The landlord, his wife and one of their friend was here this afternoon in our apartment to change add more wallpaper in our wall. My husband told his co-teacher about the molds so Jade called the landlord and yesterday they come over to check it.
And today they fixed it by adding new roll of wall papers to the old one, they didn’t remove the old one they just add new one.
They spend about two hours in adding wall paper in the kitchen and in our room, when they’re done you can see the landlord did it in rush or he just don’t know how to flatten the wallpaper in the wall, there’s bubbles in my husband’s dismay. He said much better if they just took the old wallpaper and painted it and he might help them painting the wall.,
Anyway just want to say thank you to the land lord and hopefully the molds will not eat the wall paper again.
Hindi pulido.. pero ok na rin mukhang new.
aw, the new wallpaper will just peel off after few months:)
sabagay, let him do it once it happen again:)
mahaba pa ba ang pila sa MO, ryheanne…hehe
ay sana nga tinanggal muna yong old para di mag bubbles…anyway, gastos naman nila kaya, so no worry hehe.