New Build Checklist: Moving Doesn’t Have to be Hard

Moving into a brand-new home can be exciting. You and your family will be the first ones to live there, which means you’ll get to be part of the decision-making process. From the design and sizes of the rooms to the bathroom fixtures, having a new build home is a chance to really put your stamp on a house. But, just because the house is a new build, it doesn’t mean there isn’t the potential for problems down the line. So, what do you need to do to make the transition as smooth as possible?

New Home, Construction, Site, House, Home, Estate

[Photo courtesy of paulbr75/]

Final Walk Through

Before your builder packs up and leaves, it’s important to visit the property and make sure the job has actually been completed. Test all the lights and plumbing, look for any accidental damages that may have occurred while your builder was working and inspect the exterior of the property too. At this point, it may be wise to hire a professional building inspector that could spot things an untrained eye wouldn’t notice. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Don’t try and move in without having your flooring fitted first. It’s a real pain to have to switch all your furniture from room to room while flooring is laid down if you’ve already moved in. Two of the main things to do before moving in is to replace your flooring and curtains for a nice look. It won’t just look nice when you do eventually move in, but it will also mean your furniture can stay where it is, and you’ll have the privacy you need after a long day’s work. The hardest decision will be choosing between carpet and wood flooring.

Boxes, Moving, Moving Boxes, Cardboard, House, Home

[Photo courtesy of 4Me2Design/]

Choose What to Take

Many people find that their current furniture doesn’t fit in well in a new build house, or they want new things to go with their new property. If you know there’s furniture that you won’t need or use in your new house, it’s better to get rid of it beforehand, instead of taking it with you. If you’re trying to save money, an old dining room table could make all the difference to your moving costs. The less furniture your movers have to take, the cheaper the cost. Once you know what you’re taking with you, clearly label things for each room so unpacking is easier once you’ve arrived.

Moving Day

It’s easier to move the big house items first, like beds, sofas, tables and chairs. However, if there are rooms in the house with new carpet, you may want to stay out of them while moving things in and out, especially if the carpet is a light color. It’s inevitable that some dust and dirt will enter the house while you’re moving, so you may want to wipe furniture down before moving it into carpeted rooms.

Once you’ve settled into your home, you may start to notice minor things that need to be changed. Get in touch with your builder sooner rather than later if they were already in your agreement.

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Making Packing Into A Moving Experience

Moving to a new home is always an incredibly emotional experience. As you prepare to leave the place you’ve called home for a long time, you will realize just how much you’ve enjoyed your time there. Of course, though, it’s not only joy, nostalgia, and excitement taking the stage, and you’ll have another feeling standing in the way of your move; stress. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring a procedure which will remove the element of dread from your relocation, all while making the job a lot easier for you.

To begin, it’s important to come up with a solid plan of action before you start working on the job itself. This plan should be made with your removalists in mind, as they will be the ones doing most of the hard work for you. Your plan should include the order, labeling, and methods you’ll use to get this job done. Of course, though, it also helps to think about unpacking at the other end. The way that you pack your items up will have a huge impact on your experience at the other end of your journey.

[Photo courtesy of Jillien Minera/]

Once you have a good idea of how you’ll be taking on your move, you can start to think about the resources you’ll be using to help you. Boxes will be a big part of this, and you have the option to buy them new or to go on a hunt for some free ones. But, most importantly, you need to think about your labeling system. Permanent markers are great for most applications. But, for items which can’t be written on, you might need some proper tags or labels to seal the deal.

After a little bit of shopping, you should be well on your way to being able to start your packing, and it’s time to consider the items you’ll be packing first. This sort of information should be covered loosely by your plan. But, for the most part, logic and organization will be the best tools to help you here. Starting with the smallest and least-fragile items, you should work on packing room by room. Each container or piece of storage furniture should have a box or two to itself which is clearly marked to help you with unpacking.

Some of the items around your home will be unlikely to fit into a box or other container, and you’ll need to devise a way to move these items easily, as well. This is where your labels come in. By marking which rooms each large item will be going to, you will make the job of unpacking a lot easier. Along with this, though, you could also consider investing in some plastic wrapping material. Not only will this protect your furniture and other big possessions, but it will also make them easier to move around.

Hopefully, this post will give you everything you need to start taking action and working towards moving home. In a lot of cases, people struggle with this sort of work. Stress and worry become big factors, making the whole thing a lot harder, and it can feel like there’s nothing you can do to make it better. In most cases, though, a little bit of work will go a very long way.

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Moving Home? Take The Stress Out With This Advice

Anyone who has ever moved home will know that it can be a surprisingly stressful experience. No matter how many times you might have done it previously, it is always stressful and there is always a real difficulty in keeping the stress at bay. However, there are certain things you can do to ensure that the experience is much less stressful than it might seem like it has to be. As long as you are following these simple steps, you should find that the whole experience is much easier to go along with and enjoy. Let’s take a look at some of the essential advice which could make all the difference.

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[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

Organise Early

Usually, the stress of such situations is merely the result of not planning ahead enough. When you fail to plan ahead, it means that you have to make a lot more decisions on the spot, and this can quickly lead to stress building up on the day itself. To avoid this, the solution is clear: simply get yourself organised as early as you can, so as to avoid such an occurrence happening. It’s true that there is plenty to do on the day, but if you organise as much as you can prior to it, then you are helping yourself out in a big way. This means plan what you will do on the day, what order you will do things in, and go down to the smallest detail you can manage on that. This really makes a huge difference.

Get Professional Help

Very few people can carry out such an event as moving day without any help at all. At the very least, you should try to enlist the help of your friends and family. But more than that, you might want to think about the kind of professional help that you could use. Chances are, you could benefit from some kind of help of this nature – so make sure that you go out of your way to find the best moving quotes that you can, ideally long before the big day itself. With this kind of help on your side, the whole experience should be considerably easier – and definitely much less stressful.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Pack Logically

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they are moving is that they fail to pack in any logical way. The truth is, the way in which you pack your belongings makes a huge difference to how effectively the day pans out, so make sure that you pack in a way that really makes sense. Keep all like items together, and remember to clearly mark anything that is fragile or has specific needs. This way, everyone who might be helping on the day is sure to know what they are doing much more readily. With a logical packing system under way, you will find that you feel much more in control of the whole day. Your stress levels will be remarkably lower than they would be otherwise, and before you know it you will be relaxing in your new home.

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