Landscape Your Garden To Create The Ultimate Entertaining Area

Most of us love having friends and family over for a meal and a drink or two. It’s a wonderful way to spend quality time together. It doesn’t have to be a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary. But having enough space to relax and feel comfortable can be a challenge for a big party. That’s why our outdoor spaces can be ideal for a big gathering.

If you’re thinking of hosting an event at home this year, why not treat yourself to a garden makeover? Landscaping your garden to make the most of the space can be a good idea. And it needn’t cost as much as you think. Best of all, it’s a great project to take on if you enjoy improving your home and DIY.

Backyard Patio

[Photo courtesy of Field Outdoor Spaces/]

To create a great space for entertaining in the garden, you may need to bring in some extra tools and equipment like a Dingo. Dingos are mini-diggers that make light work of your garden remodel. Levelling the land you have makes it perfect for laying patios or installing decking. Once your garden is cleared and levelled, you can see clearly just how much space you have. Now it’s time to sketch a design.

Ideally, you will create a dining area just in front of your patio doors. This makes it easier for carry dishes in and out of the house. You don’t need a huge space here, but it can be a good to create a little more room than you think you might want. This allows for walking around the table when people are seated, and you can squeeze in one or two more chairs. Cover over this area is essential too. If you can’t stretch to a full outdoor room, consider a gazebo.

From the patio, you should create paths that lead to the other key areas. You may choose to do this with concrete, pavers, or even decking. Decking is the easiest choice if your garden is multi-level so you can create the steps needed. You may want a seating area with garden sofas or a bench. Perhaps you are building a water feature or some planters. An artificial grass lawn can be an excellent addition to a child-friendly garden too.

You may be in a good location for growing your own vegetables. If your soil isn’t ideal, why not build up a planting area? You can then fill it with good quality compost and soil and plant what you need. It is often easier to cover if you’re prone to insects or frost. You can even use hanging baskets for growing fruits. It can be a nice gesture to let your guests pick their own while they are with you too.

Installing garden lights means your gathering can continue to use the garden after dusk. Use cascading fairly lights on the gazebo. You can even hang lanterns along your veranda. Most garden lights are solar powered with a movement sensor. This means they will only come on while people are in the garden, and they’ll cost you nothing to run. Enjoy your party.

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Green Landscaping Ideas

Landscaping is a great way to increase the appeal and beauty of your home. Many homeowners are taking advantage of opportunities to boost the value of their homes by using smart designs to recreate their property.  But is a beautiful yard a fair exchange for the toll it can take on the environment? By choosing Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, you can use green landscaping ideas that give you great results without the negative impact.

Cost-Effective Materials

When you are looking to conserve, choosing the right materials can be a big step in the right direction. Especially if you live in places where high temperature and a dry climate make water conservation a priority, choosing landscaping materials that cut back on your summer demand can help you go green. Stone, sand, and wood chips can be a great alternative to grass that requires frequent watering. In addition to the financial savings, these materials can help create a unique look that really makes an impression.

Green Landscaping Ideas

Plants and Irrigation

Although opting “no” on grass has already been mentioned, you can take additional steps to reduce water consumption. Selecting plants that require less water can make maintaining your flower garden or nature path less of a burden on you and the environment. Incorporating effective irrigation as a part of the scenery can be a great way to achieve two goals at the same time.


When you think about going green, you might not know how to accomplish your goal when you need outdoor lighting. It may come as a surprise to you that LEDs can help you keep energy consumption low while providing great results. Choosing LED landscape lighting from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives can actually add to the appeal of your property by making it accessible both day and night. Once the deck is installed, the pool has been filled, or the serenity garden has been completed, you cannot fully enjoy the benefits if you can’t see the results. Outdoor lighting Perspectives can offer professional lighting results for your deck, pathway, and more by offering options that don’t cause harm or stress to the environment.

Planning Ahead

As you create the design for your landscaping project, you should take a moment to consider ways to reduce unnecessary waste. Investing in the help of professionals to install plumbing, wiring, or other features that will contribute to the final results before you get close to the end can help you avoid having to go over the same areas twice.

Your landscaping project doesn’t have to hit the environment hard. With materials that help you conserve water, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives to reduce energy required for outdoor lighting, and an effective strategy to make it all come together you can expect to get the results that you want without the excess environmental costs that you don’t.


  • “Green Landscaping: Eco-Friendly Ideas”, Lecia Monsen,
  • “Landscaping Lighting Lets You Linger Longer”,
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Easy Ways to Stage Your Home for a Quick Sale

Selling your home is perhaps one of the most stressful things you’ll ever have to do, so to say making the sale in a quick, easy, painful and profitable fashion is in your best interests is a monumental understatement. Contrary to popular belief though, you don’t have to spend a small fortune to get your house looking its best for sale. The most important thing you will need to do is find a balance between revealing what the home means to you and what it could potentially mean to somebody else. This means making sure that your personality is present, but not overbearing. Here, we’ll take you through your home room-by-room, examining in each, exactly what needs to be done to ensure that the positives are played up, and the negatives are played down.

The Bathroom

Coloured bathroom suites go down with most viewers about as well as a bacon sandwich at a bar-mitzvah. There’s something ever so slightly ‘dated’, and ‘dirty’ about coloured baths and sinks that immediately puts people off. Buying a whole new bathroom suite might seem like a drastic move, but its importance cannot possibly be overstated. It’s also important to make sure that your bathroom is as clean and polished as possible. Clean the surface mold from between your tiles and wipe down your shower doors with steel wool to get rid of any excess ‘gunk’. A fresh coat of paint is also an option for the walls and your tiles if they are looking a little dated, if you’re painting tiles though, make sure you’re using a ceramic epoxy covering instead of conventional paint.

The Kitchen

The area of your home where you’ll be spending a significant proportion of your time, how much the kitchen impresses viewers will largely come down to its  surface aesthetics. Older cabinets and units can be lent new life with a simple lick of paint or varnish, but an old oven or washing machine could give off a bad impression. You don’t need to upgrade them if they work perfectly fine though. A great low cost trick would be to swap out any exterior panelling with a stainless steel, stick-on covering for a more elegant, modern look. Of course if your appliances are seriously dated (and barely functional) you might want to think about installing some new equipment. Spending a little today, could net you a lot more in the long run.

Living Room

The Lounge/Living Room

The beating heart of your homestead, as its name suggests, the living room is where you have no doubt spent the lions share of your free time and where potential buyers will spend most of theirs. It is imperative to make the room seem comfortable, clean and adaptable, so clean, bright colours are ideal. The living room is possibly the most personal room of the house and as such, personal touches should be kept to a minimum. Family portraits and personal heirlooms don’t necessarily need to be put away (after all, it’s important that the house feels ‘lived in’) but they shouldn’t be too noticeable. If you have hard wood floors, make sure they have been freshly stained with a rich, inviting colour and if your floor is carpeted, be sure to vacuum regularly and hire an industrial carpet cleaner if necessary.

The Garden

If your home has a substantial garden, it could very well be the clincher that ‘seals the deal’. This is especially important if the viewing is during the Summer. The garden is perhaps one of the cheapest areas of your home to maintain so make sure the lawn is freshly cut for each viewing and that all the most attractive vegetation and plant life is well fed and placed out front and centre. If you have an attractive patio area that catches the light well meanwhile, try purchasing some new garden furniture or accentuating an already existing, attractive patio feature.


The bedrooms need to remain as blank as possible. A bedroom should be a place of comfort and relaxation so first and foremost, any unnecessary clutter needs to be dealt with. Simple, relaxed colour schemes (soft greens and blues for example) are popular with most modern buyers and it’s important that every aspect of the room adheres to this scheme (from the walls to the pillows). Remember, with the bedroom more than any other room you’re not just selling your home, you’re selling your lifestyle.

The most important thing to impart on any buyer is a sense of ‘space’. Clutter is not attractive and whilst it might pain you to strip away some of the personality and ‘soul’ that made your house your home, remember that nothing worth having comes easy and there’s nothing stopping you from making your new home even more special!

Crispin Jones has written this post on behalf of Internal Doors. With a wide range of internal and external doors you can be sure that checking out their websites is worth 5 minutes of your time today.

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Landscape Remodel Ideas

Even though your home is your sanctuary and the nucleus of your home life, your backyard and front yard and just as important and necessary. We decorate inside of our homes so that our guests feel comfortable and so that you feel stylish. If you have already decorated your home to your perfect standards, maybe it is time to focus on your yard and its look.

Let’s say you have a front yard that is pretty vast and a decent size. If you want to just have green grass and nothing else that is fine. But there are so many things you can do to spruce up the space, just like in your home. Walkways are extremely popular and can be easily done yourself or with help from your friends or family. There is a multitude of walkway options and the most common and easiest are stone paths. If you are looking for a unique walkway, try something like a pattern of different variations of stones. This will also give an effect of a garden passage or castle walkway.

When choosing the landscaping design, you are faced with many options. Maybe you want a style to be based off of a certain culture, like Asian or English Formal. English formal is mostly known for maze-like design with a lot of shrubbery. Asian designs are common for pathways with a lot of plum trees and Japanese maples, for example. There are also a lot of fountains in the Asian style of landscape, which can take up a lot of space but makes for a very tranquil space.

Landscape Remodel Ideas

Maybe you want to give your yard a face lift but do not have a lot of money to put towards the project. Simple additions, like the above mentioned fountains, can make for a new look for your yard even adding some flowers or a small garden. If you do not want to plant, you can add flowers onto your window sills. Even though this is not technically part of your yard, it still changes the look of the outside of your home.

The simplest way to change your lawn without much work is to install lights. If you cannot do a pathway of stone, make one from lights. There are dozens of lighting options just at a store like Home Depot to choose from. You can choose from posts, to stands, to lights attached to your home that create light onto your lawn. Placing a light to create a spotlight on plants and flowers makes your small presentation looking that much broader.

Author Bio:

Eagle Luxury Properties is a custom home builder that also does a lot of home remodeling in Paradise Valley. We manage the process from start to finish, and we can complete an entire home remodel, including landscape, without having to bother you with the minor details. A remodel can come with lots of issues, but we do what it takes to make the process run efficiently.

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