House Construction Plans and Materials

Building  a house is great commitment that’s why before beginning a construction everything should be considered and planned accordingly. It should start from your budget, look and size of the home, the contractor and the time needed for your project.  On this regard,  when we started the construction of our new house we didn’t set a budget because we already planned that we are going to construct the house slowly, just when we have the funds to do it.

House Construction

We started having a house plan before the construction begins and right now we are still finishing the first floor, we still don’t know when we could start building the second floor. We are informed that constructing the second floor will not be as expensive as the first floor as it does need a concrete roof anymore but a colored roof  installed and there are also left over pieces of lumber, woods, sack of cements, sheet metal, gravel and sand that we could use to start the second floor.

Sheet metal is being used for different purposes  like in roofing, kitchen sinks and even in car bodies, cutting the sheet metals need a proper tool and the good thing in our place most people are carpenters and laborers so most men has their own tools and even if there’s none, carpentry tools can be easily borrowed from someone who has one.

Well, if you are planning to renovate or build your dream home and you are looking for a professional constructor/builder visit  Sherbrooke today!

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