3 Simple DIY Projects For The Eager Newbie

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If you are keen to learn a little about DIY, then you are not alone. This is the kind of activity that many people all over the world decide to get into every day, and it’s for a very good reason. After all, learning a little DIY can radically transform the way you think about your home, and it can equip you with much more understanding of how to make use of the space you have. In this article, we are going to try and get you started with the process of learning DIy by taking a look at a few of the basic projects you can begin with. Learn these, and you will develop a set of skills which you can then use to carry out more complex DIY tasks in the future.

Black Claw Hammer on Brown Wooden Plank

[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/pexels/com]

Make A Shelf

It doesn’t really get much simpler than this, and yet it will be a great way to learn some of the absolute basics of DIY. If you have never made a shelf before, you might actually be struck by how easy it is to do, and you might find yourself wondering why you have left it so long to begin learning some basic DIY. To build a normal shelf, you only need three pieces of wood, a decent set of glue gun spray adhesives or a similar adhesive, and sometimes – if you prefer – nails instead. You should find that putting a shelf together is relatively straightforward and simple, but if necessary don’t be afraid to look online for a little advice. It is a simple beginning, but one which will build your DIY confidence quickly.

Install Some Outdoor Lighting

We mention this particular project because it often appears to be an especially popular one. If you have often thought it would be good to have a little outdoor lighting – or a little more of it – then the good news is that this is pretty easy to do. The good news about this is that there are so many ways in which you can do it too, so you can really begin to use your own creativity with this one and so develop even more confidence and understanding with the practices of DIY. You can make candle lanterns, tiki torches from bottles, or anything that you think will be good for your own home. Use your imagination, and create whatever you think most appropriate. That is the joy of DIY.

Macro Photography of a Stainless Steel Faucet

[Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto/pexels/com]

 Fix A Tap

Of course, much of DIY is all about fixing the pre-existing, rather than creating the new. If you want to learn how to fix things, it is best to start with something relatively minor, where it won’t matter too much if you can’t do it. Fixing a leaky tap is a great one to start with for this very reason, and because it tends to be quite easy to do. Look online for an in-depth guide on how to do this and then get to work. You might find that it is much easier than you had ever thought, and it will mean you no longer have to rely on the plumber quite as often.

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