Bathroom Remodeling Ideas: It’s All In The Details…

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The bathroom. It’s a place the whole family use on a regular basis. That’s why it’s important you get everything you need for a functional family bathroom. Making sure the space works for everybody is important. But, essentials aside, have you spent enough time on your bathroom? As well as ensuring it works as a family room, it’s important to make it appealing. No one wants to bathe in an uninspiring place, after all. There’s plenty of advice out there about how to freshen your bathroom, so that’s not what we’ll be looking at. Instead, we’re going to look at the small details. As well as looking fantastic, these can ensure your bathroom is as easy to use as possible!

Toilet Flush

You can be sure your toilet flush gets a lot of use. Everybody who uses the bathroom is going to use it. But, have you put any thought into the flush you use? Chances are, you’re still using what was there when you moved in. Take a little time to consider whether that’s the best option for your needs. It might be the case that a different flush could serve you and your family a lot better. There are many to choose from. Look into pull chains, automatic sensors, and flushes that you press down. A chain choice could be a fantastic feature, especially if you have a vintage theme. And, an automatic option could be perfect if you have young children. That way, you won’t get any nasty surprises when you go in after and they’ve forgotten to flush! Push down options have benefits as well, though they may be more difficult to install. They’re usually built into the toilet. But, they have a heavy and light flow option, and can help to cut your water use!


It’s equally important to consider your taps. Again, you’re probably still using the originals. But, taps get unreliable and blocked over time. Even if they’re still functioning, something more special could make a fantastic feature for your bath. And, it’s not just bath taps you need consider. The sink also has taps you could play with. Again, there are many options. Taps that you have to turn can be irritating, and aren’t the most hygienic. Instead, opt for an option that you lift up or push down. Again, you could choose a tap with a sensor!

Shower Head

Your shower head is another feature you should consider replacing. Like taps, shower heads become less effective over time. If your shower head is old, it may not be as good at getting you clean. Again, you could opt for a something that looks fantastic, too. Choose from fixed, and handheld options. You may want to stray from the traditional round choice and go for something square instead. This option has the bonus of spreading the water over a larger surface area! Have fun and get to know your options. A little research is sure to lead to the perfect thing.

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