cleaning Ideas, Tips and Tricks

For many people, the spring is the time of year that they choose to clean their homes and garages. This is especially the case in areas that experience winter weather that prevents people from cleaning their homes during that season. Houses can become dirty and cluttered with junk during the winter. People are indoors for the vast majority of the time, so most homes can really use a thorough cleaning once the warm weather arrives. Here are some useful spring cleaning ideas.

1. Clean your attic

For many people, their attic is where they put items that they want to to keep, but do not have space to store anywhere else in their home. Many people also store broken items in their attic that they want to fix in the future. However, most of these items get forgotten about and end up collecting dust over the course of many years. This is why it is a good idea to periodically go through the items in your attic and throw away the items you do not need. If some of the items are still usable, donate them to Goodwill or the Salvation Army so you can get a tax deduction.

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[Image source:]

2. Clean your deck

Your deck has been sitting outside all winter being exposed to the elements. It only makes sense that the spring will be the ideal time to get it cleaned off and looking great. Instead of going to the trouble of doing it yourself, you can contact a deck cleaning and sealing company like Renew Crew that offers this service. They use an eco-friendly process that will have your deck looking as good as the day it was built. Learn more about what they can do for you by taking a look at

3. Trim your trees

It is common for homeowners to neglect the trees in their yard. The branches of your trees may be scraping up against the side of your home. They might also be coming into contact with a neighbor’s home. If this is the case, cut these branches so they are no longer touching any part of the houses in the area. If branches are not regularly trimmed, they can scrape the paint off of your home or damage your expensive siding. You should also take this opportunity to trim any bushes or hedges that have grown too close to your home.

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