Browsing Category: "House and Home"

Cleaning Out the Boxes

These past few days my husband is in the mood cleaning out inside our apartment like throwing boxes and other things that he thinks occupying so much space. He even found my collections of beauty products and demanded the cabinet to be clean so he can hide the printer,  we thrown set of boxes.

Instead of throwing them in the designated garbage area I left the boxes at the front gate of the our old woman neighbor so when she is going to wake up in the morning she can see them.


Our apartment is somehow cluttered. My things are scattered on the floor beside my bed because we don’t have a lot of cabinet to organize our stuff or let me say the large cabinet is already full with boxes and other important things that we thought of keeping. Living in an apartment is really not a best idea because you don’t have a cellar or basement to keep your old but important things like old  leather briefcase, kitchen utensils and other electrical appliances that you seldom used.

Basement is important part of the house, it can add  potential and you could use it as well as a favorite area of your house. You can make it as music  room or laundry area, not really the place where you are going to wash your clothes but somehow the place where you can freely iron your clothes.

Bathroom Problems

The landlord came today with his wife and another guy to see or fix the problem in the bathroom, after they saw it they also went out immediately as what I have understand the landlord says he will be the one who fix it.

Dunno if they understand what is the problem because we also show them the broken control pipe of the hot water in the bathroom.

Leaking Hot Water Pipe

The pipe of the hot water in out bathroom is leaking, it is coming from the main control. It just started leaking without us touching it, we are about to sleep last night when it happened. I went to the kitchen to drink water and I run the water to fill -up the water filter when we heard water in the bathroom that sounds like the shower is on. I was scared at first because nobody is in the bathroom, my husband checked it so I followed with him and there we found out that the pipe control of the hot water is broken so we turned off the hot water and went to bed.

On Tuesday a plumber man will visit here as my husband co-teacher had told  him so I guess he has two things to fix the sewage and the broken control pipe of the water in the bathroom.

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Hiring a Home Helper

Now a days hiring a nanny or helper is not that safe anymore. Some people has a bad motive for the homeowners or has a bad attitude towards the kids that’s why you really need to be careful when hiring someone to entrust your child and home to somebody else’s care. Conducting an interview is a must, asking for background history or police clearance is important too because you may never know what kind of person you are hiring.

Sometimes it is better to hire someone you know or referred by someone because you can atleast make sure you have a complete information about who are you hiring, well the good thing now a days you can check anyone’s background online like for example you can check background checks here before accepting someone inside your home or an employee in your company.

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Drain and Sewage Problem

I just finished mopping the floor and washing the clothes, such a busy day today.  I also  cleaned the kitchen and the sink just very lucky that I already cleaned the bathroom the other day. Speaking of the bathroom last night was a night I can’t forget, water leaked in our bathroom from the pipe that is connected with the sink it is not from our bathroom nor from the sink the dirty water is coming from other occupants or other apartment room in this building where we are staying.

[Image from]

The water stinks like shit and I think there’s shit too. There’s big chunks of yellow particles which my thought as eggs so in order to flush them in the drain I took it with my bare hands and it was a big mistake it is soft like cake and stinks like shit. So yucky and gross, I washed my hands thoroughly with soap and use hand sanitizer with 99.99% alcohol.  I felt disturb thinking I hold someone’s shit, if my finger is not part of my body I already cut them.

I cleaned the bathroom with bleach and my husband emailed his co-teacher and one of the manager in the company about the sewage problem in our apartment and after cleaning and sending message, water floods again in our bathroom, the water is not coming from upstairs because we can’t hear it so we guess it is from the apartment room beside us. We took a video of it just in case the landlords want a proof or they can’t understand what is the problem in our apartment.

Leaking Pipe

While washing the dishes and the juicer machine I can hear water leaking in a plastic so I immediately took the piece of wood that is part of our kitchen cabinet and take a look below the kitchen sink. I am right indeed the kitchen pipe is leaking, so I wiped the water in the floor and removed the plastic I use to tied the pipe and changed it to the new one.  It was a hard thing to do because the space is not enough, all I can do is stretch my arms so I can reached the pipe.

When I told my husband that he should be the one doing the plumber job at home, he replied that it is impossible because we both know that he won’t fit in the small space.

Safety at Home with Grip Strut

In our province we attached the antenna of a television in a bamboo poll  and  plant it beside the house to get clear signal or channel.  There are times  when typhoon came  the antenna is damage, if it is not broken you can see it in the ground. So when a good weather came we climb to our roof to fix our antenna using  a bamboo ladder which is just borrowed from  a relative,  bamboo ladder is commonly used in the province to reach high places when cleaning or fixing something. It is safe but sometimes it is not especially if you are using the ladder when it is wet or during rainy days, it is somehow slippery.  Well I guess it is time for us to use  ladders with grip strut because it is safe, easy to use and more convenient.

How to Remove Chewing Gum in the Floor

While I am busy surfing around my husband called my attention for something stuck to his feet, he found a chewing gum in the floor. We are both pointing to each other who brought inside it in our apartment, we didn’t chew gum these past few days so it means one of us accidentally stepped on a chewing gum outside.

[Image not mine]

I tried to removed  it but it is to soft to do it and it just keep sticking on my finger or into the plastic tool I am using my husband told me to get ice cubes in the fridge to make it hard, so I did and I am able to removed it from the floor.

Dusty Apartment

I didn’t expect that our apartment will be dusty when we arrived home from our vacation because all windows and doors are closed.  My husband says there’s still point of entry for the dust because the windows are not really tightly seal so instead of resting today I do some cleaning like mopping the floor and I think tomorrow I am going to clean the bathroom, I still feel dizzy from our three flights going home. I still badly need sleep and rest.

When we arrived too it is too hot inside our apartment that we can’t feel the air-conditioning is running we thought it is broken at first which added more stress to us after going home bagless, airline left our bags somewhere.