Importance of Cleaning your Carpet

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Using carpet at home is a nice idea when you know how to clean it because the carpet life span is shortened when it is full of dirt, dust, stains and spills.  You have to know that a carpet can easily absorb dirt and the dirt hides in the deepest fiber of the materials when it is not clean. Mites, mold and other bacteria cannot be prevented in accumulating in the carpet  which are harmful to your child’s health and yours.

We all know that constant changing of carpet is not economical , it is quite expensive if you are going to change your carpet at home  yearly.  Well you can clean carpets by vacuum or using chemical agents which is I think less expensive than buying carpet all the time.

One Response to “Importance of Cleaning your Carpet”

  1. Lainy says:

    Hola Rhy! Been a while since my last visit. Kumusta na? Ok pa ba ang carpet natin dyan? Hehehe! I vacuum the carpet as many times as necessary. I hate dirt that’s being accumulated when I do it once in a blue moon

    Visiting back here from

    See yah!

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