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The weather these past few days is sort of uncanny, it is going to be dark for few hours then sun will shine after it. Well the other day is different the sky is all dark, heavy rain followed by thunderstorm and guess what there’s pieces of ice too, one of the car in the garage keep on alarming as if someone is stealing it.

It is definitely a hailstorm, according to what I read hail is a form of solid precipitation that consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice, each of which is referred to as a hail stone.  Hail is possible within most thunderstorms as it is produced by thunderclouds.

I first encounter this kind of weather few years ago I am applying for a job way back then accompanied by my mother and while we are going home to my Aunt house the weather suddenly changed, loud thunderstorm and heavy rains with small ball of ice. I am quite surprised about it because I never heard about that phenomenon pardon my being ignorant, science subject is boredom to me way back then studying scientific names and etc.,

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