Creating Business at Home

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My mother informed me today that our whole kitchen was turn down and they already moved our kitchen tools and utensils in front of our house and at the back of my Aunt’s store, they just put roof and cover to them for safety. I reminded them about seeing the perspective plan of our house because it was a week ago when they told me that they will scanned and emailed the house plan to me, my sister says they already scanned it but the problem is they can’t leave the house because it has no lock and they are afraid that our things will be stolen and they are also busy with their small printing business, as it was doing good. As what I have heard they already have  plenty of customers especially school is closing for vacation and students are getting a lot of projects in order to complete their subjects requirement.

Well, aside from printing they also offer invitation making and the other day I started designing the birthday invitation for my cousin’s daughter. My cousin want a specific design for the invitation, so I just can’t design the style I like. I learned making invitation from my old job, I even made label for candies and offer cheap label printing those time.

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