Want More From Your Garden? Build A Log Cabin!

Unused garden space can feel wasted. If you have a large patch of grass with nothing on it, you probably want to fill it up with something exciting. That’s why building your own D.I.Y. log cabin is a fantastic idea. As well as being a fun project to take on, it’ll give you a perfect little hideaway and make your garden stand out.

The time it will take depends largely on how you go about getting materials and how big you want it to be. You can finish building a simple log cabin with purchased materials in a couple of weeks! However, no matter what kind of cabin you want to make, it will take a lot of planning and preparation. Here are the things to consider when building a cabin of your own.

Log Cabin, Wood, Nature

[Photo courtesy of Pezibear/pixabay.com]

Setting Up

First of all, you’ll want plenty of wood to build your cabin. Plan out the size of your cabin and make sure you have the right amount of wood in the right size. The simplest way to get wood is to buy it. Many places deal in selling dry logs. You could also use other types of wood if you prefer. Some people go all out by chopping down and treating their own wood, but this takes much longer. You can also find ways to recycle old wood into your new project.

Be mindful that wood requires a lot of treatment. You’ll need to stain, caulk, and chink your wood to keep it all together and make sure it’s well protected. Maintenance is required to ensure your cabin doesn’t get ruined by the weather. Luckily, there are services dealing in cabin supplies to help you out.

Make sure you have your wood ready, as well as the plans and tools to set it all up.

Learn To Build

Once everything is setup, you’re ready to start building your cabin. Even for many D.I.Y. experts, this job might be completely new to you. It’s best to look for online tutorials to run you through the process. You could even watch a YouTube tutorial to give you a video demonstration of what to do.

Be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort on this. Some people spend weeks or months on building their perfect cabin. The best idea is to get friends or family to help you out, as more hands are always better.

Decorate Your Cabin

Learning to build and executing your plans will take a long time, but the results will make it all the more rewarding. Now you have your brand new backyard hideaway; it’s time to get to the really fun part.

You can repurpose your cabin in so many ways. You might want to use it as a faux holiday home, to get away from your house and spend some luxury time in. You could even make it into a guest bedroom for having people over.

You could extend the electricity from your house into the cabin or use an electric generator. This allows you to add things like a TV and electric heating. However, you might want to use your cabin to go back to basics and shut technology out. Pinterest can give you plenty of log cabin decoration ideas. Enjoy!

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