Simplicity Is The Key To A Stylish Home

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One of the things that a lot of people struggle with is being able to turn their home into the kind of stylish environment that they see in magazines and online. It can often feel as though, no matter what you do, you can never make your home into the kind of place that you want it to be. However, the solution to this problem might be much simpler and more straightforward than you think. The truth is that the way to make your home feel more stylish can be summed up with a single word: simplicity. Most homes are simply too complicated when it comes to the way that they’re designed and decorated, and by stripping much of that away, you’re able to make the things that you want to stand out really pop. Here are a few things that you can do to bring a sense of simplicity into your home.

Get rid of the clutter

The truth is that most of us simply have too much junk in our homes. It’s a natural part of being a human being to want to hang on to things because of sentimental value, but there is a point where that can go too far, and when you start holding onto absolutely everything, no matter how insignificant, it can start to cause a problem. Having every single surface covered in knick-knacks and junk can make any home feel cluttered and cramped. If you really want things like decorations and ornaments to stand out, it’s best to contrast them against the simplicity of the rest of your home.

apartment, blinds, cabinets

[Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto/]

Pick the right furniture

If you don’t have a sense of consistency among your furniture at home, you’re never going to be able to give it a distinctive sense of style. This is a trap that a lot of people fall into, but it’s easy to get out of. Picking the right furniture and coordinating different pieces together can make a huge difference. Things like Stag furniture bring a stylish simplicity to any home and being able to use that throughout the house can immediately make the place more effective in terms of design. Sure, you don’t want your home to be totally uniform, but having a consistent throughline can give it a much stronger identity than it would otherwise have.

Learn how to coordinate colours

Colour theory is something that everyone should have at least a decent understanding of. If you don’t, you’re going to end up falling into the trap of using colours that aren’t right for each room and that clash with each other in an ugly and overbearing way. Don’t try to use too many different colours throughout your home. Pick a specific palate and then work from that as much as possible to create a sense of consistency.

Of course, it’s always possible to go too far. The last thing you want is to end up with your home looking like a bare prison cell or a showroom. Striking the right balance between simplicity and personality isn’t easy, but when you do, you’re really going to be able to feel the difference in your home.

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