Kitchens and Bath Still Tops in Home Design Trends Survey

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Many homeowners, when they decide to undertake home improvement projects, tend to focus on the bathrooms and kitchens, and this is information which can be supported by statistics. According to a survey released by the American Institute of Architects, AIA, kitchens and bathrooms remain a priority as far as design and redesign of homes is concerned. And it is easy to see why. In many households, if not most, the kitchen and bathrooms are the two rooms in the house where much activity takes place, and on a daily basis. Kitchens especially are the centers of operations in most homes and homeowners will go to great lengths to ensure these spaces are fitted with features that make the operations easier.

As far as purchase of kitchen and bath features goes, sustainability concerns are forefront. Homeowners are looking to buy features that will improve energy efficiency, water conservation and generally make the home healthier. Accessibility concerns are also a priority when remodeling kitchens and bathrooms. Occupants of a home spend a substantial amount of their time accessing these spaces, and as such where there are residents with accessibility concerns (for instance, are mobility-challenged), focus tends to be given to these areas. Bar foot rails and service rails are an affordable way to add comfort and style and accessibility to a kitchen or bar area.

With the US economy improving, there is an upsurge in housing activity, with residential architects reporting solid business conditions. Many homeowners are currently able to afford home improvement projects, and when this happens, the kitchen is preferred and the bathroom comes second.

Many of the respondents polled by the AIA reported that their food storage/food preparation/kitchen areas were growing in size, thanks to remodeling projects. More homeowners are looking to increase the size of their kitchens, together with adding features that make working in the kitchen more convenient. Such features include double islands and even storage facilities.

Interestingly, many homeowners’ kitchen remodeling projects have nothing to do with cooking but rather the need to make the kitchen more adaptable to their evolving needs. For instance, many respondents said they had added a recharging area for their portable electronic devices, together with adding a computer work area.

When it comes to bathrooms, homeowners are looking to increase the sizes with the most distinguished feature preferred where baths are concerned being accessibility. For example, many people are installing large walk-in showers in their bathrooms, a trend that is expected to continue. Energy efficient LED lighting is by far the top product that is highly increasing in popularity as homeowners look to make their bathrooms more energy-efficient and healthy.

Sensor faucets have also made it to the popular list, and these are being chosen for bathrooms and kitchen as well. It is expected that the popularity of kitchens and bathrooms as far as home improvement goes will only increase in the future.  When people visit our Philadelphia apartments, the first thing they ask about are the kitchens and bathrooms, I don’t see that trend changing anytime soon,” explains Svetlana Mosyurova, Marketing Director for Post Brothers Apartments in Philadelphia.

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