Growing Strawberries at Home

Backyard gardening has been a long practice at home, I grow up with it and our home garden became one of my play ground growing up as my parents tasked me to water our vegetables in the garden every afternoon. The garden supplies us fresh fruits and vegetables, yes it saves us buying from the local market.

Today, there is no more space to do backyard gardening so my family opted in planting vegetables and fruit bearing shrubs in plant bags, used cans and pots.  We have planted eggplants, chili peppers and even strawberries in plant bags, it has been two years since our family grow strawberries at home, the strawberries usually bear fruit during summer months specifically April, but this year as early as February the strawberries had fruit already to my friends amazement when I uploaded a few photos of them in Facebook.

Growing strawberries at home can be incredibly fun and rewarding, they are among the only fruits that suitable to grow in small spaces as they don’t grow that much, you can even plant them in window planters, or plant bags and pots like what we do at home. Homegrown  strawberries taste better than those we can find in grocery stores —they’re simply delicious.

There are few ways to plant and grow strawberries, our strawberry at home we plant them through runners. My mother was given one strawberry plant by neighbor friend and from there, we have collected runner and replant them to plant bags and pots, until we have already have a lot of strawberry plants at home, my mother also handed few strawberry plants to neighbors and relatives for them to grow.

How about you, what do you grow at home?

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