Spring Clean Your Life: Get Ready For Summer

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As we roll into 2017 and are really getting through winter noticing that spring is peeking over the horizon, we may have had a moment to reflect and take stock.  Winter is good for that and spring is the season of sorting and preparing for the year ahead.

Portrait of Teenage Girl Playing Outdoors

[Photo courtesy of Miguel Constantin Montes/pexels.com]

This is a great time of year for looking at our home and self and considering how we can maximize our enjoyment of the summer.  This is when we want to be making the most of every moment socially.

Perhaps you have noticed your heating hasn’t been working as efficiently as you’d have liked over winter or you remembered that your air conditioning wasn’t quite pulling its weight last year.  Repairs in peak season can be more costly as there is more demand on time and although there are great companies offering One Hour Heating and Air call outs, you could benefit from thinking ahead and getting things sorted now.

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[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/pexels.com]

The months before spring is also a perfect time for preparing your garden.  Taking the time to sow the seeds now will have you reaping the benefits.  Perhaps your lawn needs rolling or you noticed a lot of weeds as you closed the outside of for winter?  If it’s still a little cold for you to get green fingered, it could be worth considering using a gardener.  This time of year is mainly about maintenance for professional gardeners and you are more likely to find a better deal at this time of year, giving you a real head start before you venture out there yourself.

The new year’s resolutions may have come and gone but it’s really time to consider how you want to feel and look at the start of summer.  Working on your overall health now and taking the time your body needs for lasting and positive impact is far better than hitting the gym or started a fad diet during the 6 week run up to your holiday.  Think beyond the beach body and focus on the you body.  Slowly increasing the level of exercise you take will make it easier to sustain and just a few tweaks to your diet or eating habits every week will have you ten steps ahead of everyone else.

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[Photo courtesy of Stokpic/pexels.com]

Booking your vacation well ahead of time is also a great way of saving money and stress as the year rolls on.  January usually offers up lots of flight or booking sales however if you missed the boat on that, getting ahead of time and making smaller payments over the next few months will help take the sting out a little.  You will notice a reduction in cost when booking in the first couple of months of the year as the travel industry sees a sharp fall in clients during January and Feb.  Make the most of this and give yourself a real treat to look forward to.

Spring cleaning isn’t just about getting the duster out and clearing away the clutter.  It is a time for regeneration and preparation.  So think ahead, learn from last year and make 2017 a calmer, more organised year for you and your family.

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