Wow People With Your Home

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It isn’t easy to maintain a home, and it isn’t easy to keep it nice and modern. Through one reason or another, it can actually become a little boring. But we’re here to change that for you. The home should wow your guests, both inside and out. You don’t even need to do that much! All you have to do is think outside the box and go for something you’ve never gone for before. If you’re still struggling for inspiration, read on to find out more.


A lot of people consider the inside to be the most important, so we’ll start with that first. When people first walk in, you want them to be wowed. The best way to do this is actually a lot easier than you think. Smell is the most important sense here. Have a nice candle burning, or even one of those scented plugins that releases amazing smells all day long. It isn’t necessarily about making your house look good! Then, for a bit of decoration to spruce the place up. First we’re going to suggest a whole new colour scheme. It is the only way to truly wow your guests. Think of something you’ve never gone for before. Even if it is just switching from the usual white in the hall and landing, to maybe a mink colour. It isn’t too dark, but it isn’t too light. But it does change the mood of the house. Then for the living room, we’re really loving the white and grey contrast look. Paint the walls the brightest white you can ever find. It’ll help to draw in the light as well as look good. Then for the sofas, try and get yourself some grey, to dark grey either leather or other material. It’ll contrast against the white so well. Now, we know white carpet is a nightmare, so you’re going to have to go for grey as well, but it really does look nice. Get yourself some white or black coffee tables and a TV stand and you’ve transformed the room.

Family Home, Residence, Contemporary, Property, Modern

[Photo courtesy of wolfields/]


The outside is easily as important as the inside. All you need to do is wow them from the minute they enter your drive. The first step is the driveway, line it with Italian cypress trees. It is a bold statement that really does set off the driveway, and we guarantee people are going to love it. If you have a front lawn, make sure it is nicely trimmed all year round. If you want to get that extra bit of green out if it, throw down some grass seeds and fertiliser every so often. As for the back garden, you need to make it as colourful as possible. Plant some of the most vibrant colours you can find, and again, make sure the grass is lush and green.

So, after following our tips your guests truly should be wowed. All it takes is a bit of dedication to get your home looking perfect again. If you’re struggling for more ideas on the interior, just check out this link!

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