Growing Orchids in the Home

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A garden can turn an ordinary area into a colorful and vibrant place. My mother had been busy arranging and moving her orchids in the side of our house.  She’d asked my father to look for extra drift woods for the orchids since the old ones were already dried and eaten by termites.

Drift Woods and Orchids

My mother decided to move the orchids so the dogs of our neighbors will not jump in our walked path to sleep or eat the food of our cats.  The walked path should have steel fence but our house is far from being finished so putting the orchids in the side is an alternative solution.

Growing orchids is a source of income too, there are times that there is someone who buy the flower per piece. It cost ₱1.00 per piece for white orchids and for those with colors are ₱2.00 per piece, the flowers where used in town for special purpose.

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