Bathroom Tiles Ideas and Design

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Remodeling or  creating a good bathroom is a big project  and could be expensive to imagine. Like most part of the house designing your bathroom needs careful planning, what type of tiles you were going to use, best accessories that will fit your bathroom design and style. Bathroom tiles comes is variety of choices from sizes, shapes, textures and patterns so it is up to you to choose which style and color fits your taste.


[Image not Mine]

My mother informed me that they already bought tiles for our bathroom floor and walls. I immediately asked if the tiles they bought for the floor  is a little rough, gladly they bought the right tiles for the floor. A rough tiles for the bathroom floor is safe because it is not prone to being slippery when wet unlike the tiles which are usually in walls which are usually shiny and smooth.

One of the bathroom floor tile that is often used is ceramic because of its resistance to dampness which is not slippery when wet, durability and  ease of cleaning. A slip-resistant surface for bathroom safety  is one of the best bathroom tile ideas you should remember.

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