How To Update Your Home Without The Need For Decorating

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Updating your home can seem like a huge job to take on. You may think it will involve a lot of DIY projects and decoration. In fact updating your home can be quite a simple and budget-friendly thing to do. If your home doesn’t require any work and you are happy with the decoration, then it’s all just in the finer details. So if you want to update your home without the need to decorate then here is a quick guide for each of the main rooms in your home.


More often than not the kitchen is the hub of the home. It needs to have the right balance between each functionality. It’s a place to cook in, to relax in and dine. There are quite a few different things you can do to update your kitchen without decorating. Perhaps incorporating a new colour scheme would be a great place to start. You could add a vase of fresh flowers in your chosen colour. Update some of the things on your counter shelf life storage pots. Perhaps adding some shelves to a wall so you can put a few pictures on there or some inspirational messages. Adding a touch of colour to this room is all it will take to give it a new lease of life.


The bathroom is often the trickiest room to spruce up. Without adding a new bathroom suite what can you possibly do? There is quite a bit you can do in fairness. Firstly, much like the kitchen, you could incorporate a bit of colour or a theme to the bathroom. Adding new touches like luxury towels, a new toothbrush holder and cup. Perhaps a fancy soap dispenser. Also, as much as we clean our bathrooms, giving it a once-over with a steam cleaner could just be all it takes to make that bath sparkling once more.

[Photo courtesy of Maureen Didde/]

Living space

You could add quite a bit to your living spaces. Personal touches like photo frames with new pictures in could be a great place to start. You could also consider a new rug in a different colour. Adding a new colour will give the impression of a freshly decorated room without the need to do any hard work. Alternatively, by changing some of the lighting you could give off a whole new vibe to the room. Adding a few more lamps or candles could create a different ambiance.


Finally, the bedroom. A place to relax and reflect on the day. Changing this room is a lot easier than you would think. It doesn’t require an expensive purchase like changing your bed. But just by changing the bed linen it could make the room look brand new. You could incorporate a new colour scheme in here to. Perhaps add some candles to give it a more romantic feel. Or by adding some different lighting. Things like fairy lights draped over the head of the bed can make the room feel pretty and styled.

I hope this simple guide give you some inspiration to update your home.

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