Prying Eyes: Tips and Tricks for Improved Garden Privacy

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Most homeowners would agree they don’t want their neighbours spying on them in the garden. However, due to the layout of many housing developments these days, that task can seem impossible. Still, there are lots of things anyone can do to avert those prying eyes and create a secluded outdoor sanctuary. Some of the best ideas are in this article. So, anyone who’s struggling with their neighbours at the moment should consider the tips and tricks below. When all’s said and done, most folks spend a lot of money when purchasing their properties. So, the last thing anyone wants is to end up with an open garden that doesn’t offer any privacy.

[Photo courtesy of Akuppa John Wigham/]

Plant some large trees

One of the easiest ways to keep any garden away from prying eyes involved planting some tall and bushy trees according to experts like those at The issue is that it can take many years for them to grow. For that reason, it’s sensible to search online for specialists who provide mature species to homeowners. Sure, those items will cost more than seeds, but the people get to benefit from a fully-grown evergreen that will create privacy straight away. Some of the best trees for residential gardens are:

  • Blueberry ash
  • Bunya bunya
  • Finger lime
  • Queensland lacebark

Still, there are many other species available, and the final decisions should come down to the homeowner’s preferences.

Invest in some new screen fencing

Erecting a new fence around the garden is always a wise move. Just be sure to opt for something that is at least six-feet high for the best results. It won’t stop people from looking out of their first-floor windows into the garden. However, it will stop those in neighboring homes from being able to see into the outdoor space when they’re hanging their washing out. Specialists from and similar sites say screen fencing doesn’t have to break the bank if people opt for a company that uses recycled timber. The benefits of new screen fencing include:

  • Improved privacy
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Easy maintenance

Free Wooden Gazebo Stock Photo
[Photo courtesy of Archie Binamira/]

Build a solid roof structure

Sometimes the only way to hide away from prying eyes in a modern garden is to create a solid roof structure. That move could also help people to make their outdoor spaces look unique. Think of the construct as a gazebo that isn’t going to blow away during high winds. Homeowners can use the design to create a part of their garden where it’s impossible for neighbours to see what they are doing. Anyone who enjoys sunbathing outside should consider that option. The structure won’t require any sides, and so it remains open to the elements. It’s also possible to use translucent plastic for the roof to ensure the sunshine manages to break through.

All three of those concepts should assist homeowners to create more privacy in their gardens. Of course, depending on the size and shape of the space, there are many other techniques people could try. Just use some common sense and read as many articles like this one as possible for inspiration. Also, take a look around before leaving this site today as there are some fantastic garden posts readers won’t want to miss. See you next time!

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